Attend an Upcoming Event Eden Energy Medicine Foundations ProgramMay 5-9, 2011 Phoenix, AZ or In Your Area_______Understanding the Energy of RelationshipsMay 9-10, 2011 Phoenix, AZ _______NEW! Listen to Donna on Healthy You! Radio NetworkMay 11, 2011 Internet Radio _______An Evening Energy Medicine Class in ScotlandJune 2, 2011 Edinburgh, Scotland _______One-day Energy Medicine Workshop in LondonJune 5, 2011 London, England _______ An Evening Energy Medicine Class in OxfordJune 7, 2011 Oxford, England _______
5-Day Training in WalesJune 10 - 15, 2011 Cardiff, Wales United Kingdom _______ Energies of Love Weekend Class July 8-10, 2011 Portland, OR _______
NEW! Donna on Blog Talk RadioAugust 3, 2011 Internet Radio _______ Energy Medicine Weekend Workshop September 9-11, 2011 The Omega Institute Rhinebeck, NY _______ Energy Psychology 5-Day Training Sept. 11-16, 2011 The Omega Institute Rhinebeck, NY _______ TOPIC ANNOUNCED! Donna's Advanced Class - Energy, Intuition, and Eden's Way October 6-9, 2011 Hard Rock Hotel San Diego, CA _______ 2012 Save The Date! International Gathering of Eden Energy Medicine September 26-30, 2012 San Diego, CA_______

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| Donna sharing an intimate moment with a wise and loving creature from the deep. |
We are always alert for energy protocols that are more effective than conventional treatments with serious conditions that affect large numbers of people. This is why we have put so much emphasis on the studies suggesting that tapping acupuncture points while bringing traumatic memories and triggers to mind helps people overcome PTSD faster than any other treatment available. This issue reports a preliminary study that suggests that an energy medicine approach can help with Traumatic Brain Injury in unexpected and powerful ways. It also explains why the 9-Gamut Procedure, strange as it looks, may be so important in Energy Psychology protocols, gives a playful recount of the Energy Medicine class that was part of a Caribbean Cruise, and shows you how to "spring clean" your body of toxic energies.
Sending you springtime blessings!
Donna & David
Case History: A Child's Intuition
by Gail Van Kanegan, NP Children have the ability to view the world with incredible creativity and a genuine sense of knowing. However, it became most evident to me just how much children are intuitive about Energy Medicine when I was witness to the ability of my three-year old grandson, Gavin, to help heal another person. Ever since Gavin was conceived he has received energy work from me in a variety of forms. When he was able to talk he started to tell me "feels good grandma" every time I massaged his aura or hooked him up. I live 400 miles from Gavin and was at his home for a week in December 2010. A close friend of mine stopped by to visit one evening. She could barely walk or lift her legs to get up the steps into the house. In our discussions, she told me how over the past 6 months she had been having increased pain of her legs and low back to the point that she could not lift her foot enough to get dressed or put on her shoes. She had been working with her doctor who has not been able to provide any relief of the pain and she has become increasingly fatigued, de-conditioned, and weakened. Read on ... Submit A Case History Here | Read More Case Histories
Energy Medicine
Caribbean Cruise
140 people joined us to study Energy Medicine amidst touring five Caribbean islands last month. Truly one of our best classrooms ever, the entire front of the cruise-liner included a large ballroom with floor-to-ceiling windows so participants had the choice of watching Donna or the adventure of sailing through the Caribbean.
Donna taking a spin with two new friends.
One of our CP students founded Dolphin Discovery, the organization that is responsible for more human-dolphin contact than any other group in the world, and she invited us to visit their Caribbean facility on the island of Tortola. The visit was a "Wow!" These dolphins are happy, loved, and brilliant. The swim, which included letting two dolphins take us on wild rides, was a highlight of many highlights during the 9-day cruise. The balance of play and intense study made this one of our best Basic Energy Medicine Trainings ever.
Why Use the 9-Gamut?
By David Feinstein, Ph.D.
