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Follow Eden Energy Medicine Programs

Attend an Upcoming Event
January 14 - 15, 2011St. Petersburg, FL_______Energy Medicine and Yoga VacationJanuary 20 - 23, 2011Nassau, The Bahamas_______9-Day Caribbean Cruise with 5-Day Basic Energy Medicine TrainingMarch 25 - April 3, 2011Caribbean Ocean_______
New!Energy Medicine Weekend Workshop
April 8 - 10, 2011 Kripalu Center Stockbridge, Mass. _______
New!All Day Energy Medicine Workshop in the UKJune 5, 2011 London, England _______5-Day Basic Energy Medicine Training
June 10 - 15, 2011 United Kingdom _______ New! Energy Medicine Weekend Workshop September 9-11, 2011 The Omega Institute Rhinebeck, NY _______ New! Energy Psychology Weekend Workshop September 11-16, 2011 The Omega Institute Rhinebeck, NY _______
New! Donna Eden's Advanced Energy Medicine Class October 6-9, 2011 Hard Rock Hotel San Diego, CA _______
Unable to attend a class with Donna?
Take an Energy Medicine for Women, EM101-104 or EEM Certification Regional Education Program class from a Certified Practitioner.

Cruise the Caribbean with Donna
Enjoy 9-Days of the beautiful Caribbean while covering the full content of a 5-Day Basic Energy Medicine Training!March 25 - April 3 2011 Departs from Miami, FL
Don't Delay, Sign Up Today! _______
 | Tiernan and Dondi at the EEM Certification Program Classes November 2010 |
"Sparky" is crossing over and aligning scrambled energies in a post on the Innersource Blog. Join us there!
 Scrambled Energies was the winner of the 2010 EEM Certification Program's Halloween Party. _______
Follow Eden Energy Medicine Programs

