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Meet Stan Soja

With over twenty years of race service experience, Stan Soja brings his knowledge and talents to alpine ski racing in New England.  As Toko's Alpine Race Service Director for New England, Stan's duties are diverse.  Ranging from hands-on tuning and waxing clinics for junior USSA programs to technical wax selection and application tips for the highest levels of Academy and University competition, Stan's efforts help athletes achieve their best results. 

Stan SojaOn any given day you may find Stan helping out at one of the elite level races in northern New England or maybe just showing up to dispense wax advice to high school athletes at their first race of the winter.  At least in part, many athletes and coaches owe the success of their achievements to Stan and his love of ski racing.
Photo - Stan Soja
Toko History Timeline Available for Viewing on

Olympia Toko HistoryA timeline showing some landmarks in the history of the company Toko as well as some of the technological breakthroughs is now available for viewing on
Photo - Olympia Combi Waxes

Toko Tech Manual 07/08 Available
Toko Racing Service Logo
The Toko Tech Manual has been updated and posted on the Info Center part of  The Toko Tech Manual is written in a clear manner and includes what waxes and techniques to use, why, and when.  It also gives a great overview of principles of ski preparation.

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9 November 2007

Tech Tip
Cleaning Brush
After a while, brushes can become clogged with wax and even dirt.  One way to clean a brush is to aggressively rub a scraper edge against it going back and forth.  Another way is to take two brushes and put snow between then and rub them back and forth.  The snow helps to remove the wax.  Others wash their brushes with very hot water or even put them in the dishwasher.  These practices are discouraged because after prolonged exposure to water, the wooden brush handles will warp.

Product Highlight
Multi Base File Control
The Multibase File Control is a great tool for teams especially.  This tool, obviously used with a file, enables the tuner to apply a .5 to 1.5 degree base edge (and anything in between).  This versatile and easy to use tool costs $48.