The One-Year Clinical Practicum starts in August!
The time is NOW to sign-up for the One-Year Clinical Practicum
(This is "Year Three" of the Certification Program, open to all Graduates of the Basic Two-Year CP.) |
Upcoming Events
Unable to come to a class with Donna? Try a class with one of our Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioners. They offer both regional certification classes as well as beginning EM101-104 classes.
These classes are getting fabulous reviews so come experience a class close to where you live!
Click here for Classes |
 Our mission:
"Raising the vibration of the planet, one person at a time."
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Dear ,
We are back from Europe and fully ensconced in our U.S. teaching and travel, but the hunger for simple techniques for better health and vitality we experienced in the four countries we visited (Denmark, Norway, Wales, and Spain) left a lasting impression. We received invitations to return to a dozen different countries, requests to bring our certification program to Europe, and tons of appreciation. For those of you studying with us, the trip provided strong affirmation that there are many places where what you are learning will be eagerly received. Donna signing books in Copenhagen | The case history in this issue focuses on "pain chasing," an effective technique for releasing long term pain. Read how it was successfully applied for tendonitis. Our "meridian of the month" for this issue is heart, which resonates with Summer. Learn how to keep it strong and vital. We have posted some new video clips, filmed by our publisher, Tarcher/Penguin. This e-Letter also highlights many upcoming events and let's you know where to go online for the latest EFT resources now that Gary Craig has retired. Love and blessings, Donna and David
Join Us in Palm Springs!
July 16-18, 2010 Intro to Energy Medicine (Fri Night & Saturday) Intro to Energy Psychology (Sunday 9 to 1)
Do you start dragging partway through your day?
Are aches and pains increasing along with your age?
Do you find yourself getting upset, overwhelmed, or losing your focus?
Come join us and learn you how to jump start your body's energy system to overcome chronic health problems, increase your vitality, and enhance the simple pleasures of living in your own body.
Click here to see

Case History
Pain Chasing for Pain Relief
An EEM practitioner teaching an introductory EM class found an opportunity to use the EM pain chasing technique to help one of her new students. She was able to dramatically improve a painful case of tendinitis and teach her student how to manage a case of sciatica.
Melanie Foster is an EEM practitioner in Oregon. She was recently teaching a weekly one-hour class with a new student. During the student introductions, this student, Jennifer, told Melanie that she was suffering from a three-year bout with tendinitis which created considerable pain and prevented the use of the affected arm for energy testing. Melanie told her that after class she would look to see if anything could be done. Read on...
Submit A Case History Here
Read More Case Histories |

Donna and David To Teach at One of the Most Beautiful Spots on Earth
Institute is nestled on soil that was a sacred healing site for the
Esalen Indians and where regal mountains meet a rugged seashore.
Its natural hotsprings overlook the Pacific. Those hot tubs are
David's single favorite spot on the planet. For nearly 50 years,
seminars by the most forward-thinking people in our culture have been
offered on this site, which carries a magic from its spiritual heritage
and stunning natural beauty.
Esalen Tubs | Donna and David are thrilled to be
returning to teach a basic Energy Medicine weekend class this coming July 30
through August 1. Whether you are new to Energy Medicine or have been
studying it actively, this class will propel you to new levels.
Enjoy New Video of Donna
Donna was just in NYC and was interviewed about Energy Medicine and Energy Medicine for Women by Joel Fotinos, who heads Tarcher/Penguin, our publisher. She also did some demonstrations on Joel and on our wonderful editor there, Sara Carter. This link will also bring you to other video clips that include interviews and demonstrations of Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology.
Donna demonstrating on Joel Fotinos, who heads Tarcher/Penguin
 | |

Energy Tip: Working with the Heart Meridian
Last issue, we focused on the Liver meridian. As summer arrives, we are starting to focus on the Meridians that resonate with the Summer season. In this issue, we are focusing on the Heart meridian.
A simple way to help keep the heart meridian and heart chakra strong is to, every day:
- Wrap the fingers of one hand completely around the outside of the opposite arm in line with the little finger of that arm. Massage your fingers down to the elbow and then smooth your fingers down your arm and pull them off the little finger. Repeat on other side.
- Cross your hands and lay them over the middle of your heart chakra. Hold them there for the length of two deep breaths.
A technique that is excellent for strengthening the heart and heart chakras. Bonus: Also good for the lung and spleen meridians and for reinforcing crossover patterns:
Cross your arms and put your fingers under the opposite armpit with thumbs on the chest above the armpit. Take a few deep breaths while holding that posture.
This crosses your energies over the thymus gland. Your thumbs are on lung meridian. Your fingers are sitting on spleen and also touch heart. This is great for the energy of your chest cavity - your breasts, your heart, your chest. |
Listen to Donna and David on the Internet and Radio Choose from several shows - or listen to all of them!
Donna is pure magic on the airwaves. Her personal stories and experience will delight and inspire you. If you can't catch them in real time, all our hosts post their interviews online after the interview is over. Just use the links below.
EFT Site Transmutes
Gary Craig's EFT site has been the most valuable single resource ever
available for EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and Energy Psychology
general. With Gary's retirement this month, the site has been moved
www.eftuniverse.com and is being administered by our friend and
colleague, Dr. Dawson Church. It includes several thousand case
reports (type virtually any condition that interests you into the search
engine and several stories about using EFT with the condition will pop
up) and multitudes of other resources about EFT.
newsletter, which was edging up to half a million subscribers, is also
being continued. You can subscribe at the new site. Gary was
David and Donna's co-author on their award-winning book,
The Promise of Energy Psychology. We send him fond wishes and big
blessings in his retirement. His contributions to relieving human
suffering and promoting human possibility have been enormous. |
John Thie's Legacy Continues
John Thie was one of Donna's most important mentors -- in part because of
the way he selflessly
Touch for Health Book $28.95  | brought Touch for Health to millions of people
(his book is available in more than
30 languages). The 35th Annual National Conference of the
organization he spawned will be held in
Pittsburgh, PA July 15 - 18.
This conference is a great opportunity to learn some of the cutting edge
work being done in Touch for Health. Leading pioneers and
researchers representing related fields including Applied Kinesiology,
Energy Kinesiology, Brain Gym, and Energy Psychology will also be
presenting some of the latest techniques and research.
Learn more at: