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Attend an Upcoming Event Energy Psychology for the Energy Medicine PractitionerFebruary 20-21, 2012 Phoenix, AZ _______European Foundations ClassesMarch 9-12, 2012 Dorking, England _______ Psychotherapy Networker SymposiumMarch 21-25, 2012 Washington, DC _______Energy Medicine: A Hands-On WorkshopApril 21-22, 2012 Omega, NYC ______ Eden Energy Medicine Practice ClassMay 3-6, 2012 Phoenix, AZ _______David Feinstein on Just Energy RadioMay 25, 2012 Internet Radio _______ 14th Annual International Energy Psychology ConferenceMay 31 - June 3, 2012 San Diego, CA _______Spiritual Awakening ConferenceJune 8-11, 2012 West Palm Beach, FL _______Weekend Introductory Energy Medicine WorkshopAugust 24-26, 2012 The Esalen Institute Big Sur, CA _______
_______ Energy Medicine for Women Book & 2-DVD Set
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Offer valid February 13-24, 2012
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 | Titanya showing her mother, Donna, a great flow of love with a long held kiss on the side of her cheek. | We hope this Valentine's Day brings joy into your heart and a precious savoring of those you love and those who love you. This is the issue of the Heart and the Kiss. Learn how the energies of your heart affect the brain of your intimates. So what better use of Energy Medicine than to keep the energies of your heart flowing with the beautiful energies of the universe that surrounds you! And we can't forget the Kiss. It's another way to affect the brain of your intimates. Learn three kisses that have Donna's energetic seal of approval!
Our new "Amazon Review of the Month" takes us to the source of those three kisses, Energy Medicine for Women, where those three kisses were first described. People have told us what a positive affect this has had on their lives. On the other end of the spectrum from the Kiss is the eternal human struggle with pain. When you read the case history you will see how Energy Medicine can address pain in ways that drugs cannot, and it can be powerfully effective. Finally, if you have taken a class with us and want to practice what you learned, we are having a great hands-on EEM Practice Class in Phoenix May 3 - 6.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Love, Donna and David
Case History:
Energy Medicine for Pain Relief
John, a middle-aged man with chronic pain symptoms, was relieved of all pain with the implementation of some basic Energy Medicine interventions. John consulted Melanie Foster, an Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner (EEM-AP) in Salem, Oregon, with complaints of an excruciating pain in his ankles and knees. John is an avid golfer and was still playing despite the pain. He was riding in a golf cart to reduce the stress on his knees and ankles. Prior to coming to Melanie, he'd pursued chiropractic and massage therapies but found no relief. He'd also spoken to a surgeon who concluded that golfing was causing and exacerbating the problem. He advised John that he could either elect to have surgery with no guarantee of pain relief, or he could stop golfing and at least stop the pain from getting worse. Read on ...
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The Energies of Your Heart
 February 14th is Valentine's Day. This special day of celebrating love and friendship dates back to 496 AD. Over the years, the meaning of this day has changed in response to church doctrine and local culture. But one aspect of Valentine's Day that transcends time and geography is its focus on the heart. The heart is the organ we associate with love and all of the uplifting attributes and feelings we connect to love. And though we have intuitively understood the power of the heart, we are only now beginning to understand the biological and energetic influences that the human heart exerts on our daily lives. The Institute of HeartMath has been doing ground-breaking research into the activities and functioning of the heart. They have demonstrated that the heart generates the largest electromagnetic field in the body; that this field can influence the brainwaves of another person without a word being spoken; and that information generated in the heart's electromagnetic field is influenced by underlying emotions. The way you can wordlessly pick up on someone's "vibes" reflects this intermingling soup of heart-based fields. This understanding points towards a powerful way you as an individual can contribute to a more harmonious and cohesive collective experience. And that is to cultivate positive energy in your own heart field. If you feed the collective with the vibrations of gratitude, appreciation, and other positive emotions, you  | Mysteries of the Heart YouTube Video |
will help others in your presence entrain to those vibrations, which of course creates a ripple effect as they go on to influence the people around them. The Institute of HeartMath has a number of resources available to assist people in understanding the dynamics of the energetic heart, including a lovely video called Mysteries of the Heart. Energy Medicine is, of course, all about managing the ecology of your personal energy fields. The Daily Energy Routine, which helps balance all your energy systems with simple techniques that are pleasurable to do, gives you an easy way to feed your highest heart vibrations into the world around you. This Valentines Day, be sure to give your honey the gift of your true heart by opening it with the Daily Energy Routine. And, of course, flowers bring great energy as well! |
Amazon Review of the Month
 "Donna Eden is one of the foremost experts in Energy Medicine. Now she and her partner David Feinstein have collaborated on a fantastic new book: Energy Medicine for Women. This book is an encyclopedia of simple energy exercises you can easily learn, and use in only a few minutes a day. You can learn how to be a vibrant, capable woman who knows how to work skillfully with the rhythms of your very own body.
AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE!!! Unfortunately, traditional Western medicine has tended to ignore how much our hormones influence our Body, Mind & Spirit. I think the researchers decided that hormones were somehow just "too complicated." As a Psychologist, I work with a lot of clients who would prefer to find natural ways to support their mental and physical health, without taking drugs. Many of my clients would prefer NOT to go on antidepressants all month long, with their many side effects, just because they sometimes get depressed with PMS or Menopausal symptoms. Now Donna offers skillful ways to keep our bodies in balance, naturally. HOORAY! This is a book you won't want to be without, whether you are wanting help with PMS, Pregnancy, Menopause, or just general health & vitality. This book is truly a treasure map, helping us to once again appreciate our amazing, miraculous women's bodies.
Thank-you Donna & David!" Review excerpted from Amazon.com Read the foreword to Energy Medicine for Women by Christiane Northrup, M.D.
Donna Eden's Certification Training Comes to Europe Join us and be a part of this inaugural group!
The Eden Energy Medicine (EEM)
European Foundations Classes are designed to help you learn and practice the basics of Energy Medicine as taught by Donna Eden. The Foundations Classes were developed by Donna and her most senior staff members. It is Year 1 of the Two-Year EEM Certification Program. Enjoy four long weekends spread over the next year and learn healing tools that you will use for the rest of your life. Those who wish to become certified in EEM may continue on to a second year of study in the EEM Certification Program. Classes start March 2012 in Surrey, England: Enroll now!
There are also 27 class locations in North America, including two in Canada. More information
Energy Tip:
Three Great Kisses
(just in time for Valentine's Day)
Playfully thinking outside the box does not require techniques. You follow the energy and the energy follows you. Start with creative kissing.  | A romantic kiss on the top of the eyelid. |
The Three Great Kisses:
- Slowly, softly, mindfully, kiss behind one of your partner's knees. The neurovascular points that sit there are some of the sexiest points you can stimulate.
- One of the most romantic spots for a kiss is on top of the upper eyelid. Gently and fully attuned to the connection you are making, soften your lips and know you are stimulating the meridian that helps two people cozy up with each other.
- A long held kiss on the side of the cheek stimulates several energy points that help awaken the flow of love.
A common reason couples who have been together for a long time seek therapy is because one or both have lost interest in their physical relationship. Even techniques as simple as the Three Great Kisses can get the energy flowing well between partners again.
Adapted from page 172 of Donna Eden's Book Energy Medicine for Women, 2008 Tarcher/Penguin.