Bread Beckers Inc
eBread Newsletter February 27, 2009
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If you are interested in one of the events below, please click on the link to register - classes do fill up quickly!  More classes and events will be scheduled, you can also find them on our web site.

Cooking Under Pressure
Saturday - February 28, 2009
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Bread Beckers' Store in Woodstock, GA
Still a few seats left!  Click here to register on-lineOR call the store at 770-516-5000 (x11)

Taught By Sue Becker

At our Cooking Under Pressure class, Sue will introduce you to the best thing for the home cook since running water. Learn to make fall-off-the-bone-tender chicken in half an hour, delectable black beans and rice, and garlic green beans even your kids will love. Sue will show you, step-by-step, how to make an entire meal (including dessert) in a pressure cooker.

If you have a pressure cooker, come and find out what an amazingly versatile tool you have in your cupboard. If you don't own one yet, come to taste why you should!

The '09 Nutrition Fair

Tuesday March 3, 2009
Noon - 4PM

Life University
1269 Barclay Circle
Marietta, GA

There will be numerous health related vendors, AND
Sue Becker will have a book table and handing out information, and it is free and open to all!

For more info contact:
Pedro Leon:
Crystal Dicosola:

The Church of the Apostles Women's Ministry presents:
Living Free
Empowering the Body and Soul
March 12, 2009
11:45AM - 1:45PM

Guest Speakers: Sue Becker and Dr. Rhett Bergeron
Church of the Apostles, "The Commons"
Cost: $10
Registration: for event and child care is required by March 4, 2009

"Not By Bread Alone" - Sue Becker

This powerful presentation by Sue Becker is her personal
testimony of healing from colon cancer.

"The Healing Power of a Healthy Soul" - Dr. Rhett Bergeron

This presentation shows how basic biological responses to emotional
trauma relate to manifestations of disease and discusses various
diseases and the emotional conflicts linked to them.

Online registration is available at: / Women'sMinistry / Upcoming Events

"Super Saturday for Women"
A seminar on Healthy Living & Family Economics

March 14th, 2009
Sanctuary of the Holy Spirit, 71 W Candler St., Winder, GA 30680
Cost: $12 per person, includes breakfast, lunch, & workshops
Registration: required by March 9, 2009

Please RSVP to Linda Adair at 770-962-6277 or 404-667-2730 or

Please join us as we embark on the great adventure of saving money on everyday expenses, and living a healthy lifestyle.  Our speakers will share proven ways to "Have More, For Less", whether it be on the table, in the living room, or in the closet!

Guest Speakers Include:
Sue Becker, expert on healthy living through whole foods, will share her vast knowledge on bread making and the importance of preparing "Real Food".

Linda Adair, Interior Decorator for over 30 years, will share her expertise on "Decorating Your Home on a Budget".

Paula Henson, experienced runway model, will put on a "Budget Fashion Show".

Mary Beth Groves, homeschool Mom of 5, will share delicious tips and recipes for "Cooking on a Budget".  And More...!

Please RSVP to Linda Adair at 770-962-6277 or 404-667-2730 or


"Young at Heart"
Location:  Savannah, GA

What's New with Brad and Sue

Our request for your prayers and support.

In December of last year, God brought an incredible young boy into our lives.  Through a ministry called New Horizons for Children, my daughter, Ashley and her family hosted a child from Latvia in their home for Christmas.  After careful consideration from the profiles of different children in the program, they chose a 13 year old boy, named Raimonds, from Latvia.  Ashley and her husband, Jamie, were drawn to Raimonds for several reasons, and their excitement mounted as they proceeded with the process and anticipation of his arrival.
The ministry of New Horizons for Children is to seek out orphans from Eastern Europe whose possibilities of a better life are slim, either due to age or special needs.  At age 16, foster care children and orphans are released from the "system" to make the best life for themselves they can.  Many end up homeless, with drug and alcohol addictions, and often become suicidal.
The founder of New Horizons and her team visit the orphanages in the area twice a year to seek out children that display "over comer" characteristics.  Their desire through the hosting program, is to give these children exposure to the love of a real family.  Their goal is that by hosting a child for a month, the host family may get to know the child and possibly consider adoption.  80% of the children in the New Horizon's hosting program get adopted.
Needless to say Ashley and Jamie began to wonder if God would lead them to adopt Raimonds.  However, they soon learned that Latvian law requires that adoptive parents be at least 18 years older than the child.  Ashley was only 15 years older.  Nevertheless, their hearts were still drawn to Raimonds.

