Donna Eden's Energy e-Letter
March 2010 Issue
Our New Certified Practitioner and Class Directory
A Wonderful Article in a Princeton Paper
Upcoming Events
Donna and David in Albuquerque
Case History: Energy Medicine Brings a Dog Back from the Brink
Follow Energy Medicine on Facebook
Donna and David are coming to Norway and Denmark
Announcing EM101 - 104 Classes

What's New?
Our Certified Practitioner and Class Directory!

Enjoy "one-stop shopping" for Practitioners and their classes in your area. We just consolidated our listings into one handy, easy-to-navigate directory. Check it out. 

Read a wonderful article on Energy Medicine in a Princeton Paper.

Upcoming Events

Experience the Power of Energy Medicine
Mt Laurel, NJ
March 5-6, 2010

Energies of Life: Medicine for the 21st Century
New York Open Center
March 10, 2010

Energies of Life: Medicine for the 21st Century
Kansas City, MO
March 12-13, 2010


Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology Workshops
Albuquerque, NM
March 19-21, 2010


Psychotherapy Network Symposium
David Only
Washington, DC
March 25-28, 2010


Energy Medicine: A Hands-On Workshop
Omega, NYC
April 16-18, 2010

All Upcoming Events

Quick Web Links

Spring Flowers

Our mission:

"Raising the vibration of the planet, one person at a time."

Dear  ,

When a pet is sick, our desire to help and our sense of helplessness can be excruciating, not totally unlike our feelings when the afflicted is a family member or dear friend.  Suffering by the souls we love is painful to watch.  Read of Jean Dresden's determination and inspiring success in helping her dog, Squirt, after the vets gave up on him. 

This issue also tells of our upcoming travels, from Albuquerque to Scandinavia, and announces an exciting new development bringing Energy Medicine resources closer to your home town.  
Donna Eden and David Feinstein

Donna and David
Donna EdenDonna and David in Albuquerque
March 19-21

Time is running out on a rare opportunity to work IN PERSON with Donna and David to discover your own healing power!

Energy Medicine: A Hands-On Experience
with Donna Eden & David Feinstein
Friday, March 19, 7 - 10 pm
Saturday, March 20, 9 am - 5 pm

Energy Psychology Workshop
with David Feinstein
Sunday, March 21, 9 am - 1 pm

For more information,
please contact:

The ConferenceWorks!
800-395-8445 �

Unable to make it to Albuquerque? This program is also being offered in Palm Springs, July 16-18th.

Energy Medicine Brings A Dog Back From The Brink

When confronted with the declining vigor of her 16-year-old poodle, Jean Dresden found no solace in what standard veterinary practice could offer.  She instead applied Energy Medicine exercises and found her pet to be responsive, resilient and able to enjoy life once again.
Jean's dog, Squirt, was showing signs of aging.  He was blind, arthritic and had been whimpering and showing signs of confusion.  His condition worsened, and he became very lethargic and almost completely non-responsive.  Squirt would not eat. He would only mildly stir when petted and had to be hand held in a position to urinate. Jean took him to the vet.  The physical exam, blood tests, urine analysis, and x-rays all failed to show an underlying physical condition causing his symptoms.  The vet could only suggest that an antibiotic - Clavomax - may provide some relief, but cautioned that it just may be the natural end to the dog's life. Read on...

Submit A Case History Here

Read More Case Histories
Triple SpiralFollow Energy Medicine
on Facebook...

... and connect with other members of our community. It's fun and it's easy.

Janie Chandler, an EEM Advanced Practitioner, used Facebook to spread the word for February's Spinal Flush Challenge. The goal? To find a partner and do a Spinal Flush on each other at least once every day during the month of February. The challenge was posted on the Eden Energy Medicine Facebook page, and reminder Tweets were sent via Twitter to help keep the swirl of energy going. (One sample was, "Up against the wall! Have you done your Spinal Flush today?")

The energy generated was exciting, so keep a look out for future Energy Medicine challenges. In the meantime, grab a friend and give and receive a Spinal Flush today! If you can't remember how to do this exercise, there are directions and even a video on our Facebook page. (You don't have to be a Facebook member to visit.)

Donna and David are coming to Norway and Denmark

People are always asking Donna and David to come to Europe. The time has come. Please don't miss this opportunity to see Donna and David.

Donna Teaching
Click here to see All Upcoming Events
Announcing EM101 - 104 Classes Taught by our
CP Faculty
Innersource is ready to roll out our new EM101-104 Classes (EM101, 102, 103, and 104). EM101-104 consists of four distinct, yet sequential, classes designed to introduce students to Eden Energy Medicine.

Because this is a pilot program, the incredible faculty members of the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program are the only teachers authorized at this point in time teach these classes. Any one of these classes can go toward meeting part of the prerequisites for entering the Regional Entry Program or the Two-Year Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program held in Phoenix, Arizona.

The EM101-104 classes are designed to increase the availability and affordability of learning basic EEM to a wider range of students. Having classes taught locally, with a one class commitment, will allow more students the opportunity to afford to attend a class that exposes them to EEM.  It brings EEM to more people, promoting Donna Eden's vision of bringing energy medicine to every corner of the world!

You can find out if these classes are being taught at a location near you by visiting our practitioner directory. Please visit this website often, as we will continually be posting new classes as they become available.

We hope these new classes help make Energy Medicine more available to you and those you love!
