Attend an Upcoming Event EEM Clinical Practicum ClassFebruary 16-20, 2012 Phoenix, AZ _______ Energy Psychology for the Energy Medicine PractitionerFebruary 20-21, 2012 Phoenix, AZ _______European Foundations ProgramMarch 9-12, 2012 Dorking, England _______ Psychotherapy Networker Symposium 2012 March 22-25, 2012 Washington, DC _______Energy Medicine: A Hands-On WorkshopApril 21-22, 2012 Omega, NYC ______14th Annual International Energy Psychology ConferenceMay 31 - June 3, 2012 San Diego, CA _______Spiritual Awakening ConferenceJune 8-11, 2012 West Palm Beach, FL _______
The Energy Medicine Kit

Boost Your Vitality & Improve Your Health with the Resources in the Energy Medicine "First Aid Kit":
- 28-page booklet on the basics of Energy Medicine.
- 43 photo-illustrated cards demonstrating all the exercises in this kit.
- DVD with 15 Restorative Exercises
- CD with 21 Techniques for Specific Situations
- One-inch cut glass crystal on a cord with instructions for energy balancing.
Regular $29.95 Sale Price $19.47
** Sale price valid through Midnight PST January 31, 2012. |
 | International Gathering of Eden Energy Medicine (IGEEM)
Registration details coming soon!
Innersource Mission Statement
Innersource's mission is to--with open minds and joyful hearts--educate and empower individuals, organizations, and communities to maximize their health and optimal functioning through the tools and concepts of Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology.  |
We hope 2012 has already brought you some deeply gratifying and memorable moments. Some of our favorites have been in learning how Energy Medicine has helped others without our direct involvement. Reports like the one in the letter we received from Gail Jett are particularly gratifying. The Case History article describes how Gail used Energy Medicine to help her father who has Parkinson's. We love hearing that an event or an interview touched someone deeply as described in the article the "Best Donna Eden Interview Ever". Positive feedback about the resources we have developed is always informative for us, and a pleasure to receive. The article "Tried it an WOW it worked for me" is a wonderful review of the Energy Medicine Kit.
Customer reviews can be useful for sorting your way through the 30 or more books, CDs, DVD programs, kits, and other Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology resources we've developed over the past dozen years. We never meant to make it confusing. Energy healing simply has many aspects and applications. Sometimes independent reviewers are able to describe the usefulness of a particular program better than we can. Nearly all the Amazon reviews of our products are by people we've never met. We are going to experiment with an "Amazon Review of the Month" to feature a different resource each month, described from the perspective of someone who has used it.
Another extremely gratifying development for us over the past few years has been the extraordinary success of our Certification Program. The first year, the Foundations Course, will be offered in 27 locations this spring, plus a new launch in Europe. Every class will be taught by outstanding EEM teachers. And, as always, we close with an "Energy Tip of the Month," this one showing you ways to keep your immune system strong through a cold winter.
Sending you our love and blessings,
Donna and David
Case History:
Energy First Aid for Non-Responsive Patient While Waiting for the Paramedics
From a note sent by Gail Jett to Donna & David
My fa ther has Parkinson's and lives across the street from me. Yesterday, his evening caregiver arrived and he was non-responsive. She was scared. She said he was breathing but absolutely non-responsive. I'm a nurse and was there immediately. She was right. No response whatsoever, nor to noxious stimuli (sternal rub). I called 911.
After calling, I did a vigorous 3 thumps on him. Then I took his arms and legs and moved him into a cross crawl pattern (seated). I could feel him start to come around. Just as the paramedics got there, his eyes flew open, and he yelled " Fire truck!" He was completely fine after that. He says he could hear all of us but couldn't move. I suspect he had a TIA, or mini stroke. In addition to Parkinson's, he also has atrial fib. Anyway, the paramedics were surprised to see him alert and asked if I had done anything. I told them I had done some Chinese medicine/energy medicine techniques. They looked bemused. Not sure what they thought - you know how that goes- but anyway, Dad came around. So, another success story. Love, Gail
[Note: A week later, Gail wrote: "Everyone is still talking about it, including my dad!"]
For more information on Energy First Adi while waiting for paramedics to arrive, read An Energy Practitioner's Guide to Medical Emergencies.
Read More Case Histories | Submit A Case History
The Best Donna Interview Ever
Tami Simon founded Sounds True in 1985. Since starting out as a project with one woman and her tape recorder, the organization has grown into a multimedia publishing company with more than 80 employees, a library of more than 800 titles featuring some of the leading teachers and visionaries of our time, and an ever-expanding family of customers from across the world. Their Vision Statement: "Sounds True exists to inspire, support, and serve personal transformation and spiritual awakening." We are relaying all that to acknowledge how much inspiration we personally have gained from Sounds True CDs, DVDs, books, and kits.
 We are also proud to be among their authors. One of their favorite and consistently popular products, according to Sounds True staff we've worked with, is Donna's Energy Medicine Kit. We are highlighting it in our new "Amazon Review of the Month" feature, below. Recently, Sounds True asked if they could interview Donna, and to her delight, Tami was the interviewer. Here is what one listener said about the interview: "Wonderful, joyful, promising, uplifting, real, and loving!! I will listen to this again just to have Donna's lovely energy in my home. I was lucky enough to have taken a short workshop from Donna several years ago and was amazed by her radiant energy. She's for real. Thank you for presenting her!!!" Several listeners have told us that it was Donna's best interview ever. Listen to the interview.
