
March 2009
:: Upcoming Events
:: What's Been Happening in the Community?
:: AVODAH News
:: Alumni Highlights
:: Awards and Fellowships
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Upcoming Events


Jewish Mindfulness Retreat for Social Justice Leaders
This retreat is an opportunity for a small cohort of leaders to come together in a place of natural beauty to focus on the critical work of weaving together our spiritual and social justice lives in order to become more balanced, healthy and sustainable leaders. The retreat will be predominantly silent with a handful of talks and interactive trainings/sessions. The retreat is based in mindfulness meditation in a Jewish framework. There will be meditation, yoga, time to be on your own, nourishing kosher food and April landscapes.

When: April 2-5, 2009
Where: The Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center, Falls Village, CT.
Cost: $125 program fee. Room and board additional.

Brought to you by the Institute for Jewish Spirituality, Jewish Funds for Justice, and the AVODAH-AJWS Partnership.

For more information and to register, visit IsabellaFreedman.org/socialjustice.

Bay Area

Social Change Book Group
We'd love to have you join us for interesting conversation and action around a variety of social justice, environmental, education, human rights and health issues. Our next book is The Brief and Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz. The book is about a family living in the Domincan Republic under Trujillo's rule. Light desserts and drinks will be provided.
Date:  Sunday, March 15, 6:00 p.m.
Location: In the Mission, SF
RSVP: hwinig@avodah.net
Together the group will decide on future meetings and logistics.

Golem & The Sway Machinery
The AVODAH-AJWS Partnership is pleased to cosponsor: JDub Records Presents: Golem & The Sway Machinery

Date: March 17, 2009, Show @ 8PM
Location: The Independent, 628 Divisadero St, SF
Tickets: $12; purchase here
More details to follow, stay tuned.

Feast of Jewish Learning
The AVODAH-AJWS Partnerhsip is proud to be a cosponsor of "Lost and Found: the Bureau of Jewish Education's 4th Annual Young Adult Feast of Jewish Learning.
*  Join your friends for 20+ free workshops on Jewish thought, texts, philosophy, spirituality, culture, life and  ove
*  Taught by professors, rabbis, artists, and educators from all walks of Jewish life
*  Each participant can attend three 75-minute workshops

When: Sunday, March 29, 2:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Where: JCHS at 1835 Ellis Street in San Francisco
Cost: Everything is FREE! Even garage parking!
RSVP: To Mariana Roytman Schiffner at bjefeast@gmail.com
For more details, visit www.bjesf.org/feast


Book Club

In honor of Women's History Month, the book club will be reading Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

When: Sunday, March 1, 6:00 p.m.
Where: The home of Annalise George
To Annalise; please let her know if you will be coming and if/what food you will bring to share.


Exodus and Revolution
Exodus and Revolution, by Michael Walzer, traces the dynamics of revolution, redemption and liberation through the biblical story of the Israelites leaving Egypt for the Promised Land. It also examines later retellings of Exodus by diverse groups including classical rabbinic interpreters and political actors who used the story as the rallying point for their own revolutionary struggles.

Coming to DC from NYC, this 4-week course will unpack Exodus and Revolution through intensive learning in chevrutah (in pairs) and through facilitated discussions. The primary instructor for the course is Rabbi Erica Asch, AJWS alumna and community organizer with the Washington Interfaith Network.

Dates: Weekly, starting on Thursday March 12th and ending on Thursday, April 2nd
**The course will end just in time for you to bring your newfound insights to your Passover Seder!
Location: 6th & I Synagogue
Register: Here
Co-Sponsored by: 6th & I Synagogue, Jews United for Justice, Moishe House Silver Spring and Moishe House DC

New York

AVODAH / AJWS / Hazon Book Club
Please join us for our next book club discussion on Emma Larkin's Finding George Orwell in Burma. AJWS alum Emily Gold will be facilitating the discussion. We will also be reading Orwell's short story "Shooting An Elephant," available online at http://www.online-literature.com/orwell/887. The book club is open to staff, alumni, and friends of our organizations.