One of the silliest-looking techniques in all of Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology is the "9-Gamut
 | The Gamut Point |
procedure," which includes rolling ones eyes, humming, and counting -- all the while tapping on a Triple Warmer acupuncture point on the back of the hand. A clinician and researcher recently asked me what I think it does so she could say something intelligible about it for a paper she was writing for a professional journal. My reply: To date there is no research that establishes the function of the 9-Gamut procedure. If I were you, I'd actually minimize my discussion of it. Energy Psychology seems to work even for those who have dropped 9 Gamut. I personally still use it, partially because it provides an alternative activity from the tapping that continues to engage the person somatically while taking the focus off of the problem. My guess is that the 9-Gamut procedure 1) promotes cognitive integration of the changes in awareness as well as the neural wiring that are brought about during tapping, connects the right and left brain hemispheres for this information processing (through the alternating humming and counting and the eye movements), and accomplishes this while calming the energy system most involved with processing threat, which is Triple Warmer (by tapping one of its key acupoints). I have, however, found that some of Donna's other exercises, such as "Connecting Heaven and Earth" and the "Celtic Weave," can serve the same function, though I don't know how important it is to stimulate Triple Warmer, which is why I still usually use the 9-Gamut. We need studies that compare protocols using 9-Gamut with identical protocols that do not use it to see if it is necessary and, if so, when. Right now the use and purpose of 9-Gamut is based mainly on clinical hunch.
IGEEM Convention Update
The submission period for the 2012 IGEEM Convention is now closed and the Innersource team is excited to announce that we received over 100 wonderful proposals from people interested in teaching a class next year in San Diego. We are very grateful for everyone who took the time to send in a proposal (or two or three!). Each class submitted should have received a separate confirmation automatically from Innersource once your application was received. Please contact us immediately at: IGEEM@innersouce.net if you did not receive a confirmation. Thank you for your support. We look forward to seeing you there!
Energy Medicine Treatment for Traumatic Brain Injury
Donna Eden wrote the forward to Stephanie Mine's 2003 book, We Are All in Shock: How Overwhelming Experiences Shatter You...And What You Can Do About It. Since that time, Stephanie has continued to be a tireless and inspiring teacher and practitioner of her own approach to Energy Medicine, which emphasizes shock and trauma and traces to the Japanese healing tradition of Jin Shin.

We just learned that three of her students/colleagues have completed a study with additional colleagues -- conducted in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Colorado at Boulder -- investigating the use of Stephanie's approach with patients suffering from mild to moderate Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and related PTSD. The study was published in the January 2011 issue of the Journal of Neurotrauma.
Traumatic Brain Injury, a condition that is often an aftermath of automobile and other accidents that involve impact to the head, is also one of the terrible consequences of modern warfare, where powerful munitions can cause a brain injury through concussive force. In one study, thirty-one percent of all soldiers admitted to Walter Reed between January 2003 and May 2005 had some type of brain injury. Disabilities from TBI may last a lifetime, with physical therapy, medication, surgery, speech therapy, and cognitive-oriented psychotherapy being the most common treatments. In the new study, a form of acupressure was provided over eight sessions during a four-week period. The treatment significantly improved cognitive functioning (enhanced reaction time, task accuracy, and "working memory" as demonstrated by a digit-span test), decreased subjective distress, and increased health-related quality of life measures, as compared with a placebo-treatment control group. Improved cognitive functioning using a therapy that does not produce the side-effects of medication is a particularly encouraging outcome for TBI patients. The investigators also noted that acupressure may be an especially valuable approach for TBI patients because it "emphasizes self-care and can be taught to novice individuals." Kudos to you, Stephanie, and to your colleagues!
Energy Tips: Spring Cleaning Your Body
Spring is here! As we clean our homes and acclimate our lives to the new season, it is also a great time to put extra focus into clearing our bodies of toxins as well. Illness often traces to toxic build-up, and clearing that build up frees your body's resources to keep you healthier. Toxins are not just chemicals. Energies that can't flow well also become toxic. The following exercises can help get those energies flowing again, clearing not only "energy toxins," but giving the body a boost for clearing chemical toxins as well. Any combination of the following techniques will help to clear toxins and improve your metabolism. - Massaging the Large and Small Intestine Neurolymphatic Reflex Points (p. 275)
- Connecting Heaven and Earth (p.44)
- Abdominal Stretch (p. 134)
- Sideways Stretch (p. 135)
Page references to Donna's Book Energy Medicine for Women, 2008 Tarcher.