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 | Donna & David teaching at the EEMCP Class 8, 2012 |
We find it particularly gratifying when people we have never met are able to turn around difficult and often progressive medical conditions and credit our books for their successes. Read, below, a story we recently received from a perfect stranger. We also love hearing from physicians who have been able to apply energy medicine to help their patients in ways the other tools at their disposal could not. See the unsolicited comments from T.D. Wood, M.D., in this issue's "Amazon Review of the Month." On the personal front, Donna's father grew increasingly kind and wise as his life progressed. A poignant glimpse into his journey is reprinted below. This issue also reports on Energy Psychology receiving new positive media attention and tells you how to sign up for a free teleseminar series on Energy Psychology in which Donna is one of the presenters. We are thrilled to announce that 27 Foundations Classes (the first year of the two-year Certification Program) are being taught throughout the country beginning this April and May. Also, see the photo verifying that energy medicine is not just for women. And, finally, learn one of Donna's favorite exercises for giving your body an energetic spring cleaning.
Love, Donna and David
Case History:
Energy Medicine Restores Mobility to an Infected Leg
Odette Slater is a body worker and teacher of Yoga, Pilates, CranioSacral, and many other energetic and body modalities. She learned Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) techniques by studying Donna's books and used her knowledge of EEM to aid her recovery from a painful and debilitating bone infection.  | Odette with her family, after a mini-triathalon event, 1 year after her ordeal. |
In January of 2010, Odette began driving her mother's car and due to the unfamiliar configuration of the seat and door, she banged her knee and shin many times getting in and out of the car. One day after a Yoga practice, she noticed a painful bump just below her left knee which got worse over the next couple of days. She visited a doctor and was told that it was bursitis which she could treat with Ibuprofen and plenty of water. She tried this approach, but had an allergic reaction to the Ibuprofen. With her immune system overtaxed, the pain in her leg worsened and grew into a full bone infection. After several weeks, she couldn't walk or even bend her leg. Read on ... Read More Case Histories | Submit A Case History
Energy Medicine is for Men too!
 | "The Man Lunch," EEM Certification Program, February 2012. |
Springing into Love The Rhythms of A Man's Life By Donna Eden
While he was apparently dying of heart disease, my father went through a transformation that was both beautiful and profound, and I relate it here as an example of the power of moving through a difficult rhythm within the seasons of one's life.
Daddy was strong in the rhythms of both spring and summer, but he lived the worst, not the best, of each. Spring is the season of absolutes, of taking root, of pushing forth into life. There are no in-betweens: you blossom or you die, and Daddy saw life in black and white, right and wrong. Much of life's richness was lost on him. Spring is also assertive, as the seedling explodes out of the ground, and it is protective, fiercely defending its young. But when stifled, it becomes anger. Daddy's demeanor could immediately put others on the defensive. He was a very angry man. Read on ...
IGEEM Update
We are excited to announce that the final touches are being added to our registration site for the International Gathering of Eden Energy Medicine (IGEEM), and we will be testing it out in the next week or so. We know from all of your emails and phone calls that many of you are anxiously waiting for registration to start - and so are we. Watch your inbox for a special IGEEM newsletter with all of the registration details once we confirm the launch date. The whole event is getting better and more exciting every day and we look forward to seeing you in San Diego in September. We've posted the complete schedule online. Click here for the latest updates!
Energy Psychology Featured in the Huffington Post
While the mental health profession continues to debate the merits of Energy Psychology, recognition of its effectiveness by the wider community is reaching a tipping point. David was recently one of the psychologists quoted in a Huffington Post article titled "Breakthroughs in Energy Psychology: A New Way to Heal the Body and Mind." You can read the entire article here.
Healing and Transformation: Energy Psychology Cafe with Donna Eden
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
 | Click the picture above to watch Sharon & Meyer's video. |
We want to tell you about a free teleseminar series focusing on Energy Psychology. As you know, we believe Energy Psychology is an extraordinarily important development both for healing professionals and for everyone on a self-help basis.
The teleseminar, called Healing and Transformation, is produced by Sharon Cass-Toole & Meyer Toole, the hosts of Energy Psychology Cafe. Sharon is the founder and director of the annual Canadian Energy Psychology Conference.
Amazon Review of the Month

"I wish my MD training had included this Wisdom" By T.D. Wood, M.D. (Portland, Oregon)
"As an MD frustrated with frequent harm inherent in so many of the treatment options I see prescribed for my patients by other physicians or faced with my training that pushes interventions rife with risk of harm, I am exceptionally pleased to see wise and non harmful options that are effective far beyond expectations and invariably NON harmful.

From an obviously well meaning and experientially blessed wisdom, Ms Eden repeatedly offers practical and insightful techniques that are only challenging because of what I would call Western and Ivory Tower prejudice, and my educational background has Ivory Tower written all over it. If you have any stress related illnesses, want to embrace your own body's wisdom or you treat patients in any capacity, I strongly encourage you to invest in this body of teaching. It can change your life if only you drop preconceptions and try it. It should help that this western interpretation is based in thousands of years of traditional Chinese medicine that hasn't prevailed as complimentary medicine by chance."
EEM Foundations Classes With 27 class locations, there is one near you!
The Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) Foundations Classes are a one-year program where you will learn and practice the fundamentals of EEM. Donna and her most senior staff members developed the program. These same staff members teach the classes regionally across the United States, usually near the area where they live.
The Foundations Classes are a one-year program to extensively study the fundamental EEM principles and methods. These classes are the groundwork for those students who wish to complete the EEM Certification Program and become an EEM Certified Practitioner. There are 27 class locations in North America, including two in Canada. More information  | 2012/2013 EEM Foundations Classes |
Energy Tip: Balance the Rhythm of Spring
Expel the Venom!
The energy of spring is about manifestation and moving forward. Spring is a great time to rid yourself of anything that holds you back. In the olden days, people ate bitter greens to help remove toxins that accumulated over the winter.
In EEM, there's a great exercise to help remove unwanted energies and make room for new, vibrant energy. It's called, "Expelling the Venom" (also called the Blow Out) and is especially effective at balancing the Rhythm of spring to make sure you don't get stuck or angry. It only takes a few minutes to do.
When you are feeling stuck or want to find the righteous anger within you:
- Stand with your hands on your thighs, fingers spread, and take a deep breath.
- With a deep inhalation, make fists out of your hands and swing your arms out to your sides and complete the circle by bringing them high above your head.
- With a loud "Shhhhhhhhhh" as you exhale, bring your fisted hands down swiftly, opening them as they reach toward the ground.
- Bring to mind the source of your anger and make your movements quick and forceful. Repeat three times.
- For a fourth time, feel your muscles and power unfolding as you slowly and deliberately circle your arms up and then pull your arms down as you exhale.
- Repeat until you feel the unbalanced energy dissipate.
Adapted from Chapter 7 of Donna Eden's Book Energy Medicine, 2008 Tarcher/Penguin.