When: Tuesday, March 3, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Where: AJWS Office, 45 West 36th St., 10th Floor
RSVP: To Suzanne Lipkin

Three-Part Series on Michael Walzer's Exodus and Revolution
Exodus and Revolution, by Michael Walzer, traces the dynamics of revolution, redemption and liberation through the biblical story of the Israelites leaving Egypt for the Promised Land. It also examines later retellings of Exodus by diverse groups including classical rabbinic interpreters and political actors who used the story as the rallying point for their own revolutionary struggles. 
Back by popular demand, this 3-week course will unpack Exodus and Revolution through facilitated discussions and through intensive learning in chevrutah (in pairs). The instructor for the course is Rabbi Brent Spodek, Director of Jewish Communal Relations at American Jewish World Service.
Dates: Weekly, starting on Wednesday March 11th and ending on Wednesday, March 25th
**The course will end just in time for you to bring your newfound insights to your Passover Seder!
Time: 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Location: Manhattan (precise location revealed upon registration)
Cost: Free (other than the cost of the book, which is available new and used on Amazon.com)
To Register: Click here

Board Service for Social Change 
The AVODAH-AJWS Partnership is pleased to offer an intensive training to support you to use your talent and passion to serve on the board of directors of a non-profit organization. Boards of directors play a critical role in setting institutional policy and direction, overseeing fiscal health, and charting the course for an organization's future. If you are young, Jewish, and committed to making change, and you currently serve on a board of directors or hope to do so in the near future, we invite you to submit an application for this training. You'll be exposed to a detailed overview of board service, gain specific skills related to this form of leadership, and access a network of other Jewish change-makers looking to put their passion to work through this medium. 
Sessions will be held Sundays, March 22 and 29 and applications are due by March 2nd.

For more information, including how to apply, contact Audrey.
What's Been Happening in the Community?

Bay Area

On February 8, the AVODAH-AJWS Partnership co-presented a wildly successful community eco-seder celebrating Tu B'Shvat. With our twenty cosponsors and partners, we made connections between Jewish values and the environmental sustainability movement. Nearly 250 people participated on a rainy Sunday afternoon with tons of local, organic, and kosher fresh produce, dried fruits, nuts, juice and wine. We ate, drank and were merry for the trees as only tree-hugging San Franciscans can be. Alums Jess Beitch (NY 05-06) and Drew Himmelstein (DC 03-04) added to the wonderful feeling of community at the event!

On the rainy Sunday afternoon of February 22, the AVODAH-AJWS Partnership and numerous cosponsors and partners felt inspired and energized from the amazing panel and workshops at our 2nd annual Inside the Activists' Studio. Over 140 people listened and participated in a wide range of topics including corporate philanthropy, birth, organic catering, food justice, new media, international institution accountability, Jewish-Muslim coexistence, hip-hop, fair trade, and much more. The event wonderfully captured the Partnership's mission to strengthen the Jewish social justice movement through community building and training for more effective social change. Alums in attendance included Jessica Beitch (NY 05-06) and Emily Kates (NY 04-05).

An alumni gathering was held while National Director for Alumni and Leadership Development Rachel Chertok was in town last week. Local all-star alums Jess Beitch (NY 05-06), Emily Kates (NY 04-05), and Drew Himmelstein (DC 03-04) all got together along with new Partnership Program Officer Jocelyn Berger for a casual dinner to reconnect. Jocelyn is looking forward to meeting all of the Bay Area alums at future events or over coffee. You can reach Jocelyn at jberger@avodah.net.

Nearly 110 alumni and friends gathered at 6th & I Synagogue for a Tu B'Shvat seder hosted by Shomrei Adamah of Greater Washington, and co-sponsored by the AVODAH-AJWS Partnership, Jews United for Justice, BirthrightNEXT, Moishe House, Greater Washington Interfaith Power and Light, Hazon, and others. It was a green and just celebration using re-usable dishware, as much local, organic produce as possible, fair trade organic beverages when possible, and more! It was a wonderful way to gather our rapidly growing community and to practice living our values as we plan events.

The AVODAH-AJWS Partnership recently launched a cohort of Justice and Jewish Thought, a 12 week class developed with Jews United for Justice.  The cohort of 13 awesome alumni and friends includes AVODAH alumni Jeff Gluckman (DC 07-08) and Jen Roberts (NY 98-99).  The group is learning together in community about race, class, gender, sexual identity, and oppression.

On February 15, AVODAH alumni in Israel gathered in Jerusalem. In attendance were Brian Fink (NY 99-00), Jenny Ackerman (NY 03-04), Joline Price (CHI 07-08), Margaret O'Connor (DC 07-08), Sarah Lesser (DC 06-07), and Meredith Levy (DC 04-05).

New York

On Tuesday, January 27, the AVODAH-AJWS-Hazon Book Club gathered to discuss Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed. AJWS grants officer Diego Merino facilitated a dialogue-friendly discussion atmosphere that included defining the terms Freire used, speaking about our own best educational experiences, and determining what exactly is meant by a pedagogy of the oppressed.

