What's New?
Educational Tools are now available on our store.
Laminated charts, color gels, the Daily Routine, and more.
Give "The Energies of Love" DVD for Valentine's Day and Save 50%!
Sale price $14.97 (originally $29.95)
Upcoming Events
Two Radio Shows (available online, too):Kiss Your Life Hello VoiceAmerica Health & WellnessWednesday, Jan 207am PSTDr. Pat ShowWednesday, Jan 2010:00 am PST_____Energy Medicine: A Hands-On IntroductionSedona, AZJanuary 29, 2010____Women of Wisdom ConferenceSeattle, WA February 11 - 15, 2010 ____
From Darkness to Light Free Teleseminar Anywhere Feb 18th ____
Experience the Power of Energy Medicine Mt Laurel, NJ March 5-6, 2010 ____
Energies of Life: Medicine for the 21st Century New York Open Center March 10, 2010 ____
All Upcoming Events
Quick Web Links
Dear ,
Energy Medicine with serious conditions is, in practice, often combined
with conventional medical interventions. Sometimes it is hard to
determine the extent of its impact, but often enough, the supervising
physician comments, as in the case below, that "it was a miraculous
recovery" after Energy Medicine was introduced. Read about Lyn
Milum's work with her father after a fall that shattered his hip
Also, learn about upcoming events, teleseminars, and radio
programs. And if you've been doing research on energy
medicine, consider presenting it at the June 2010 ACEP meeting in
Coronado, CA. We'll both be there. And mostly, we hope your
year is starting well.
Donna and David
Energy Medicine as a Cornerstone Treatment for a Broken Hip Socket
Medicine techniques provided the cornerstone for an excellent recovery for a
man with a shattered hip socket. His
daughter, an Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner, was able to begin to
apply these techniques immediately after the accident. Energy Medicine methods, along
with homeopathic remedies, physical therapy, and a positive environment
led to a quick recovery allowing full mobility. The surgeon working this case
commented several times that it was miraculous recovery - something he'd never
seen before. Read on.
Submit A Case History Here
Read More Case Histories
Join Donna in Sedona for a Hands-On Energy Medicine Experience
Donna will be in Sedona, January 29th, from 7:00-9:30 pm for a Hands-On Experience. You will learn to: - Restore your energy when you are tired.
- Sharpen your memory and mental clarity
- Strengthen your immune system
- Increase health and resilience with a 5-munute daily routine
Event Details:January 29th 7-9:30 pm $15 in advance, $20 at the door (if available) Sedona Creative Life Center 333 Schnebly Hill Rd (928) 282-9300 Tickets and information |
Join Donna in a Free Teleseminar Series
 Donna will be a speaker in a FREE teleseminar series, called From
Darkness to Light: Living a Miraculous
Life. It begins this Tuesday, January 19th. Donna's
appearance will be on February 18.
The series of programs is designed to "reveal the keys to how you
can unlock your hidden potential in these amazing and turbulent times; secrets
that will teach you how to actually transform your greatest challenges
expanded levels of consciousness, purpose and power."
Featuring an impressive list of speakers, teachers ,and mentors who are
on the frontiers of consciousness and human transformation, you will hear of
their wisdom and experience in the areas of healing, human development,
abundance, relationships, success, and more. They will also offer their cutting-edge tools for
radical transformation.
You can claim your seat by clicking here.
By the way, don't worry if you can't make the sessions live. Each
session will be recorded and available for an additional 48 hours after
the live class.
Donna is excited to be part of this series. She will be the featured
guest on Thursday, February 18th and will be show listeners how they can create powerful
energetic shifts to enhance their health and bring a sense
of magic and sparkle to their lives.

Donna To Be Featured on Two Premier Radio Programs
Donna will be the featured speaker on the VoiceAmerica Health &
Wellness Channel, Wednesday January 20 at 7 AM Pacific Time, 10 a.m
Eastern. The program is called Kiss Your Life Hello and it is
hosted by Dr. Howard Peiper and Dr. Vijaya Nair. You can listen
free on the Internet.
* * *
She will also appear on Dr. Pat in Seattle at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, January
20. She'll be speaking on the topic Energy Medicine: From Ancient Healing Traditions to Empowerment in the
Modern World.There are many ways to listen to The Dr. Pat Show. You can listen from
your living room or car in the many areas The Dr. Pat show broadcasts. Click here for more information on the Dr. Pat's show. |

Energy Healing Research Reports Invited
Donna and David will be presenting the
opening keynote address and a post-Conference seminar at the 2010
International Energy Psychology Conference in San Diego in early
June. We mention this now because a new feature of the conference
will be
Poster Sessions"
related to research. Research on Energy
Medicine as well as Energy Psychology will be considered. Applications are due by
March 15. Speaking of research, Innersource will soon be starting its own Energy
Medicine Research e-Forum. Stay tuned.
Happy New Year from The Innersource Team
Ever wonder who it is your contacting when you interact with Innersource staff? Your Innersource staff sends you the warmest wishes for a wonderful New Year!

Front Row: Shawnee, Angie, Julie, Dondi Second Row: Carrie, Leslie, Katrina, Donna, Jennifer (in front), Lori, Eric Back row: David and Roger Missing: Sherry (in Arkansas!)