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Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program Year 4
Advanced Practitioner Program - Grid & Regression Don't Delay, Sign Up Today!Applications are being accepted until Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Visit our website for a full description of the class and application process._________________ |
Stomach Meridian Strengthening Points
Restore Meridian by Adding Energy

Dear ,
Sleep is Nature's Energy Medicine, one of the best ways of replenishing your energies. But people with sleep disorders are unable to fully replenish themselves, night after night, diminishing their capacity to function effectively, compromising their health, and darkening their lives. Read about the success of EM with a stubborn sleep condition. Or find out how it can be that a whole bottle of vitamins will test strong but 4 capsules will test weak. Read Part II of an intimate interview with Donna. Hear Donna participate in a great teleseminar or sign up for the entire series. Free. Receive tips on keeping your all-important stomach meridian in a good balance and flow. And finally, read about how our featuring Tiernan's photo contest in the previous e-letter created a bit of a stir. Thanks for making it an interesting stir.
Love and blessings,
Donna and David
Case History Energy Medicine Relieves A Sleep Disorder
An Eden Energy Medicine practitioner in France used energy medicine techniques with a female client who had a severe case of periodic limb movement while sleeping (PLMS). After three sessions and two weeks of daily work on herself, the patient reported that she was sleeping without PLMS symptoms.
PMLS is a sleep disorder characterized by episodes of repetitive muscle movements. They cannot be controlled and can severely disrupt the sleep cycle, resulting in weariness during the day. Read on ...
Submit A Case History or Read More Case Histories

Inner Healing Compass Recession Proof Your Health With hosts Salma Fomrada & Karen King
 FREE 12-Week Teleseminar This teleseminar focuses on ways to preserve your health during today's stressful times. What better way than to utilize the Energy Medicine tools that Donna has evolved over the years. Be sure to catch this up-close and personal interview as Donna shares her gifts and insights.
Product specials and thank you gifts will be available the day of the interview. Be sure to sign up so you can enjoy the speakers, specials, and gifts!

Energy Testing Substances
How can it be that when you test a whole bottle of vitamin C in the
store, the energy test is strong, but when you place a fourth C capsule
in your hand after the first three kept you strong, the test shows you
are weak, indicating that you need only 3 capsules? And what is the
time period? Will those three capsules hold you for an hour, a day,
a week? Read Donna's latest entry to our Handout Bank, which discusses both questions.

