Attend an Upcoming Event Energy Medicine Weekend Workshop
October 21-23, 2011
Dulles, VA
An Evening Energy Medicine Class
October 25, 2011
Mt. Laurel, NJ
Donna on Flowdream Radio
November 3, 2011
On The Internet
Eden Energy Medicine Practice Class
November 17-20, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
Money Matters: Energy Solutions for Correcting and Creating a Consistent Flow of Money November 21-22, 2011 Phoenix, AZ _______ 2011 Psychology of Health, Immunity, and Disease Conference December 5-11, 2011 Hilton Head, SC _______ Tapping Down the Barriers to Intimacy with Energy Medicine and EFTFebruary 5-10, 2012 Kauai, HI ______
David is very proud to have been chosen to be part of the Psychotherapy State of the Art 2011 virtual conference, Nov 3 - 17. He will be one of 31 therapists the organizers are calling "The Best of the Best."
Neurolymphatic Reflex Points Chart
2-Sided laminated chart illustrating the reflex points.
 | Donna & David teaching at the Advanced Class |
While Energy Medicine can be used to directly address a wide range of medical conditions, hospitals are finding ways that it complements conventional treatment. For instance, the side effects of chemotherapy or radiation can be diminished by working with the energies they impact. In this issue, Pat Butler outlines the methods she has found most effective in her work at a major cancer hospital. A new report, summarized here, shows that hospitals throughout the country are increasingly turning to alternative therapies, and a change in Oregon law paves the way for our Certified Practitioners who are practicing there.
Meanwhile, on the Innersource front, we are so excited to announce that Dr. Candace Pert is going to be joining us at our IGEEM Convention next year. We also want to remind you about the Relationship Conference we will be participating in just before Valentine's Day. And because October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month our Energy Tip this month is on breast care. Don't forget that Halloween marks the time that the veils between this world and the world of spirit are believed to be the thinnest. Reach out and touch the higher guidance that is always there but a bit more accessible now.
Love, D & D
Energy Medicine Q&A's EEM Helping with Chemo and Radiation Side Effects at a Major Cancer Hospital
Q: I am receiving chemotherapy following the removal of a malignant tumor. Can Energy Medicine help with the side effects?
A: I've been gratified to learn that one of my students, Patricia Butler, has introduced Eden Energy Medicine into the Mind/Body/Medicine Program of a prominent cancer hospital in Central Florida. She has used it as a complement to conventional care and has found it to be very effective in easing the anxiety, nausea, and fatigue that often occur with chemotherapy. When she's been able to provide energy medicine for patients during their chemo infusions, many have reported fewer reactions to the medicine. Here's more of what Pat has shared:
When I use energy medicine with cancer patients, I end up working with nearly every dimension of the energy anatomy that I learned about from Donna. It's so gratifying to do this work and to be able to teach patients and families how to use these tools when they're at home. Read more Read more Q&A's
Excitement Builds on the IGEEM Keynote Line-Up
Candace Pert, Ph.D., will be joining  Drs. Bruce Lipton, Jean Houston, James Oschman, and Alberto Viloldo as a keynote presenter at the September 2012 International Gathering of Eden Energy Medicine (IGEEM) Convention. We can hardly believe our good fortune to have such an incredible line-up! Candace Pert, Ph.D., is an internationally recognized brain researcher whose earliest work involved the discovery of opiate receptors. Known also for her findings on the role of neuropeptides in the immune system, she has published more than 300 scientific articles as well as a bestseller on mind-body communication, Molecules of Emotion. She has appeared on major media, including "Larry King Live," was featured in the film "What the Bleep Do We Know!??," and in Bill Moyer's TV series "Healing and the Mind." Dr. Pert received her Ph.D. from The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, served as Chief of the Section on Brain Biochemistry of the Clinical Neuroscience Branch of NIMH, held a Research Professorship in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics at Georgetown University School of Medicine, and is currently the Scientific Director of RAPID Laboratories, Inc.
Alternative Therapy Making Its Way into Hospitals
The introduction of Energy Medicine in cancer units is part of a trend for the increased use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies in hospitals. A 2007 survey by NIH showed that 38 percent of adults had used some form of CAM, such as meditation, massage, healing touch, yoga, or other modalities. That is a lot of people, and they are spending between 12 and 17 billion dollars annually on such services. The recently released 2010 Complementary and Alternative Medicine Survey of Hospitals (PDF) shows that hospitals are getting into the act in a large way.  Forty-two percent of hospitals surveyed showed that CAM services are part of the hospital's strategic health care vision. We've been quoting a comment by Mehmet Oz, M.D., for some time now, observing that "Energy Medicine is the last great frontier in medicine." While it is exciting to be on the cutting edge of this new frontier, we are well aware that we are still way out on that frontier! Energy Medicine was not even mentioned in either the 2007 report or the 2010 report. Still having had 521 practitioners go through our 2-year Certification Program in the past 5 years, and with 300 more bright, enthused people currently enrolled, we feel this frontier firmly beneath our feet. The report reflects the enormous interest and need for effective alternatives to conventional health care practices, and we know that Energy Medicine stands ready to deliver.
Oregon Gets It Right on Energy Medicine
Great news! Just after having commented in the above piece about how Energy Medicine is still marginalized by the health care establishment (" way out on the frontier"), and after recently having criticized our home state of Oregon for some restrictive policies on energy healing, we just learned that Oregon has taken a giant step in the right direction. Oregon Governor Kitzhaber just signed SB 454, which will take effect January 1. The reason for the law is that people practicing Energy Medicine were being threatened for practicing massage without a license. The new law exempts our graduates and related practitioners so long as their services are not designated or implied to be massage therapy and that they are "certified by a professional organization or credentialing agency." By formally recognizing the value of Energy Medicine, the law adds legal credibility to our Certification Program, and it puts Oregon into the company of several other progressive states that have enacted similar legislation. Please encourage legislation in your state that is modeled after these enlightened initiatives!
EFT & Energy Medicine for Relationships
Energy Tip:
Massage Your Lymph System and Go Wireless for Breast Health
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Eden Energy Medicine techniques can make a big difference in breast health at so many levels. Not only are they important in breast cancer prevention, they can also play a healing role in treating cancer and coping with chemotherapy.
The lymph system in your body (pp. 47-51) plays a key role in helping to counter conditions that can lead to illness, ranging from colds to cancer. Massaging the Neurolymphatic Reflex Points (Figure 2-4, p. 50) sends reflexes to they lymph system, helping release toxins into the bloodstream so they can be eliminated from the body.
The use of underwire bras can stop energy flow and clog the Neurolymphatic Reflex Points located around the breast. This can harm the lymph tissue in the breast. Energy and lymph naturally move through these tissues, but this movement may become blocked due to continual use of an underwire bra (both metal and plastic underwires have this impact). Clogged energies and related physical residue can create pain and also an internal environment that invites future health problems, including cancer.
Massaging the lymphatic points around the breast is a great tool for promoting breast health and preventing stagnation caused by the wire in your bra. In fact, in Donna's classes, she recommends that all women wear bras without underwires. For a list of wireless bras click here.
Page references are to Donna's Book Energy Medicine for Women, 2008 Tarcher/Penguin.