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August Facebook Challenge:
The Hook-Up
Follow us on Facebook for daily reminders to Hook-up!
Donna Eden Demonstrating The Hook-Up  |
Unable to come to a class with Donna?
Take a class from an Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner close to where you live!
Click here for Classes |
Dear ,
Want to see Donna on
the Lifetime TV channel? See below. Wish to sit in on an intimate interview with
Donna? Read on. Does Donna expect her practitioners to follow the "law" of EEM
to the letter? Donna, David, and Tiernan (with chickenpox) in Norway!  | Find out in this issue. How about David's testimony in front of the
House Committee on Veteran's Affairs? Read about our new involvement with Voice for Hope. Or join us for the August Facebook challenge to do the Hook-up. Or most important of
all, you have an opportunity to vote for our 14-month grandson in his
first free election.
Love and gratitude,
Donna & David
Donna to Appear on Lifetime TV The Balancing Act
Monday August 9th
7:00-8 AM EST & PST, 6:00-7AM CST
Click the image above for the preview of Donna on The Balancing Act!  | |

Is This the Picture That Is Worth a Thousand . . . Dollars?
Tiernan Ray  | One
of the joys of our recent California workshop tour is that it has
been a family affair, with strong support from Titanya, Jeff, Dondi,
and Roger -- with our 14-month-old grandson Tiernan delightfully in
tow, charming every crowd we meet. During a conversation following a
class, a couple whose hearts had been stolen by Tiernan learned that he
is entered in a contest in his home of San Diego, California. They
were so enchanted by our boy that they decided to help Tiernan as
well as EEM. They have offered to donate $1000 to the EEM Certification
Program Scholarship Fund (through the Energy Medicine Institute)
if Tiernan wins the "Star Baby of San Diego" contest. Tiernan has some
competition, though. More than 5,000 other babies are in the running.
But if you think Tiernan is half as adorable as his grandparents think
he is, and that he represents a good cause, they are asking you to vote
for him. Voting is very easy, it takes only 10 seconds, and you can vote from anywhere in the world. Here's what you do: Click on this link,
scroll down to Tiernan, check "vote," and click. It's that easy! You
can vote once every 24 hours until August 12 at 11:59 AM (PDT).
Click here to vote for Tiernan >>>

An Interview with Donna Eden
 The following excerpt is from an interview conducted with Donna Eden
for the Spring 2010 issue of InnerResources.
InnerResources: I have found very little
information about how you grew up, or how you lived in the world in the
earlier years. Can you share a bit about your early years; what they
were like or anything about growing up with your abilities? Donna: No one has ever asked me that in an interview before -- isn't that funny!
Well, I'm the middle child. I have an older sister, Sharon, and a
younger brother, Clarke. My mother was orphaned at 4 years old. In a
strange way, I think that is one of the reasons she turned out so good!
She really wanted to turn out to be a good human being but she had to
make it up as she went along. Growing up, she had nobody to dictate to
her or tell her how she should be or what she should think. One of her
goals was to be the best mother...the mother she would have liked to
have had. And do you know, on her death bed, that's what she said. She
said, "I'm the mother I always wanted to have." Isn't that an amazing
thing to say?! And how fulfilling to feel that at the end of your life! Read More >>>InnerResources Magazine

On Following Instructions Precisely By Donna Eden
In writing and teaching about Energy Medicine, I have taken procedures
that were invented on-the-spot during my practice and turned them into
"Step 1-2-3" instructions. Just how precisely must these
instructions be followed to get good results? That is a core
question for anyone learning Energy Medicine. I've addressed it in
a recent very brief article. I
hope you find it to be of value.
Energy Psychology Returns to Washington DC
Problems with conventional treatment approaches to PTSD are reflected in
a recent finding that of 49,425 veterans of the Iraq and Afghan wars with
newly diagnosed PTSD, less than one in ten who sought care from
facilities run by the Department of Veterans Affairs actually completed
the treatment as recommended. In contrast, the first randomized
controlled trial using Energy Psychology with 49 veterans suffering with
PTSD showed that 86% went from above the PTSD cut-off on the military
version of a standardized PTSD check-list to below the cutoff.
There was only one drop-out (both studies are referenced in
the downloadable article at mechanisms.EnergyPsychEd.com). Representative Bob Filner, Chair of the House Committee on
Veterans' Affairs, sent David Feinstein a letter asking him to testify
before the Committee about such findings.
Since David was making the trip anyway, his visit to Washington last
month also included: a) a meeting at the Pentagon with the General who is
the direct assistant to the Commandant of the Marine Corps, b) a meeting
with a psychiatrist who is a Lieutenant Colonel at Walter Reed and
designing a comparison study between Energy Psychology and conventional
treatments of veterans with PTSD, and c) a meeting with a Senior
Policy Advisor at the U.S. Senate, as well as d) testifying before the
House Committee on Veteran's Affairs.
In all four presentations,
David made some headway in making the case that tapping on the skin of
veterans with PTSD is not as perverse as it seems. Read about the July visit as well as an earlier trip
to Washington that paved the way for this one.
Innersource & Voice for Hope Voice for Hope (HOPE stands for "Healers of Planet Earth") is
taking initiative to help reform health care at the political and
institutional level in ways that are in harmony with the mission of our
non-profit Energy Medicine Institute. We are thrilled to
learn of their efforts. We asked our longtime practitioner, Pat
Butler, to attend an open meeting they presented during the ISSSEEM
Annual Meeting in Colorado last month.
Read Pat's report to us and consider
becoming involved.