9-Day Super Sale on the 9-Day Cruise!
Have you been thinking about attending the Energy Medicine 5-Day Basic Training & Southern Caribbean Cruise in March 2011?
There will never be another opportunity like this - Not only is this Donna's LAST 5-Day to be taught in North America but NCL has put their public prices for the March 25, 2011 sailing on sale and has offered Innersource the same temporary reduction for cabins in most categories. For only the next 9 days (until August 23, 2010), we are able to pass on this extra reduction in ADDITION to our Super Early Bird pricing. With added reductions of $75 to $200 per person (depending on cabin category - see website and/or registration form), this unique way of experiencing a full 5-Day Training with Donna AND exploring the Southern Caribbean will never be more affordable. Already Signed Up?? We are extremely pleased to be able to extend this reduction to all of our students who have already signed up for the event! Those who have already signed up will have their balance reduced accordingly or have an equivalent refund issued - a confirmation email will be sent by the end of August to our existing students for the March 2011 5-Day.
After raising the energy of the Alaska Cruise in 2009 so high, they really want us to do it again in 2011!
This is an extremely limited time offer and is subject to available inventory provided to us by NCL. These additional discounts are a result of incentives offered to Innersource by NCL, which we have chosen to pass on to you, and can be used in addition to any other discounts offered by Innersource. Super Early Bird Discounts will be extended until Monday, August 23, 2010 to allow for this sale to offer the most value to you. The price for this event will never be lower, so REGISTER NOW to lock in these great limited time bonus savings! |
The Woman Behind Eden Energy Medicine
 The following excerpt is from an interview conducted with Donna Eden
for the Spring 2010 issue of InnerResources magazine.
Continued from previous e-LetterDonna: What else do you want to know?
InnerResources: Others have contributed some questions to ask you and they are woven
into the questions I am asking...How were your abilities encouraged or any other
specifics about growing up in an energetically aware family? You touched on this a bit already, can
you tell us more?
Donna: I often hear highly sensitive people or students talk about how
confusing it was for them being psychic or seeing colors or spirits. But, being psychic was normal in my
world. We all felt a little bit
sorry for Daddy because he wasn't psychic nor did he see colors. I couldn't even figure out how he
functioned in the world! When I was very young, I thought it was because he was a man.....
Read More >>>Order the Donna Eden edition or subscribe to InnerResources Magazine!
Energy Tip: Working With Stomach Meridian
"Stomach meridian is like the 'controlling Mom' of the energy systems. It governs worry. But it also helps you connect with the Earth. It helps your whole being." - Donna Eden
Neck Pain: All of the front neck muscles and some in the back are governed by stomach meridian. Sedating stomach
meridian (pg. 123-24 & 134) relieves tension in the neck and may reduce neck pain.
Balancing Stomach Meridian: To release excess
energy and bring balance into stomach meridian, push your fingers up on the stomach points on the bone underneath the eyes (pg. 255) while softly holding the neurovasculars
points at the jaw with your thumbs (pg. 290, A8).
Jet Lag: Because of the relationship of stomach meridian and the Earth, working with stomach meridian can for many people be a quick fix for jet lag. Tap ST-1 on the cheekbone just under the eyeball (p. 255), then trace stomach meridian (p. 123-24). Stomach meridian is on Earth element. It helps you balance and stabilize. This may be all you need to do to avoid jet lag or to clear your energy if you feel you're picking something up while traveling. Note: page numbers correlate with the book Energy Medicine (Revised Edition; Tarchar/Penguin, 2008)
The Picture that Launched 1,000 .... Comments
Tiernan Ray  | First of all, THANK YOU to those who took the time to vote for our grandson, Tiernan. We just learned that he has made the top 50 finalists for the "Star Baby of San Diego" Contest thanks to your support. We have received several comments about our use of the e-letter in this way, and we wanted to take a moment to address them. While most have been supportive of our occasionally including a family moment in the e-letter, and more than 500 of you voted for Tiernan (thank you!!!), a couple of concerns were raised about using an educational tool that people entrust to their in-box to promote a Contest that has nothing to do with Energy Medicine. We appreciate and understand those concerns. We were very conflicted about this issue ourselves. In the end, the tempting offer of $1,000 for the Scholarship Fund, combined with our own general euphoria about anything regarding our grandson, swayed our decision to include the item.
The sad reality is that the potential donation had more pull than it might have. During these tough economic times, we face the daunting task of reviewing increasing numbers of very compelling scholarship requests for the Certification Program, while donations to the Scholarship Fund have been badly hurt by the economy. We felt the request that you vote for our grandson in a cuteness contest -- which was never within our comfort zone though we know that newsletters and e-lists are used this way all the time -- was worth the opportunity to help out a student who truly needs the help.
Now that it has become a kind of issue (we believe it is the first time we have ever received a complaint about anything in any of our e-letters, and while it was actually only one person, we know he was speaking for others who did not comment since we had this concern ourselves), we are writing about it to assure you of our intent to keep the e-letter the strongest resource we can for those interested in energy healing. AND we are also glad to have been able to take this as an opportunity to draw attention to the needs and value of the Scholarship Fund. If you want to see health care in this country improve, training committed people of high potential but limited means in Energy Medicine is a concrete action that makes a difference.
As to the Contest, we are thrilled that Tiernan is one of the top 50, and we have no regrets on that score since obviously any fair judge would have selected him from the other 5000 entries, plus he was competing against all those other unscrupulous parents and grandparents who used their newsletters and e-lists to encourage votes. The couple who made the offer that started all of this is donating half the promised amount for Tiernan having reached this point. They will donate the remainder if he wins. So, here we are again, letting you know that if you think Tiernan is the cutest baby in town and represents a worthy cause, voting for the winner among the finalists takes only a few seconds. Click here to vote for Tiernan. You can vote once every 24 hours until Noon PDT Friday, August 20th. Thanks for your understanding and support.
D & D