What's New? 77 New Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioners!
Last Chance for "The Energies of Love" DVD for Valentine's Day! Sale Ends February 14th.
Sale price $14.97 (Full price $29.95)
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Dear ,
We send you warm wishes through this cold winter. This issue highlights a situation where no medical interventions were left but to keep a comatose patient on life support. An hour after an energy medicine session, she was awake and communicating by blinking her eyes and released from the hospital soon afterward. As more people are practicing energy medicine in their local communities, we are hearing more and more stories like this. Please write them up for the Case History area of our website and possible inclusion in this e-letter.
We were very proud on February 1st to graduate 77 more people as Certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioners, bringing the total to more than 350 since the program began four years ago. Our daughter, Titanya, orchestrated one of the most beautiful graduation ceremonies anyone had ever seen celebrating this right of passage into the privileges and responsibilities of becoming healers in their communities. We suspect that no one escaped without tears.
Read on to learn about our activities in the coming month.
Donna and David
Energy Medicine Helps a Comatose Patient
An Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) Certified Pracititioner used energy medicine techniques to help a patient
awaken from a coma-state. The patient had fallen into the coma while
at the hospital following a heart by-pass surgery. Doctors were
perplexed when she went into the coma and were not able to explain
why. The EEM certified practitioner, assisted by the patient's niece, used
several EM techniques in a single session. Following that session,
other visitors reported that the patient had improved markedly and
eventually improved enough to be released. Read on...
Submit A Case History Here
Read More Case Histories
Listen to Donna on February 18th
 Donna is speaking in the FREE teleseminar series, called From
Darkness to Light: Living a Miraculous Life on February 18.
Donna will show listeners how they can create powerful
energetic shifts to enhance their health and bring a sense of magic and sparkle to their lives. Don't miss it!
You can claim your seat by clicking here.
By the way, don't worry if you can't make the sessions live. Each
session will be recorded and available for an additional 48 hours after
the live class. |
Donna and David on the East Coast for Several Classes
Donna and David will be on the East Coast for the following classes:  Click here to see All Upcoming Events |
Listen to a Free Interview with Donna
Wellness Educator, Elsie Kerns, will be interviewing Donna on the benefits of Energy Medicine. Be sure to tune-in, either online or via the phone. As usual, it is sure to be an exciting and informative interview.
When: Wednesday, February 24th at 7:00pm Eastern
Where: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or Webcast -- it's your
Click here for more details. |

David's Coming to the Kripalu Center in the Berkshires!
Introduction to Energy Psychology
Class Details: Energy psychology is a contemporary approach that draws from ancient
spiritual practices and healing traditions. It provides simple methods
for shifting your brain's response to unwanted thoughts, actions, and
emotions such as fear, anger, anxiety, jealousy, shame, and depression.
This hands-on introduction teaches you basic principles and
techniques of energy psychology that you can immediately begin using in
daily life. Guided by David Feinstein, a prominent leader in the field,
you will learn to work with energy points on the skin to send signals
that shift the electrical and chemical activity in your brain. 
Event Details:Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health
In the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts 57 Interlaken Road Stockbridge, MA 1-800-741-7353 Kripalu Website
March 12-14, 2010
Start Planning Ahead For Your 5-Day Basic Training
This fall, Donna will be doing one 5-Day Basic in Rhinebeck, NY and one in San Diego, CA.
The 5-Day Basic Training is a great way to experience Donna's joy and magic while gaining a fundamental understanding of Energy Medicine. These classes are lively, fun and full of hands-on demonstrations. You don't want to miss it. Although the details are not finalized, the dates are, so please mark your calendar: |