Upcoming Events
Energy Medicine for Women Portland, OR July 9-12, 2009 __________
Energy Medicine for Women Los Angeles, CA July 23-26, 2009 ________
Energy Psychology Intro Intensive Aug 9-14, 2009 Rhinebeck, NY _______
Energy Medicine: A Hands-On Experience Aug 14-16, 2009 Rhinebeck, NY _______
Alaska Cruise with Donna & David Sept 11-19, 2009 _________
2009 Natural Living Expo Sept 26-27, 2009 Sturbridge, MA ______
11th Annual Canadian Energy Psychology Conference Oct 15-19, 2009 Toronto, Canada ______
More Events
We have, since the last e-letter, been blessed with our first grandchild.
We are over-the-top elated, and in the tradition of all grandparents, we
want to show you his photo (below). We also get to brag about two
more Golds in book competitions. This issue features a remarkable
cure from incurable bone deterioration and links to a video that shows
why energy work should be available to our returning veterans NOW.
This e-letter also announces a range of ways you can study Energy Medicine, from a
7-hour Intro class to a spectacular cruise to Alaska in September that
will include the full content of a 5-day intensive (plus all the ports of
call, evening cabarets, and all the other great fun activities a cruise
has to offer). Two classes focus on the topic of our newest book,
Energy Medicine for Women, and our 300 Certification Program
graduates can take additional training to become approved instructors for
local EM4W classes. The menu is rich, the sun is shining, and our
grandson is growing!
Sending you our love and blessings,
& David |
Energy Medicine and Energy Medicine for Women win Gold Awards!
Winners at the Nautilus Book Awards!
We enjoyed a unique distinction in May. The prestigious Nautilus Book Awards has never in the past given its Gold to two different books
in the same category. But two of our books,
Energy Medicine for Women and
Energy Medicine (10th Anniversary Edition), received exactly that. Each was awarded a
Gold in the Health category. They told us it was that they just
couldn't decide between the two books -- that it had nothing to do with
both books being by the same authors. We were flattered. One of
our heroes, Mehmet Oz, received the Silver in this category. The
same two books also made a sweep in the U.S. Book News competition
last December (Women's Health Book of the Year and
Self-Help Book of the Year, respectively). So there must be
something in them that is worth reading. |
Energy Medicine for Women
(and the Men Who Love Them)
Donna Eden in a four-day journey through methods that create an
internal environment that helps your hormones prosper. By managing
your energies you can manage your hormones. Come and learn a
5-minute routine to balance your hormonal health. In this class you will learn techniques to:  - Clear toxins from your body
- Prevent osteoporosis
- Ease stiffness and join pain
- Cool down hot flashes
- Overcome depression
- Promote mental sharpness
- Alleviate headaches
Become a Donna Eden Authorized Energy Medicine for Women Instructor
For Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioners
The "Energy Medicine for Women Class Instructor Program" is a specialty
training option for Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioners. The program
consists of a 6 hour post-class that follows Donna's Energy Medicine for Women class.
The post-class is divided into two
segments. The first segment provides a review and hands on practice of a few of
the techniques Donna taught in her class. The second segment is focused on the
practical side of how to teach along with suggestions for attracting
people into your class, choosing locations, and other
logistics. This program will offer you guidance and support for setting up your own Energy
Medicine for Women classes and study groups.
Take a Cruise to Alaska with Donna and David
Our next 5-Day Basic Training Class will be on the open seas
We have rarely looked forward more to an event than this one.
Alaska in September is stunning. The cruise is arranged so classes
are held while sailing the open sea on this luxury liner and we will have
time to enjoy all the ports of call, the ship's evening entertainment,
and much much more that will be great fun.
CE's Available!
Can't Make the Cruise? Join Donna for Two Intro Classes Before We Set Sail!
Spend 7 Hours with Cruise Participants
The first two sessions are being held at the Seattle Marriott Airport
Hotel. You can attend these as a stand-alone
"Introduction to Energy Medicine"
class right along with the cruise people. The sessions are:
- Friday, September
11: 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
- Saturday, September 12: 8:00 am - 11:30 am
Tuition is only $99. Plus
stay Friday night at the hotel for the amazing rate of $46 (shared
room). Please send this to your friends in the Northwest so they can have an opportunity to experience Donna in action.
