Case Histories
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Upcoming Events
August 23, 2012 Palo Alto, CA
August 24-26, 2012 Esalen Institute Big Sur, CA
September 5, 2012 Online
September 6, 2012 Online
September 26-30, 2012 San Diego, CA
October 1-27, 2012 Omega Institute Rhinebeck, NY _______
October 7-12, 2012 Omega Institute Rhinebeck, NY _______
October 12-14, 2012 Omega Institute Rhinebeck, NY
October 16, 2012 Edison, NJ
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Complete the classroom portion of Year 1 of the EEM Certification Program in a month-long intensive!
Strengthen Abdominal Muscles
Did you know that you can strengthen abdominal muscles by tracing Small Intestine meridian forward and doing the Crown Pull?
 | Donna demonstrating the Crown Pull. |
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Innersource Supports "Project Light"
Learn how Energy Psychology is helping war-torn countries heal and restore.
Donna's first job after leaving home was to work with the dolphins and whales at SeaWorld in San Diego, starting the year before it opened to the public. She loved swimming and hanging out with them, but she also participated in healings, birthings, and helping a whale who had lost his mate to grieve and live when it looked like he was about to die. When she left SeaWorld, one of the dolphins she witnessed being birthed after swimming with the mom during her pregnancy (no one helps dolphins birth but the "auntie" dolphin) was named after her, Donna Dolphin, the the kind of honor one puts on one's tombstone. A few years ago, it brought Donna great pleasure when Jack and Donna Kassewitz (whose organization, Dolphin Discovery, is responsible for more human-dolphin contact each year than any other organization) invited us to have insider experiences at two of their facilities. Donna K later went on to the EEM Certification Program and has found that EEM not only helps the dolphins, but that the dolphins pitch in with their own healing sounds when EEM is being applied to humans! See Donna K's wonderful story below.
Also in this issue is a report of an important breakthrough in bringing Energy Psychology to veterans. "BattleTap" is a beautiful online resource with which we are very proud to have some small degree of association. Also, if you are doing energy work with veterans or military personnel, read about the special scholarships we have been authorized to offer for Omega Institute's September Conference on Treating Veterans with PTSD. In this issue, you will also learn about a new class being offered at the International Gathering of Eden Energy Medicine (IGEEM) Conference and a free teleseminar with Caroline Myss (who wrote the Foreword to Energy Medicine). Finally, this month's Energy Tip leads to better digestion and stronger abs. How good is that!
Wishing you some joyful surprises during these last days of summer.
Love, Donna and David
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Dolphins Amplify the Power of EEM by Donna Kassweitz
I live a very blessed life that includes conducting dolphin research, so what could be better than that? Well throw in some Eden Energy Medicine (EEM), and the "awesome" meter goes up even more!
During one of our dolphin research expeditions in Mexico last month, I had an interesting experience combining dolphins and EEM, which provided me with another confirmation of the value of energy work. We were at Dolphin Discovery in Puerto Aventuras, where my husband, Jack, and I conduct much of our research. I was in the dolphin lagoon with a friend, Manuel, who had suffered a crushing blow to multiple cervical vertebrae when a concrete block in the ceiling of a restaurant fell on the back of his neck five years ago. Doctors had told him that he would never have any movement below his neck for the rest of his life. Manuel refused to accept this and began pursuing a variety of therapies.
When we had first met Manuel four years ago, he had managed to achieve small movements with his arms but had no feeling below his neck at all. He'd already had a few dolphin swims and believed it had helped him, so we vowed to make time in the middle of our research to get him in the water with dolphins every time we were in Mexico. Read on ...
Battle Tap | |
Bringing EFT to Veterans in the Privacy of their Homes
Battle Tap is an online Energy Psychology program customized for "armed public service professionals." It's designed to bring EFT right into the computer of a veteran, police officer, or active duty soldier. It can be used systematically to overcome the effects of trauma. It can also help anytime the person feels emotional distress. The program was developed by several of David's close colleagues and is supported by a volunteer organization, whose president is Sandra Wiseman, an EEMCP Graduate! Over the past year, dedicated volunteers have been developing Battle Tap using the latest online technology.
The program is intuitive and easy to understand, with rich video, audio, and graphic interfaces. Users enter the text of their distressing memories into the program and score their distress on a scale from 0 (no distress) to 10 (maximum) distress. The program next guides them through the use of EFT on that distress and then has them re-score the severity of their problem. The software keeps a record of each user's issues and progress, so they can evaluate and track improvement. It also offers them a discussion group where they can ask questions and connect with others, a review of EFT research on PTSD, and descriptions of EFT written in language that connects with armed public service professionals. This program can be used on home computers as well as mobile devices. We encourage you to share Battle Tap with anyone you know who is suffering with PTSD. |
IGEEM Updates | |
Individual Day Registrations Available and New Class Added!