With seven biological children I, (Sue), have never considered adoption.  In fact, I often marveled at families that had adopted, especially internationally, and wondered what would motivate them to do such a thing.  But God began to move on my heart.

Raimonds arrived in America to Ashley and Jamie's home on December 15th.  He was to spend Christmas with them and return home on January 15th.  Christmas in the Becker household is a special experience.  We take the holidays seriously as a time of rest and fellowship.  We close our business on Christmas Eve and do not reopen until the first Monday in the New Year.  We spend this time getting together with all of our children, grandchildren and extended family playing games, eating and just having fun.  On most days there were at least 5-10 extra people in our small home.

Raimonds, of course, was included in all the Becker activities.  He bonded with our entire family and we with him.  He fit right in, learning games in spite of the language barrier (he speaks limited English), shopping with the girls and teasing with us all.  He played equally well with the younger grand kids as with all of my older children.

Raimonds and Brad developed a special bond with communication specific to him and Brad.  I found myself growing more and more attached to this special boy as the days went on.  I remember one day in particular, as I would cry at the thought of Raimonds returning to Latvia.

Raimonds' story is a sad one.  He has lived in a foster home for four years and has not seen either of his parents in this time.  His parents are divorced and, for what ever reason, have given up all parental rights to him.  He has very little contact, if any, with his other siblings.  One brother we know lives in a foster home as well.  Raimonds will be 14 years old in November.  Older children are all too often overlooked by perspective adoptive families, so his time is growing short before he may be turned out on his own.

Raimonds is a bright boy with a wonderful personality who deserves a chance in life to find the real love of God and a family. God has put it in our hearts for Brad and me to adopt Raimonds.  We have sought the Lord through much counsel and put out numerous fleeces.   Our children and extended family are all in agreement.  We want to open our hearts, our home and our family to this young boy from Latvia.

Raimonds had to return home on January 15th.  We all cried as he walked away from us in the airport.  Before he left, he asked my daughter Ashley if there was some way he could live with her.  When she told him about the Latvian law he asked if when he turned 18 he could live with her then.  Once Brad and I made the decision about adopting him we asked how he felt about us being his mother and father.  He told us he wanted to be our boy for life!! :) (exclamation points his with the addition of a smiley face!)

Brad and I have started the adoption process.  Unfortunately, it takes much money for all the legal expenses and paper work as well as 3 trips to Latvia.  We know that what God has called us to do He will provide.  

We are seeking creative ways to raise the needed funds but that will take time and many of the fees have to be paid now.  God's word says that we have not because we ask not.  So we are making our need known to our friends and family, to ask if you would like to help.  We realize we live in tough financial times and are not asking that anyone give if they are not able nor do we ask you to give a large amount.  The cost of the adoption is about $25,000 and if everyone who receives this letter could give just $5.00 we would have � our need met!

We have set up a special "Raimonds fund" account to deposit any gifts for this need.  Should we get more than we need for the actual adoption, the money will be used to cover the extra medical, dental, and language curriculum that Raimonds will require once he comes to live with us and for hosting him to come stay with us this summer, should the process take that long.  We are excited about this new call of God in our lives and would love for you to partner with us with your prayers and support.  Please pray a "hedge of protection" around Raimonds until we can bring him home.

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world" (James 1:27 NIV emphasis mine)

If you would like to help in this need please make checks payable to:     

Brad or Sue Becker
561 Dogwood Hills Lane
Canton, GA 30115
Memo: "Raimonds Fund"

Although we do have a nonprofit ministry we do not feel ethical about sending your gifts for this more personal need through our ministry.  So any gifts given to the "Raimonds fund" will not be tax deductible.

The co-op schedule for 2009 can be found on our web site at

Co-ops are a great way to get your grains and other supplies that are just too expensive to ship any other way.  Current co-op shipping rates range from 11.5 cents to 14.5 cents per pound (depending on distance from our warehouse) when we deliver on our own truck, compared to UPS rates that can be around 50 cents a pound!  Visit our website and find the co-op closest to you, our coordinators will be happy to welcome you into  a co-op!

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Business Hours
Monday - Friday, 9AM - 5PM

Help Desk
Phone   770-516-5000
FAX      770-516-7588