Click here to Register Now!
"Dem Bones": Osteoporosis and Reflexive Sympathetic Dystrophy
A Remarkable Case History Where
Energy Medicine Made the
In late 2004, I reached to hug my husband and felt something
"snap". I had broken a rib. A few weeks later I sneezed and
heard a sound: "pop! - pop! - pop!" I then had
broken four ribs!
I was diagnosed with idiopathic osteoporosis, a puzzling bone melting
condition, all the more puzzling due to my relatively young age at the
time (54), and because of the fact that my near-80-year old mother did
not have any bone problems at all and did not take any medication, nor
did my identical twin sister.
But I was in trouble, and it was to get worse. . . . [read more]
Click here to Submit a Case Study
Stunning 10-Minute Video of Energy Psychology with War Vets
Gary Craig, the founder of EFT and our
co-author in the award-winning The Promise of Energy Psychology, has had stunning successes treating war
veterans for PTSD. Last year, he enticed 9 war veterans and 2 of
their family members -- all 11 suffering with formally diagnosed PTSD or
at least PTSD symptoms -- to come to a San Francisco hotel for 5
days of intensive
treatment. Each received two to
three sessions of EFT
each day,
administered by Gary and four other practitioners, all volunteering their
time for the no-cost treatments. Gary had the sessions video-taped
and is in the process, with the talented film maker Eric Hurre, of
creating a feature movie.
Meanwhile, I have been in the process of writing an article explaining
what goes on in the brain when you tap acupuncture points in the
treatment of PTSD. It is getting very interesting, and the Energy
e-letter will link to it once it is completed. Because it is written for
an academic journal, I wanted readers--most of whom will know very little
about Energy Psychology except that it looks strange and is not accepted
by most of their colleagues--to have a chance to see the technique in
action. I asked Gary if I could use some of the footage from his
movie specifically for the purpose of a link from the article. He
graciously agreed, which is the history of the 10-minute clip. I
share it with you as a preliminary to sharing the article in a few
months. I think you will find it moving and powerful.
--David Feinstein
Update on Scholarships for the EEMCP program
21 Half-Tuition Scholarships Granted
Your donation provides support to train more people as Energy Medicine Practitioners.
We were able to offer 21 half-tuition scholarships for
the Year One and Year Two classes that began in April/May thanks to the contributions from our Energy Medicine community. Thank you, thank you!
Here are some specifics:
- 56 People Applied for Scholarships.
- 21 Scholarships were awarded
- Eight of these were funded by a single donor.
- 19 of the Scholarships went to Year-2 Students (because we are committed to the students who have started the program)
- The other 2 scholarships were awarded to Year 1- Students
- 8 Year-2 Students who applied could not be granted scholarships.
- 21 people who wanted to start or
continue the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program could not because scholarship aid was not
We are always saddened to turn away scholarship applicants and are committed to growing our scholarship program. As always, your contributions are greatly appreciated. They make a decisive difference in the lives of our fellow Energy Medicine students.
The Energy of Life - Medicine for the 21st Century
Save the date, September 25th!
Donna and David are coming to Southborough, MA, Friday, September 25,
for an evening introduction on "the application of the life force to
sustain and heal ourselves, our clients, and our loved ones."
Mark your calendars; tell your friends who live in the area.
More information coming soon on our website. Please check back often.
It's a Boy!
Tiernan Ray Devenyns
Donna and David's first grandchild, Tiernan Ray Devenyns (pronounced
deh-ven-ayz) was born at home in San Diego at 4:55 a.m. on Saturday, May
23, to Dondi Dahlin and Roger Devenyns (in the spirit of the parents'
gender equality, a girl would have gotten mom's last name). He
weighed in at 8 pounds 3 ounces, 21 inches tall, has huge hands, and
basketball jerseys are in the plans. We are all experiencing the
concept of "It Takes a Village." Dondi and Roger are
planning on a 48-hour nap when Tiernan is