The Energy Medicine Kit "Tried it and WOW it worked for me"

 "This kit arrived for my birthday and I used the cut-glass crystal as instructed and could really feel and even see the interaction of the spinning crystal with my finger energy. I could feel tingling in my meridians and more energy. The crystal is not used as a pendulum but is twisted to make it spin over key areas. Really very intriguing and effective. Then I had to do other things and got in at 10 pm. Thought I would watch the DVD. Did the exercises along with the DVD. Then thought I'd do some internet research. Got up to stretch and thought the clock must have stopped. It was 4 am and I didn't feel tired at all! I was so energized that I hardly slept even when I got to bed. Had to get up at 8 am so thought, well, I'll do the exercises I learned to help me through the day since I didn't sleep hardly at all. I had a great day and was extremely energetic. People commented. And I am a person who is tired all the time and gets sick from missing sleep! I love this stuff and am amazed how incredibly well it worked! But in the future I will certainly be more careful about charging up before going to bed! The DVD was like attending a seminar by Donna Eden, a very sweet spirit. She introduces you to muscle testing and the energy routines. They are not hard to do or to learn. I haven't even listened to the CD yet but can see from the cards that it contains more energy tricks. I like the cards because they are easy reminders on how to do the exercises as I am learning the maneuvers. I am wondering if there is more info in the book. I"ll probably buy it since I am so impressed with this kit. If you are tired all the time, buy this kit! Best wishes to all you intrepid folks wanting to learn more about our miraculous energetic bodies." Review excerpted from Amazon.com
The Coming Era: Aligning With the Power of Your Core
Quantum Healing, Consciousness, and Soul Teleseminar Series
Special 90-minute interview with Donna Eden January 19, 2012 at 9pm EST / 6pm PST  Whether the marks of these tumultuous times show up in your health, finances, or relationships, the challenges can be daunting. But the breakdown of the old structures also holds opportunity for new and more beautiful forms of social organization, consciousness, and lifestyle to be born. You can prepare yourself by obtaining the best possible information, tools, and support to help you make the positive potentials of your predicaments become a reality in your life.
Donna is a speaker in Season Six of the Quantum Healing, Consciousness and Soul Teleseminar, The Coming Era: Aligning With the Power of Your Core, with host Shifra Hendrie. The Teleseminar is FREE and you can listen from the comfort and convenience of your phone or the internet.
Register now to get complete call information. A FREE BONUS GIFT will be offered with Donna's interview!
EEM Foundations Classes
27 Locations to Choose From!
The Foundations Classes teach the fundamental principles and methods of Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) and build on the information and skills taught by Donna Eden in her ground-breaking book, Energy Medicine. Special emphasis is placed on anchoring the information for the student with repeated practice. Also covered are professional issues such as ethics and developing a practice. The Foundations Classes are the first year of the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program. Sufficient information and hands-on experience is provided in the Foundation Classes to enable students to use the material with confidence on themselves, family, and friends. Professionals who want to use EEM in their existing practices will also benefit from the Foundations Classes. To date, hundreds of doctors of medicine, osteopath, naturopathy, and chiropractic, as well as nurses, psychotherapists, life coaches, acupuncturists, massage therapists, yoga instructors, and occupational and physical therapists have all integrated EEM techniques into their practices with great success. The Foundations Classes meet once per quarter for a full year in selected locations ( See map and listings). Each class includes a strong mix of teaching and practice time, and includes a minimum of 24 hours of instruction. That means that students receive a total of at least 96 hours of training in Eden Energy Medicine during the Foundations Year. Not only are the Foundations Classes an important stand-alone training module, they also provide the groundwork for those students who wish to continue on to Year Two of the Certification Program on a path toward becoming an Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner.
Energy Tip:
Nip that Winter Bug in the Bud!
 | Donna demonstrating the Hook-Up |
Winter weather is upon us and that marks the beginning of the dreaded cold and flu season. But don't despair. There are plenty of quick and easy Eden Energy Medicine techniques to help keep you healthy, and a few others that will help you beat the bug, if you feel it creeping up on you. To stay healthy, you need to keep your energies balanced. This is the time to redouble your efforts to make the Daily Energy Routine (DER) a regular part of your life. The exercises in the DER help improve immune system function, increase vitality, and free your energy to fight any invader that threatens you. If the DER isn't a habitual part of your life, take this opportunity to reacquaint yourself with it now (pp. 72-100). If you begin to feel something coming on, you can often nip that illness at the onset with a few simple energy techniques. At the first sign of a cold or the flu, the following will really help. - Do the Connecting Heaven and Earth exercise to activate your immune system and move the bug through quickly (pg. 266).
- Do the Hook-up (pg. 98) and the Three Thumps to jump start your immune system (pg. 74).
- Massage your neurolymphatic reflex points to detoxify your body (pg. 92), then make sure you drink lots of water to help flush the toxins out.
 Winter doesn't need to be a time to worry about getting sick. It can be a wonderfully inspiring time of stillness and beauty; a time of rejuvenation. And it's yours to enjoy, if you keep your energies humming!
Page references are to Donna's Book Energy Medicine, 2008 Tarcher/Penguin.