The One-Year Advanced Clinical Practicum starts in August!
Upcoming Events
Unable to come to a class with Donna? Try a class with one of our Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioners. They offer both regional certification classes as well as beginning EM101-104 classes.
These classes are getting fabulous reviews so come experience a class close to where you live!
Click here for Classes |
 Our mission:
"Raising the vibration of the planet, one person at a time."
Dear ,
This e-Letter comes to you from Norway. We are in the
midst of our
European Tour, teaching Energy Medicine to very enthusiastic audiences
across the continent. A wonderful physician, Audun Myskja, is the
driving force in bringing Energy Medicine to Norway. He himself is
clairvoyant and able to see energies, and of all the leaders in natural
healing, he has found Donna's approach to be the most compatible with
own. For four days, we worked with him and 150 of his most advanced
students in an intensive seminar that has been called by the local
organizers "an
historic event for health care in Norway."
Our European hosts and
students have greeted us with open arms. We are gratified and
grateful. A special moment was having the entire class sing the
Norweigian happy birthday
song to Tiernan in celebration of his first
year on May 23 as his parents, Dondi and Roger, his aunt, Titanya (who
has been wowing our European students with EnergyDance), and us, the
proud grandparents, all fawned over him on the stage.
This e-Letter begins with an important case history provided by Patricia
Butler, one of our most successful practitioners in bringing EEM into
medical settings. It illustrates how conventional medicine can work
with energy medicine to enhance healing when invasive procedures are
Read on to learn about:
- Our new Face Book "Crown Pull
- How to keep the "Meridian of the Season" in
good balance and flow
- How to sign up for one of what may well be
Donna's last four 5-Day basic EEM intensives (as her students are
competently teaching this material more and more)
- How to become more
sophisticated in representing yourself on a website as an EEM
helpful guide provided by our longtime friend, attorney Midge
- An upcoming
teleseminar on the Wellness Revolution where Donna will be speaking on
for Women
 Love and blessings, Donna and David
Case History
Energy Medicine Used to Accelerate Post-Surgery Recovery
appendectomies are no fun for anyone, but some recoveries are harder than
others. An Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner who works in a hospital system in Florida was asked to see a middle-aged
man twelve hours after he'd had this particular surgery because he was not doing
very well. Not only did he have post-op
pain, he was uncomfortable from the nasal-gastric tube running down his throat,
highly agitated, and white as a sheet.
His devoted family was worried about him and wondered what else the
hospital could provide in addition to medication to ease his discomfort. During
and after the energy medicine session that was provided, this patient's pain
level dropped, he became calm, and to the surprise of his doctors, he improved
so quickly that he was discharged in less than seventy-two hours. Read on
Submit A Case History Here
Read More Case Histories

Unparalled Opportunies to take a 5-Day Energy Medicine Basic Training
Sign-Up Now for Early Bird Discounts on Innersource Sponsored Events
If you ever wanted to take Energy Medicine to the next level, NOW's the time to sign-up. We are offering 3 different 5-Day Basic Trainings in the US and one in the UK.
Click here to see All Upcoming Events |
New Women's Health Resource
 Dr. Christiane Northrup's Foreword to Donna's award-winning
Energy Medicine for Women is
one of the most succinct and cogent introductions to Energy Medicine we
have ever seen. You can read it online.
We thought you would want to know that Dr. Northrup's classic
Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom has just come out in a new
edition. Dr. Northrup recently assured us that "More than
simply an update, this revised version is an entire rewrite." The book is an essential guide on how to truly flourish in a female body
and a great companion to Energy Medicine for Women. Read
more about the new Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom.
The Wellness Revolution Telesummit! New Paths to Healing June 16-July 14
Join Donna Eden on "The Wellness
Revolution: New Paths to Healing", a FREE global telesummit event. This
web event is a gathering of 21 of the world's leading doctors, healers, and authors in the Complimentary Medicine movement that combines traditional western medicine with ancient wisdom, healing practices for incredibly powerful and new
possibilities. This
series starts on Wednesday, June 16th at 4 PM , PST, so register right now and we will send you a reminder. You'll receive a free gift from Donna and other Telesummit speakers just for signing up!
Register now!
http://Donna.WellnessRevolutionSummit.com Donna will be speaking on Wednesday June, 23rd so don't miss your chance to ask Donna questions during the telesummit! The topic: Energy Medicine for Women: A Daily Energy Routine for Adapting to 21st Century Living. Be sure to listen in! |

Energy Tip: Working with the Liver Meridian
Last issue, we focused on the Gall Bladder meridian. In this issue, we are focusing on the Liver meridian, another meridian that moves most naturally with the Spring season.
Some things to remember regarding liver: - Liver meridian directs
the blood and energy in the body. You can "direct" liver with your
mind, with intention.
- Work with liver when
there are issues around being hard on yourself or stuffing your anger.
- Lemon is fabulous for
wood element (liver and gall bladder), especially if the liver is off. It will
literally squeeze the liver and help it detoxify. Raspberry is good for the
liver too.
Exercise: Liver meridian is constantly
dealing with toxins. One of the ways to help clear them is to clear the liver
line on the foot (pg. 122, Energy Medicine). Push in on the area of the foot between the first
and second toes. Is it sensitive? Massage up and down that line as well as on
the inside edge of the big toe.
Exercise to strengthen
- Sit on the floor or on a healing table with your legs
on the table. Bend your knees and put your feet flat on the floor or
- Imagine a rush of energy coming up your body from
your big toes to below your breasts, circling down. Repeat the cycle
again. This is the pathway of liver meridian. Imagine this occurring in
the general area; you don't have to stay within the liver meridian line as
liver jumps the walls of the meridian. Repeat a couple of times.
- Now lie back, straighten your legs, and imagine the
cycle a couple more times.
You can get the benefit
of this exercise by just imagining the rush of pulling the energy up, like a
river moving up through your body and then down again.
Representing Yourself as an Energy Medicine Practitioner
Donna's attitude has always been that once you learn Energy Medicine
methods that work for you, teach them to others. Spread these
compassionate tools for self-healing as widely as possible. When
she started teaching her work, she was the last person on Earth to envision that she would ever be creating a formal Certification
Program (EEMCP). Now 33 years later, she is dazzled by the quality of the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program (EEMCP) and its 500 students and graduates. And yet, she also appreciates that not
everyone who has studied with her is going to make the kind of
commitment required by the EEMCP. She encourages EVERYONE who has studied Energy Medicine, certified or not, to bring these
wonderful methods to those that matter to them in every
legal, responsible way they can. Midge Murphy, the first attorney to earn a PhD in Energy
who specializes in Ethics and Legal Principles in Energy Therapies and
a longtime friend to Eden Energy Medicine, has written a perceptive and useful risk
management guide that discusses how Energy Medicine practitioners can
avoid legal problems with their websites. In our community, it
applies primarily to our EEMCP graduates who have a professional energy
healing practice, but it will be of interest to anyone who has studied
Energy Medicine and is offering or considering offering services to the
public. Midge has graciously given us permission to post the
article on our Handout Bank. You can find it under "Office Practice" or access it
directly |
J une Facebook Challenge
Confused? ...Can't make up your mind?
Do you think you're juggling too many balls
Join us daily as we all do the Crown Pull and
look forward to clarity instead of confusion!
JOIN THE FUN while relieving mental congestion and headaches, clearing and refreshing your mind,
sharpening your memory, and opening your Crown chakra to higher
inspiration. Visit our easy to access Eden Energy Medicine Facebook page for directions and group comments.