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It is a public group for sharing about Energy Medicine as taught by Donna Eden. This is a great place to collaborate and discuss Eden Energy Medicine.
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Eden Energy Medicine Programs
We are pleased to bring you exciting updates from the world of Innersource. There is much to share.
Each of us has recently had our own significant and gratifying encounter with the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP), described below. We have several new initiatives to share, too. Our new Facebook group keeps EEM vital, personal, and fun (see sidebar). And as Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) continues to expand like wild energy, we have launched a new teacher training program that will result in a blitz of entry-level EEM classes around the country. Both of these exciting developments are included in this issue.
We believe history will show that one of EEM's major contributions to health care was identifying nine major energy systems that keep the body healthy, and teaching people effective ways to work with them. You have probably read about these nine systems in Energy Medicine, but it is special to watch and hear Donna describe each of them in the new DVD, described below.
We are so proud to have Bruce Lipton, Jean Houston, Candace Pert, Alberto Villoldo, and James Oschman as keynote presenters at our International Conference (IGEEM) in San Diego this September. Registrations are coming in fast, and there are still a couple of days left for the Early Bird Special. More below.
Finally, this month's Energy Tip presents one of Donna's most sure-fire techniques for helping people reduce irrational fear, in the moment.
May this time of summer solstice be shining sweetly upon you!
Love, Donna and David
Case History:
Energy Medicine Ends a Child's Digestive Disorder and Bed-wetting
 A team of Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) Certified Practitioners worked with a child who was vomiting nightly without a medically-known cause. Using the EEM principles of the Meridian Flow Wheel and the Five Elements, they were able to restore balance to the child's energetic system, ending not only the vomiting, but also, regular bed-wetting. Read on ...
Read More Case Histories | Submit A Case History
IGEEM Early Bird Registration Ends Friday, June 29th
June 29 is coming up fast and it's an important date to remember. This is the deadline for the $100 IGEEM Early Bird discount and your last chance to sign up to pay your Registration fees in installments.
going to be a stunning event with classes for all levels, from beginner to advanced. We are excited to see over 200 attendees already registered! IGEEM offers everyone the ability to mingle with EEM Practitioners of all levels, as well as enjoy the diverse selection of classes offered, making this a unique and valuable learning experience not to be missed. Please note: some classes have less than five spots left open, so sign up soon for the best selection!
This remarkable event takes place September 26-30, 2012, in San Diego, CA, at the tropical Hilton San Diego Resort & Spa on beautiful Mission Bay. Take advantage of our special discounted IGEEM Convention rates to enjoy America's Finest City. Reserve your hotel room now, as space at our reduced price is limited. We look forward to sharing this special time with you in San Diego!
The Nine Energy Systems (DVD)
The body's energy anatomy is as intricate and multi-layered as its physical anatomy. In Eden Energy Medicine (EEM), Donna Eden has categorized this complexity into nine primary, interrelated energy systems.
Explore the Nine Energy Systems in this new DVD program with Donna and David from an opening session of the EEM Certification Program.
Introductory Offer
$22 until July 12, 2012 Regular $24.95
This DVD was designed for our EEM Certification Program students as study material, but we find the information so useful and easy to follow that we're sure you'll enjoy it, too!
Note: No other promotions or discounts apply to this special offer.
New Training Classes for Eden Energy Medicine
We are excited to announce the successful launch of our newest training module: Teaching Eden Energy Medicine (TEEM)!
The TEEM 101 class uses EEM tools to help improve teaching skills through a lively mix of lecture, demonstration, and presentation of practice modules during class. There is a three-month mentorship after the TEEM 101 class during which students begin teaching entry-level EM101 classes. TEEM 101 graduates are also eligible to apply to TEEM Foundations, a training that prepares students to teach Year 1 of the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program.
 | TEEM Students at the inaugural class! |
Our inaugural TEEM 101 class ran in May and was a huge success! One student summed up her TEEM 101 experience this way:
"I loved the TEEM 101 class. One of the things I learned was how different speakers have different styles and that any style, when spoken from the heart, is a beautiful thing to see. I want to be a great speaker/teacher and I feel this class was an invaluable experience in starting me down the teaching path." Elaine Alker
After completing TEEM 101, students are able to teach EM101 and EM102 classes in their communities using Innersource handouts. These classes are promoted on the Innersource website, too. For a listing of EM101/102 classes around the country, please click here. There are lots of these EM101/102 classes popping up as the students from the May TEEM 101 class hurry out to teach.
The next TEEM 101 class will be this August, and will run concurrently with the EEM Certification Program from August 2-6, 2012, in Phoenix, AZ.
The Impact of Eden Energy Medicine on Energy Psychology
With the upswell in interest and popularity of Energy Psychology (more than 500,000 people participated in the Tapping World Summit online last month), we were thrilled to see the results of a recent survey of the membership of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP). For years, in her keynote addresses, teleseminars, and other opportunities to address Energy Psychology practitioners, Donna has emphasized the ways that Energy Medicine can provide Energy Psychology practitioners with a range of tools for increasing their effectiveness with their clients. Stimulating acupuncture points, for instance, simply has a stronger impact if the person's energies have first been stabilized. And all the tapping in the world won't bring a person out of depression if homolateral patterns in the person's energies are not corrected. Donna's message has been that Energy Medicine has a great deal to offer Energy Psychology practitioners in many ways.
Apparently, people have been listening. The ACEP Survey revealed that Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) is the second most widely-used modality by its members. Only Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) was listed more frequently. In actual practice, EEM is the second modality for most of the Energy Psychology practitioners who listed it, after their primary, more psychologically-oriented treatment approach (such as EFT, Thought Field Therapy, Tapas Acupressure Technique, or Comprehensive Energy Psychology). What this means is that these practitioners are expanding their ability to be effective with growing numbers of clients, and we are deeply gratified that EEM is the approach they are using to do so.
 | Chart from www.energypsych.org |
David Receives the 2012
Outstanding Contribution Award from the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP)
Dr. David Gruder (ACEP's
David Feinstein, Ph.D.
Founding President)'s made the following remarks on presenting the Award:
"... Getting Continuing Education credit for Energy Psychology training means ACEP becomes the premier Energy Psychology Continuing Education provider. Bring able to award CE credit for psychologists means that ACEP will be able to create vast new levels of visibility for EP . . . One member of our ACEP family has done more to make the case over and over, in prestigious peer-reviewed APA journals, the current body of EP research meets the criteria ..." Read entire award presentation and David's acceptance remarks ...
Energy Tip: Escape the Grip of Fear
When you are caught in fear, anxiety, or a phobia, try tapping a point on the Triple Warmer (TW) meridian. TW governs the fight, flight, or freeze response, and can help alleviate the fear. Use this simple technique the next time you feel fearful or anxious.
- Sink into the fear.
Place your hand over your heart and start tapping the back side of your hand halfway between your wrist and fingers, aligned with the point where your fourth and fifth fingers converge (see image on right). Tap there for about one minute.- If you still feel the fear, repeat the same process on the other hand.
Even for a long-standing phobia, repeated use of this technique will begin to alter the underlying energetic pattern.
Triple Warmer meridian not only governs the flight, fight, or freeze response, it also governs habits. So you may need to tap this TW spot on the hand (also called the "gamut point" in Energy Psychology) for an extended period of time before TW lets go of the pattern.