Last Chance!
The time is NOW to sign-up for the first year of the Certification Program.
What's New?
Upcoming Events
Certification Program Enrollment Phoenix, AZ Apr 29th- May 3rd, 2010
Medicine Workshop Cardiff, South Wales May 9th- 10th, 2010
Medicine on the Beach Nerja, Spain (East of Malaga) May 14th ,2010
Medicine Seminar Norway May 21 - 24, 2010
Energy Medicine Into Health Care Copenhagen, Denmark May 28 -
30, 2010
____ Cardiff, South Wales
All Upcoming Events with Donna
Upcoming Events by Certified Practitioners
 Our mission:
"Raising the vibration of the planet, one person at a time."
Dear ,
Our bodies welcome Spring's return, and in this issue we focus on some
particularly interesting beginnings. The case history below shows
how overcoming physical difficulties using Energy Medicine can open a
spiritual awakening. And this month's Energy Tip focuses on a meridian
that moves with the rhythm of Spring, the Gall Bladder.
We also tell about a rather remarkable visit David made to the Halls of
Congress in the hopes of bringing Energy Psychology to American Veterans
and direct you to four minutes of pure fun at a Belgian train
Please also take a peak at our upcoming events. We have a Caribbean
cruise in the works and just added a stop in Spain for our European
As always, we'd love an opportunity to share Energy Medicine with
you. Love and blessings, Donna and David
Energy Psychology Comes to Congress
The Energy Medicine Institute is the non-profit arm of David and Donna's
activities. One of its projects is to make the effectiveness of
Energy Psychology more widely known. Last month David, along with
his close colleague Dawson
Church, Ph.D. (author of the academically
rigorous though playfully named, The Genie in Your Genes), were
Washington, D.C., hoping to persuade some members
of Congress that Energy
Psychology is a more effective treatment for soldiers and veterans than
conventional PTSD therapies. Read about their remarkable adventure in the Halls of Congress (PDF format).Representatives Chet Edwards (D-TX), Chris Smith (R-NJ), Cliff Stearns (R-FL), Second Lieutenant Olli Toukolehto, David Feinstein, Ph.D.
 | |
Case History
Hypertension, Digestive Disorders, and
Spiritual Awakenings with Energy Medicine
EM Practitioner, Gopita Manning, recently worked with a
client who had a number of physical ailments. Application of Eden Energy Medicine techniques resulted in a dramatic alleviation
of those symptoms, but more importantly opened her client energetically to a
very profound spiritual transformation. Read on... Submit A Case History Here
Read More Case Histories
Donna and David just added Spain to their European Tour
Want to meet Donna in an informal setting? Come to Spain for Energy Medicine on the Beach. See tour details below.  Click here to see All Upcoming Events |
Energy Medicine on the Southern Caribbean! Registration is Open
Our Alaskan Cruise/Training last September
was a
big success, a lot of fun, and a great way to learn or to review Energy
Medicine. It also filled up. This one will almost certainly sell
out as well, so mark your calendars and sign up now. Don't miss

Energy Tip: Working with the Gall Bladder
Each meridian has a time of day that it is at its "high tide," and also a season that resonates with it in special ways. The meridians that move most naturally with the rhythm of Spring are Gall Bladder and Liver. This is a fortuitous time to give these meridians a tune-up. This e-Letter focuses on the Gall Bladder meridian; the next e-Letter will focus on the Liver meridian.
The emotion of Gall Bladder meridian is anger or judgment. It can also involve seething energy inside, particularly when there isn't enough assertion. The energy of Gall bladder moves (or bursts) forward with absolute assuredness, like "Spring bursting out all over!" Gall Bladder is in fact, along with Liver, one of the two meridians governed by Spring Rhythm (aka "Wood Element." ) It has to do with standing firm, taking your place in life, cleared from seething energies of the past.
A Practice that Benefits Gall Bladder Meridian: One of our all-time most popular exercises is called "Expelling the Venom." It is used for everything from paving the way for healing to clearing the energies to give an outstanding piano performance. Releasing stagnant or disruptive energies from your body, it leaves you in your strength and is a great way to renew the energies of Gall Bladder meridian.
- Stand with your hands on your thighs, fingers spread, and take a deep breath.
- With the exhalation, make a "Shhhhhhhhhh" sound, as if telling someone to be quiet.
- With a deep inhalation, swing your arms out to your sides, and complete the circle by bringing them high above your head.
- Turn your hands around so your palms are facing you and make fists.
- With a loud "Shhhhhhhhhh" as you exhale, bring your fisted hands down swiftly, opening them as they drop near your thighs.
- Bring to mind a source of anger or frustration and make your movements quick and forceful. Repeat three times.
- Do it once more, this time slowly and deliberately, feeling your muscles and power unfolding as you slowly and deliberately pull down your arms.
- Repeat as often as you wish.
 Follow Energy Medicine on Facebook and Twitter Connect with other members of our community. It's fun and it's easy. We're halfway through the April Facebook Challenge. Every day we are
doing the Homolateral Crossover in hopes that our energies will be re-patterned to run forward (clarity and healing) instead of backward
(confused and blocked). It's never to late to JOIN THE FUN. Visit our easy to access Eden Energy Medicine Facebook page for directions and group comments! |
Did you know there is a rough correspondence between "do re mi" and the frequencies of your chakras?
On March 23, 2009, more than 200 dancers took over the Central Train Station of Antwerp with an amazing stunt. Singing along with them will turn on your Radiant Circuits, put your Chakras into balance, and bring a smile to your face. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EYAUazLI9k |
Colors Package $18 |
5-DVD Set $124 |  | Earth Day Colors Sale
honor of Earth Day, on April 22nd,
Innersource is offering a 5-Day Sale on our Colors items.
Don't delay...paint your aura today!
Special Colors Package
- Life Colors 2-CD set - Donna
explains the significance of life colors.
- Color gels - a fan of colored
films used to adjust the charge of energy in a specific meridian.
- Color Meridian Laminate - a
reference guide for treating a specific meridian for over/under charged
Also available for the Earth Day Colors Sale is the Colors Auras, and the Psychic Realm DVD set - a $249
value for only $124.
Colors Auras, and the Psychic Realm Continue your Energy Medicine education with Colors
Auras, and the Psychic Realm. This advanced 5-DVD course is
designed for those who have a thorough understanding of basic and intermediate Energy Medicine topics.
Learn the significance of how an individual's life color
permeates all the other colors in their energy field.
Learn about how to identify and strengthen the different auric bands
(layers). Begin to sense the underlying realm of subtle energies
that animates and impacts health. $249 Value ~ Sale Price: $124
Order in our online store
Sale starts April 21st and ends on April 25th.
| Offer Good: April 21-25, 2010