Follow Eden Energy Medicine Programs

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Take an Energy Medicine for Women, EM101-104 or EEM Certification Regional Entry Program class from a Certified Practitioner.

Cruise the Caribbean with Donna
Enjoy 9-Days of the beautiful Caribbean while covering the full content of a 5-Day Basic Energy Medicine Training!March 25 - April 3 2011 Departs from Miami, FL
Don't Delay, Sign Up Today! _______
"Sparky" having Lung Meridian traced by a fellow classmate at the San Diego 5-Day Class

Find the Meridian Flow Wheel on page 140 of the book Energy Medicine _______
Tiernan is learning to walk!

He took his first steps at the San Diego 5-Day Class. _______
Follow Eden Energy Medicine Programs

 | Donna and David at Yellowstone National Park |
After teaching in the Grand Tetons and visiting a wildlife sanctuary where Energy Medicine is being used with injured animals (see below), we drove through the majesty of Yellowstone with Tiernan and family in tow. It was a journey into Donna's past. She worked at Yellowstone when she was 17, needing to falsify her birth certificate to get the job. It was a formative experience for her in many many ways.
When physicians study with us and bring energy medicine to their patients, we are humbled by the courageous pioneering steps they are taking. Read of Dr. William Milligan's successful application of EM with a patient's excruciating pain. Meanwhile, Donna's story continues to unfold in this third segment from her interviews with InnerResources magazine, David has been invited to present a teleseminar to some 1600 psychotherapy colleagues about Energy Psychology as a controversial new treatment for PTSD, and Donna will be doing another teleseminar with Shifra. The last one resulted in fabulous feedback. Finally, since breath is everything, learn how to keep Lung meridian strong and healthy by following the Energy Tips in this issue.
May the Force breathe with you.
David and Donna
Case History: Sedating Meridians for Pain Relief
An Energy Medicine practitioner and M.D. in North Carolina successfully treated a client with severe pain using a simple Energy Medicine technique taught in the 5-Day Basic Energy Medicine class.
Bill Milligan, an M.D. in North Carolina, recently worked with a fifty-eight year old client complaining of a sudden onset of excruciating pain in her upper right chest, where the second rib attaches to the sternum. Even minimal movement provoked intense pain described as "knife-like". She had no previous history of trauma or other aggravating factors. Read on ...
Energy Healing for Injured Animals from the Wild
 | Donna holding Tuttle, who was thin, cold, and barely larger than Donna's finger when he was rescued. |
After doing the opening keynote address at the Teton Wellness Festival in Jackson Hole, Wyoming last week (wonderful conference -- we were thrilled), we visited Earthfire Institute, about an hour outside of Jackson Hole. Amazing. It is a preserve for wild animals who have been wounded or orphaned. We have never seen animals treated with such wisdom, love, and respect. The founders have taken classes with us and sometimes use energy healing with the animals. We loved being up-close and touching wolf, bear, fox, and other fellow creatures. Fell in love with a lynx. David did a most interesting surrogate tapping session for a very skittish coyote, named Faerytail, who suffered from PTSD. As
 | Titanya with two wolves who grew up in the wild, Nightwind (left) and Apricot. |
we petted and pampered a very large bison named Blue Bell, the founders impressed upon us that a herd of a thousand bison is a thousand individuals with a thousand personalities. We even got to do a bit of energy medicine. Donna reflected, "I saw auras that knocked my socks off. Animal auras blend in with the energies of the environment in ways that human auras don't. Human auras are more distinct." We left wanting everyone to know about this sanctuary of sanity, peace, and inter-species communication, called Earthfire Institute. One of their recent energy healings with Apricot (see photo), a wolf who had an incurable neurological disorder, was done by an energy healer who has studied with us, and it was videotaped. We told the co-founder/co-director, Susan Eldrich, that a number of our practitioners are veterinarians or others using energy medicine in the
 | Donna and Jeff look on as David plays with Nightwind |
