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Upcoming Event Donna's Advanced Class - Energy, Intuition, and Eden's Way October 6-9, 2011Hard Rock Hotel San Diego, CA _______NEW!! 2011 Pain Relief World SummitOctober 8, 2011 On The Internet _______Teleclass with Donna October 13, 2011 On The Internet _______ Energy Medicine Weekend Workshop
October 21-23, 2011
Dulles, VA
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October 25, 2011
Mt. Laurel, NJ
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November 3, 2011
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Eden Energy Medicine Practice Class
November 17-20, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
Money Matters: Energy Solutions for Correcting and Creating a Consistent Flow of Money November 21-22, 2011 Phoenix, AZ _______ 2011 Psychology of Health, Immunity, and Disease Conference December 5-11, 2011 Hilton Head, SC _______ Tapping Down the Barriers to Intimacy with Energy Medicine and EFTFebruary 5-10, 2012 Kauai, HI ______
Order an autographed copy of Donna Eden's book, Energy Medicine.  | $17.95 each
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David and Donna take a moment off from teaching at Omega earlier this month.
Autumn is Donna's favorite season. We hope yours will bring you clean and peaceful endings to what no longer serves you, a natural planting of seeds that will bloom beautifully in spring, and a few wonderful surprises along the way.
Our case history this month is not about a dramatic cure, but instead demonstrates how one man in the dark cave of chronic, devastating, incurable physical pain was empowered through Donna's book and videos to be able to once again feel moments of joy. In his words, he was able to "be happy in the toughest moments . . . it changed my life." While some kinds of pain are nature's signal about what needs attention, pain that is serving no useful function is one of the most frequent complaints driving people to seek medical care.
Energy interventions are notable for helping people overcome this type of chronic pain. By focusing on the root causes of the pain in the body's energies, it addresses the basis of the pain rather than trying to mask it, the strategy used by pharmaceuticals. Plus no side effects. The outcomes have been so striking that the EFT leadership has organized an online "Worldwide Pain Relief Summit" in October to focus on energy techniques for relieving pain. Donna will be a speaker in this teleseminar series (see below). Also in this issue: 9-11 Tenth Anniversary reflections on the use of Energy Psychology in disaster relief, an exciting update on our 2012 EEM Convention, and an energy tip on picking yourself up when you are running out of steam. We hope you enjoy it.
Love, Donna & David
Case History: Energy Medicine Provides a Light for a Man Suffering with Incurable, Agonizing, Chronic Pain
Adi Saavedra contacted Donna by email last spring to offer his gratitude for Energy Medicine. Adi is ill with a chronic disease and suffers from a number of syndromes, including an extreme form of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS). He has had only marginal exposure to Eden Energy Medicine, but has used it to help manage the pain and discomfort that originate from the MCS and related issues. When Adi was 21 years old, he became very ill. Over the years he has had a litany of tests, diagnoses and prescriptions, but the illness has continued, his condition deteriorating over the years. He is now 34. The exact diagnosis of his disease has been difficult to establish. He has tested positive for the Lyme spirochete (Borrelia Burgdorferi), but the test has not been definitive. His doctor believes his main issue is Babesiosis, which is a malaria-like parasitic disease. There are other disease indications as well, but for all of them the tests that Western medicine has in its toolkit are not conclusive, and therefore the solutions offered by the medical community have not been very helpful. Correlated with these disease factors are a number of syndromes that he must live with, including MCS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Sick Building Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and Mold Illness. For most of his time he must stay at home, keeping plastic over the doors and windows and using a medical grade air purifier. But of course, he cannot stay in his house all of the time. When he goes into an environment that he cannot control, he will almost always have a reaction. If the reaction is not acute, he can try to control it with medicines, herbs or minerals. If his reaction is acute, there is nothing he can do and must endure extreme pain. This has been his life until recently, when someone gave him Donna's book, Energy Medicine. Read on ... Read More Case Histories | Submit A Case History
Pain Relief World Summit October 3-11, 2011
 For 6 days, starting October 3rd, 2011, you will get FREE access to the most cutting edge EFT pain relief techniques on the planet. In the Pain Relief World Summit you will get information that can radically change your life and provide you with dramatic and sustainable pain relief along with countless other physical and emotional benefits. Donna Eden is going to discuss Energy Medicine Techniques for Pain Relief.
