June 15, 2012: Volume 1, Number 16
In This Issue
Feature: DID YOU SALT THEIR OATS? Build Thirst in Those You Lead
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Are your people slow to move - even when you give them all the tools they need to grow? Check what you're feeding them. You'll read how in this issue's feature, Salt Their Oats: How to Build Thirst in Those You Lead.

Now as we move into summer, it can be easy to neglect your spiritual health. Don't let that happen to you! Combine your dalton-and-fieldswell-deserved rest with renewing your walk with God.


Keep growing!


Dalton and Vicki



Psalm 116:7 says, "Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you" (NIV). Indeed, God has been good to those who have joined us for the Spiritually Healthy Leader� series workshops during the first half of 2012!


Many of you are on vacations or have plans for the summer, as we do. Now as we enter into this time of rest, we invite you to continue to pursue your spiritual health. Summer is a wonderful time to: 

featureFeature:  DID YOU SALT THEIR OATS?
How To Build Thirst In Those You Lead 

Kevin, a business consultant, returned to his boyhood farm home to visit his father. Over coffee, he explained his strategic planning work. "These principles really help leaders conduct business and ministry effectively," Kevin told his dad with excitement. "But my clients are so slow to move on them." His face clouded over momentarily. "They're like the horses on our farm. I can lead them to water, but I can't make them drink - and I just can't figure out why."
Kevin's dad's eyes twinkled. "Salt their oats," he countered.

Why salt builds thirst
As a young boy, Kevin had often led the farm horses to the water trough after feeding them, only to find they wouldn't drink. But when Kevin and his dad salted their oats, the horses drank easily and willingly. Salt tickled their palette and increased their thirst, where plain oats did not. Further, salt provided valuable minerals for healthy function. And the appealing taste motivated the horses to drink more water to build their stamina and maintain their weight.

Kevin's dad understood a first step in effective leadership. People must develop thirst (salted oats) before they are willing to change (plain oats).

Kevin had been giving his clients plain oats. But they needed salt - an increased understanding for the skills they would acquire, whether it was managing conflict, reestablishing alignment, restoring healthy relationships, or focusing on mission. Once their palette was tickled, they would be thirsty and drink.

You may understand what another person needs. But does he? Salt his oats. Help him see his need. Then he will become eager to drink to become healthy and grow.

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Growth Point

People develop thirst after they understand their need.

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Train up the younger in the way he should go and in keeping with his individual gift or bent. (Proverbs 22:6, AMP)

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Prayer Points

  • Name a time when you provided a solution (plain oats) for a person before helping him understand his need (salted oats).
  • What are you willing to change in order to give your people "salt with their oats"?
  • What step can you take to understand you own needs better - and develop a deeper thirst for a healthy spiritual life?
What People Are Saying ...


"The Spiritually Healthy Leader� workshop gave me a renewed passion to be ALL I can be for our Lord, serving Him well. This was a huge blessing for me. I encourage others to attend the entire series!"

Clark Henderson, Worship Arts Pastor, Albuquerque, NM
leaf iconFind out more about equipping, coaching, and training opportunities with 30 60 100 MINISTRIES  here.