healing of animals. She said that she would love to sponsor a small gathering in their yurt to explore energy healing with animals. There are lots of willing "subjects" on their property. If you are interested in such a mini-conference (perhaps 6 or 8 people), we are sure it will be a profound experience. Contact Susan at the Earthfire website.
The Next Segment from the InnerResources Interview with Donna
 | Donna & David sending figure 8's to Jana Messing on her Birthday |
The following excerpt is from an interview conducted by Jana Messing with Donna Eden for the Spring 2010 issue of InnerResources.
Continued from previous editions of the e-letter.Jana: How did you help your daughters maintain their awareness of and sensitivity to the energy around them? Donna: You know sometimes I think I did a good job and sometimes I think I didn't. I love their sensitivities. I love their compassion for others. They both are so naturally sensitive... Read More ...InnerResources Magazine
Free Energy Psychology Shows with David Feinstein, Ph.D.
David has several radio shows and phone and web interviews coming up over the next eight weeks. Join in, feel the energy, and hear the latest from David on Energy Psychology and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). October 26 11am EST / 8am PDT Voice America Internet Talk Radio More info
November 10 1pm EST / 10am PDT Psychotherapy Networker More info
December 17 7am EST / 4am PDT Voice America Internet Talk Radio More info
Can't make these times? Click on the "more info" links above to get replay and podcast details.
Energy Tip: Working with Lung Meridian
Some medications are several times more potent when taken during lung meridian's "high-tide" time from 3 am - 5 am. This is the time when lungs are at their strength, so they are moving oxygen all throughout the body.
Lung meridian is at rest during its "low-tide" time from 3 pm - 5 pm. This is when many cultures have their siestas. It is also the least effective time of the day to absorb new information.
Open the Lungs: Interlace your fingers behind your back, turn your palms outward and stretch. This exercise strengthens the heart chakra as well.
Move Energy Out: Kidneys and lungs work well together to help move energy out. This simple exercise opens up the lungs and hooks up your heart and kidneys. - Put your palms flat on your back, over your kidneys.
- Inhale, pull your bent arms back as far as you can, look upward, and hold your breath.
- When you exhale, release it all.
Move Out Toxins: Flushing lung meridian (p. 123) moves a lot of toxins out. When you flush lung meridian, you trace the meridian backward (or in the opposite direction of its natural flow) one time and forward (with its natural flow) three times. To do this, first place one hand at the tip of your opposite thumb. Move your hand from the thumb, up the arm, over the shoulder and end at the lung. Shake your hand off. Return your hand to the lung (where you just ended) and trace up over the shoulder, down the arm, and off the thumb. Repeat two more times. (p. 123) Repeat on other side.
Strengthen the Lungs: Begin as if doing the zip up (pg. 94-95 & 98). When you get above the breasts, rake your fingers across your chest towards your arms. Repeat.
Improve Your Breathing: Take a deep breath and hold it. Keep track of how long you can hold it. Now massage up and down the sternum. Hold your breath again and see how much longer you're able to hold it. Massaging the sternum gives you breath. If the sternum is sore, you're not using your full breath and the results of this exercise will be more dramatic. The Olympic Team does this exercise to improve their breathing.
Free Teleseminar Series featuring Donna Eden
Series Runs October - December
Donna Airs on December 7
In the wonderful world of  teleseminars, Quantum Healing, Consciousness and Soul is unique. This series has an amazing lineup of expert speakers, teachers and mentors including Donna Eden, Dr. Norm Shealy, Dr. Pat Carrington and more. They will help you to tap into a vast wellspring of powerful, life-changing information and cutting edge, transformational tools for your body, health, relationships, finances and more. Hosted by Shifra Hendrie, spiritual life coach and teacher of authentic Kabbalah, Quantum Healing, Consciousness and Soul is a bridge toward an aligned, empowered, illuminated life. Reserve your spot now and get exclusive free bonus gifts.
Inventory Clearance Sale
We're in the process of writing two new books, filming new videos, and converting old VHS tapes to DVDs. Help us make room in our warehouse with these great values and unbeatable prices on discontinued items! Buy the old VHS sets for $45 (regular $249) and get the upgrade to DVD in 2011 for just $55!!