Featuring Donna Eden
October 8, 2011
In the advanced bonus session with Donna you'll discover:
- Energy techniques that go beyond tapping and can improve your results from tapping.
- How "Radiant Circuits" affect your body.
- How our bodies haven't evolved for this modern world and the strategies you can use for health and wellness.
Learn how you can have dramatic and sustainable pain relief using a breakthrough discovery that combines ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. Sign up now to learn more!
Psychotherapy for Traumatic Stress After 9-11
Of the hundreds of recent  articles commemorating the tenth anniversary of 9-11, one is particularly sobering for psychotherapists. A New York Times piece reported that following the attacks, well-meaning mental health workers flooded into New York City, setting up makeshift therapy centers and providing free services in fire stations, offices of major employers, and other convenient locations.
Investigations of the outcomes of this counseling showed that in many cases the mental health professionals were much more enthusiastic about its benefits than the recipients. Some people "undoubtedly benefitted, researchers say, but others became annoyed or more upset." An approach that was widely used, "in which the therapist urges a distressed person to talk through the experience and emotions, backfires for many people. They plunge even deeper into anxiety and depression when forced to relive the mayhem."
For those of us trying to advocate the use of Energy Psychology for post-disaster mental health care (see "Energy Psychology's Magical Mystery Tour of the U.S. Congress"), knowledge of these missed opportunities or actual harm done is particularly poignant. The congressional leaders we visited were well aware that the treatment being offered to our more than 300,000 veterans who have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan with the terrible symptoms of PTSD is woefully inadequate. And we were able to present them with research that demonstrates the effectiveness of Energy Psychology interventions with PTSD. Studies currently being conducted within the military were initiated from that effort. Read more
IGEEM Keynote Line-Up Gets Even More Amazing
Of all the voices bringing  ancient knowledge and healing practices to Western culture, Dr. Alberto Villoldo is among the clearest and brightest. And he will be joining Bruce Lipton, Jean Houston, and James Oschman as a keynote presenter at the September 2012 International Gathering of Eden Energy Medicine (IGEEM) Convention. We can hardly believe our good fortune to have such a line-up! Dr. Villoldo, a psychologist and medical anthropologist, has studied the healing practices of the Amazon and Inka shamans for more than 25 years. While at San Francisco State University, he founded the Biological Self-Regulation Laboratory to study how the mind creates psychosomatic health and disease. Among his best-selling books are Shaman, Healer, Sage; The Four Insights: Wisdom, Power, and Grace of the Earthkeepers; and Courageous Dreaming: How Shamans Dream the World into Being. His classic, Healing States: A Journey Into the World of Spiritual Healing and Shamanism, was co-authored with Dr. Stanley Krippner -- Donna and David's long-time dear friend and David's co-author on Personal Mythology. Dr. Villoldo directs The Four Winds Society, where he trains individuals throughout the world in the practice of shamanic wisdom, the healing arts, and Energy Medicine. And if Drs. Villoldo, Lipton, Houston, and Oschman aren't already an abundance of riches, we still have the final and exciting announcement of our fifth keynoter next month!
Energy Tip:
For A Pick-Me-Up at Your Droopy Time of the Day
Taking a break from work or studies and doing an energy exercise that activates your respiratory system can give you a great pick-me-up. Get up and do the Connecting Heaven and Earth posture. It pulls in extra oxygen, releases carbon dioxide, stretches the body so that energy can flow more easily, and opens the joints, releasing trapped energy. Click here to watch Donna Eden demonstrate the Connecting Heaven and Earth technique.
 | Connecting Heaven and Earth |
In addition to this great exercise, the Three Thumps (p. 74) are valuable for dispelling the blahs. If mental focus is a challenge, try the Wayne Cook Posture (p. 84).
Page references are to Donna's Book Energy Medicine (2nd Edition), 2008 Tarcher/Penguin.