Read our Blog
Can energy medicine cure cancer? There are more isolated reports of this having occurred than you might imagine, but in the vast majority of cases, EM is used in conjunction with other treatments, and often very effectively. Read about one such case in this issue. where you will also learn about how to keep one of the meridians of Autumn in top form, read about a breakthrough article on Energy Psychology, learn about upcoming Donna classes and teleseminars, and read about Donna's cameo in the upcoming Joy of Sox movie. Learn also about our Certification Program, and if there is any way your end of year charitable donations can be directed for EEM-CP scholarships, they are more needed now than ever. Please consider.
Donna & David
Case History: Energy Medicine as a Keystone in Multimodal Approach to Cancer
An energy practitioner with no formal training in Donna Eden's Energy Medicine used techniques she learned in Donna's books to work with a client who had been diagnosed with possible breast cancer. Over the course of treatments, the client's symptoms diminished to the point that only a very minimal surgical intervention was required. Read on ...
The 5th of 8 Installments of the InnerResources Interview with Donna
The following excerpt is from an interview conducted by Jana Messing with Donna Eden for the Spring 2010 issue of InnerResources.
Continued from previous editions of the energy e-letter.Jana: How did you become so loving? Donna (in her 'singing' type voice...): Oh my! My gosh! I don't think about being loving. I just see people how they are, and there is a lot to love. My mom was like that too. Read More ...
Psychotherapy Networker Features Article on Energy Psychology
 | Nov./Dec. 2010 The Wounds of War Returning vets are challenging us to rethink our approaches to PTSD |
Psychotherapy Networker is the most widely read periodical among therapists, strongly respected, and highly influential. After a decade of being on the fence about Energy Psychology, they just carried a feature article, by David, that makes the case for an Energy Psychology approach. The first comment we received after the article's publication, from a leader in the EP Community, was: "I have just finished reading your brilliant article in the Networker. They won't be able to ignore us for long." Download the article (PDF).
Donna to Appear in Red Sox Movie
 Donna has a 3-second cameo in the trailer to a documentary about the Red Sox baseball team, titled The Joy of Sox. The Red Sox are known for having extremely loyal fans, and a Harvard psychiatrist, Eric Leskowitz, MD, decided to study the effects of that loyalty and great energy on the team's performance. In Donna's brief appearance in the trailer, she is showing how figure eight-ing can send good energy from one person to another. The movie will examine what it calls "weird science" -- how energy, intention, and prayer can impact people and even physical events. You can view the trailer at www.TheJoyOfSoxMovie.com/nt.
Free Teleseminar Series featuring Donna Eden
December 7th at 9 pm EST / 6 pm PST
In the wonderful world of  teleseminars, Quantum Healing, Consciousness and Soul is unique. This series has an amazing lineup of expert speakers, teachers and mentors including Donna Eden, Dr. Norm Shealy, Dr. Pat Carrington and more. They will help you to tap into a vast wellspring of powerful, life-changing information and cutting edge, transformational tools for your body, health, relationships, finances and more. Hosted by Shifra Hendrie, spiritual life coach and teacher of authentic Kabbalah, Quantum Healing, Consciousness and Soul is a bridge toward an aligned, empowered, illuminated life. Reserve your spot now and get exclusive free bonus gifts.
ANNOUNCEMENT: One-Year Foundations Program in EEM
It is now possible to take Year 1 of the EEM Certification Program as a stand-alone EEM Foundations Program. It is designed for health care practitioners who want to quickly begin integrating EEM into their work, as well as for anyone wanting a basic foundation in EEM. The EEM Foundations Program can be taken in Phoenix as Year 1 of the main CP Program, as well as on a regional basis through our Regional Education Program.
 | Donna teaching at the EEM Certification Program November 2010 |
Another big change is that there are no longer any prerequisites to enter Year 1. All the preliminary work that had previously been required is now built into the EEM Foundations Program.
Four 6-hour classes (EM101 - 104) are still available regionally and provide a great foundation for the EEM Foundations Course, a great review of EEM, or a great introduction to EEM.
The Certification Program is now a 4-year course of study,with a possible completion point after each of the 4 years:
Year 1: EEM Foundations Program Learning the Fundamental Principles and Methods of EEM. Graduates Receive a Certificate of Completion but are not Certified EEM Practitioners.
Year 2: EEM Certification Program Expanding EEM Methods into an Energy Medicine Practice. Graduates are listed on our Website as Certified EEM Practitioners.
Year 3: EEM Clinical Practicum Deepening into the Practice of EEM. Graduates are designated on our website as Certified EEM Clinical Practitioners.
Year 4: EEM Advanced Practitioner Program Mastering Advanced EEM Protocols. Graduates are designated on our website as Advanced EEM Practitioners.
Donna will continue to be involved in all levels of training, from brief introductory classes to advanced courses to closely supervising and making occasional cameos in the Certification Program.
For more detailed information, please visit our website.
The Energy Medicine Institute Scholarship
It has been an amazing five years of the Eden Energy Medicine Certificaiton Program. In February 2011, the Faculty and students of the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program will return to the Wigwam Resort in Phoenix, Arizona, where the fifth class will graduate. As a result, there will be 130 new Eden Energy Medicine Practitioners who can be listed on our website, ready to help others heal themselves. It is the unfolding of our dream.
Many of these students would not be in the CP without help from our friends who support Eden Energy Medicine. Our thanks go out to all of you who contributed to the EEMCP Scholarship Fund. Because of you, 13 students were able to attend class on a scholarship. These students  | Kiriaki Bakirdzi Scholarship Recipient |
are there because of the generosity of others - and are they ever grateful! Here is a sample of the comments we have received from our scholarship recipients.
"Thank you so very much!!!!!!!!!!!!! Donna Eden's Energy Medicine has completely transformed my life. This will make it possible for me to continue on with my studies. This is my life work. Everything that has come before has prepared me for this. I am more grateful than I can express. Peace and Blessings to everyone involved!" RL
"I am grateful and honored to receive the scholarship, thank you. The scholarship makes it possible for me to begin the EM training without waiting another year. I've experienced the dramatic potential in the energy work just with the little bits I have learned on my own and practiced on myself. Dare I say that learning, mastering, and incorporating energy medicine in my work as a psychologist feels like a calling." SF Read more scholarship testimonials
Our current Year One students, both attending the Phoenix and Regional Education Program classes, will begin their second year of training in May 2011. Many of these returning students will need financial help to continue to make their dream a reality.
We are hoping that, at this time of holiday giving, you will consider a donation to the EEMCP Scholarship Fund as a way to continue to help our students study Eden Energy Medicine. Remember, 100% of what is donated to the EEMCP Scholarship Fund will go directly to help deserving students receive partial tuition assistance for the Certification Program. The Energy Medicine Institute, which has set up the Scholarship Fund, is an IRS 501(c)3 non-profit corporation, so contributions are tax-deductible. We ask each of you at this time of end-of-year giving to consider a donation to this Scholarship Fund so that deserving students can attend the EEMCP, become trained in Eden Energy Medicine, and to take this work out into the world.
To donate by credit card, visit the EMI website or call Leslie Adams at 541-488-8501. |
Energy Tip: Working with Large Intestine Meridian
For Low Back Pain: Sedating Large Intestine meridian, using the acupressure sedating points, will often help low back pain. This relaxes the Large Intestine muscles just above the waist, next to the spine.
- Sedate Large Intestine using the acupressure sedating points (pg. 137).
- Lightly, but firmly, hold the sedating points labeled "first" for two to three minutes.
- Hold the sedating points labeled "second" for one and a half to two minutes.
- If the pain persists, hold the sedating points for Large Intestine meridian's "opposite" on the Meridian Flow Wheel, which is Kidney meridian.
- Massaging the neurolymphatic points right next to the spine at the waist and moving three inches out to each side can also be helpful.
- Continue the massage from 3 inches out from the waist, moving up toward the point on the spine that is about 6 inches above the waist, so you are forming a triangle.
To Head off a Cold: Large Intestine and Lung meridians sit on the same Rhythm (Autumn/Metal) and energy blocks will often show up on Large Intestine if you are getting a cold.
- Firmly push on the outside of your thighs along the "pants line," from the hip to the knee and see if there is tenderness. This indicates blocked energies.
- Deeply massage (but do not risk bruising yourself) the large intestine neurolymphatics that are located along the outside of your thighs (pg. 97).
For Hip Problems: Large Intestine and Circulation Sex meridians are often involved in hip problems. Pain may be due to stale or excess energy being trapped in the muscles governed by these meridians. Holding acupressure sedating points frees trapped energy and makes room for healing energies to enter the area.
- Hold the sedating points for these meridians (use the same basic procedure outlined in the Low Back Pain discussion above); Circulation Sex meridian acupressure sedating points (pg. 136) and Large Intestine (pg. 137).
- Gall Bladder meridian (p. 136) might be also involved and need to be sedated.
- More information about working with pain is found in Chapter 10, beginning on Page 297.
References are to Donna's book Energy Medicine, 2008 Tarcher. |