We are excited that after two years of planning IGEEM, it is only six weeks away! We are thrilled to see that so many of you are coming to San Diego to celebrate with us.
Due to popular demand, we are pleased to announce that starting today, you can purchase individual day registrations, as well as the pre and post classes by themselves. A couple of the classes have sold out, but most classes still have some availability.
We are proud to announce that we have added a NEW CLASS to the Saturday morning schedule, September 29. Richard and Shanti Duree (long-time friends of Donna and David) have graciously stepped up at the last moment to fill in for another presenter who unexpectedly needed to cancel. Their class, The Energy of Perception, is a welcome addition to our already stellar selection of courses.
IGEEM will offer CEs for selected classes at no additional cost -it is included in your registration fees!
We are pleased to announce that Innersource is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider (450052-06). Innersource is also approved by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences (CA BBS) to offer continuing education for MFT, LPCC, LEP, and LCSW licensure requirements in California (PCE 5055). Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) and Commission on Religious Counseling and Healing CEs will also be available for selected classes.
To read more about the new class, CE offerings, and all other IGEEM-related information, please visit our website:
Scholarships Available | |
Scholarships Available for Omega Conference on Treating Veterans with PTSD
David will be a presenter at this important conference, which will feature Jon Kabat-Zinn, Bessel van der Kolk, Peter Levine, Rollin McCraty, and other luminaries. The number of veterans dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is in the hundreds of thousands, including an estimated one of every three who have returned from deployments in Afghanistan and Iraq. PTSD finds tragic expression in suicide, homelessness, abusive behavior, addiction, and other issues at great cost to individuals, families, and society. This growing crisis calls for creative and alternative approaches in the search for successful treatment. The conference will focus on mind-body approaches to treatment. It overlaps with David's and Donna's Energy Medicine weekend (October 12-14), making it possible for David to duck in to do a presentation on Energy Psychology. In lieu of payment, Omega has offered us the opportunity to grant a number of scholarships to people in our community who are using Energy Medicine or Energy Psychology with veterans and would like to deepen their education in working with vets. You would still be responsible for travel, room, and board, but your entire tuition would be waived. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to Dondi Dahlin letting us know about your desire to attend, that the scholarship would make it possible for you to attend, and a bit about your background and your work with veterans. |
Energy Tip | |
Working With Small Intestine Meridian for Better Digestion and Stronger Abs
Small Intestine meridian's job is to help us take things into ourselves, whether a substance, experience, or new idea. Often, it makes these decisions very rapidly. The small intestine organ's job is to decide whether to keep what's being digested or get rid of it. These are quick decisions, too.
If you're having problems discerning or deciding things quickly, or you are having digestive difficulties, you may need to work with Small Intestine meridian. This important meridian also governs the abdominal muscles, so hip and back problems can be caused by Small Intestine meridian, as well.
Exercise: If your digestive tract is sluggish, flush Small Intestine meridian and rub the Small Intestine Neurolymphatic points on the inside of the thighs and all along the bottom of the rib cage (pp. 96-97). This helps speed the digestive process.
Exercise: To get the whole digestive system moving, trace Small Intestine meridian (pp. 115-118) and Stomach meridian (pg. 123-124) frequently.
Exercise: Strengthen abdominal muscles by tracing Small Intestine meridian forward (pp. 115-118) and doing the Crown Pull (pg. 88-90).
Note: Page numbers correlate with the book Energy Medicine (Tarchar/Penguin, 2008)
News from our Friends | |
Spirituality in Healing Teleseminar
Energy Medicine sessions often touch into the world of spirit. A teleseminar series called "Spirituality in Healing" has been addressing this relationship head-on, and so far it has been excellent. The speakers have included:
- Ram Dass, Ph.D.
- Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.
- Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D.
- Stephen and Ondrea Levine
- Larry Dossey, M.D.
The Final Session is this Wednesday, August 22, with Caroline Myss
Caroline wrote the foreword to our book, Energy Medicine
You Can Hear This Session FREE
You can also purchase audio downloads of all the sessions. The series has been sponsored by our good friends at the National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine (NICABM). We know most of the presenters, and they are extraordinary people. We have admired Joan since she published her ground-breaking Minding the Body; Mending in the Mind and have immensely enjoyed getting to know her in recent years. Ram Dass and Stephen Levine both endorsed David's book Rituals for Living and Dying, and we've taken extended workshops with Ram Dass and Stephen and Ondrea, and had lovely interactions with each of them. Larry Dossey has been a light in complementary healing for decades and has been very kind to us. It is a wonderful line-up. We are happy to recommend this series to you. Read more.