On Sunday, February 8, more than 100 people gathered at the JCC in Manhattan for Hazon's annual Tu B'Shvat Seder. Each of the Seder rituals and meditations was led by different leaders in the community, ranging from AVODAH's very own Rabbi David Rosenn to Miriam Fogelson, an AJWS alum and leader in her own right. Guests were invited to write themselves a letter committing to some kind of environmental action, which Hazon will mail out to them later this year. The meal was delicious, the rituals were rich and meaningful, the teachings were profound and insightful, and the sense of community was palpable. AVODAH alums in attendance included Jessica Polansky (NY 99-00), Jen Bloustine (NY 00-01), and Lisa Ochs (NY 00-01).

AVODAH in the News
David Eber, a Corps member in New Orleans, was featured in an article in the Portland Jewish Review. The article is entitled: "Salem man heals the world in the Lower Ninth Ward". This is a follow-up piece on an article that appeared in the Portland Jewish Review in January about David and three other people from Portland who are participating in AVODAH.

How much can you GET?
At the alumni retreat we discussed having a goal of getting one hundred alumni to raise $500 and reach out to at least thirty people by the end of April. No need to get gory, but you all see what is happening in the economy, so finding more small (or large) donors is extremely helpful.
If everyone just sent word about AVODAH to at least thirty people that is over 6,000 folks who hear about AVODAH. That is huge! If all the alumni meet or exceed the goal of $500 that's INCREDIBLE. Whoa. Getting excited just thinking about it.
Please join me, and get started TODAY. To learn about how to set up a fundraising page and for some fundraising tips, read the materials available here.

Yosh Schulman (NY 98-99)
Alumni Highlights

Sarah Beller (DC 03-04) was spotlighted in the Bronfman Youth Fellowships In Israel newsletter. Sarah's been up to some fantastic stuff which you can see for yourself here.

Do you have news that you want to share with the AVODAH alumni community?  Do you want to see your name in e-print?  Please tell us about all the great stuff you are up to so we can feature you in our alumni highlights.
Awards and Fellowships

ADAMAH Fellowship (Connecticut)
Integrating organic farming, sustainable living, Jewish learning, and contemplative spiritual practice, the ADAMAH Fellowship is a 3-month leadership training program in the Connecticut Berkshires for Jewish young adults between the ages of 20-29.  Farming, fermenting pickles, brewing biodiesel, composting, learning, singing, sharing personal stories, and expressing gratitude form the web of activities. ADAMAH fellows participate in leadership training, and ecological and Jewish seminars with residential and visiting faculty. Benefits include kosher meals, housing, learning opportunities, and health insurance. Fourteen fellows will be selected for both the summer and for the fall. Those who are yearning to work in the soil, share deeply, and explore spiritually will thrive in this pluralistic Jewish intentional community.

WHERE: At the Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center in the Connecticut Berkshires
WHEN: Summer Season: May 24 - September 7 Fall Season: Sept 13 - December 13
HOW TO APPLY: Learn more and download an application at www.adamah.org.

Hollander Social Justice Fellowship
Do you have a social justice cause you are passionate about and want to pursue with the National Havurah Committee Summer Institute community? Apply for the Hollander Social Justice Fellowship. You will receive a $400 scholarship towards Institute fees and up to $100 for materials or preparation, in exchange for planning social justice oriented programming for the NHC Summer Institute community. Your proposal needs to include at least three hours of programming on a relevant and nonpartisan social justice issue. To apply, please contact hollanderfellow@havurah.org. The application deadline is March 30, 2009. For more information on the NHC and the Summer Institute 2009, please visit http://www.havurah.org/.

Kayam Farm Summer Fellowship (Maryland)
The mission of Kayam Farm at the Pearlstone Center is to model and inspire social and ecological responsibility by engaging the community in hands-on Jewish agricultural education. Entering its third season, the Kayam Summer Fellowship brings together talented, passionate young Jews who farm, teach, and live together. The fellowship runs June 8th-August 23rd. Fellows receive a $1,600 stipend in three payments over the course of the summer, plus room & board. Fellows also receive health insurance through Pearlstone. Upon completion of the fellowship, fellows receive a Certificate in Jewish Community Gardening and Jewish Environmental Education. For more information or to apply, please contact jakir@pearlstonecenter.org.


Professional Development Institute
This spring BBYO will be admitting 10 to 12 professionals into its Professional Development Institute (PDI), a three year program where, in addition to doing leadership development work with Jewish teens in one of many communities across the country, participants will receive an MBA from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University and a Certificate in Informal Jewish Education from Hebrew College in Boston. During the three years of the program, the participant will receive a full-time competitive salary, health/retirement benefits, a professional mentor, travel opportunities and an MBA from a top 20 business school at no cost to the professional.
For more information on how to join BBYO's team and start your professional development journey this summer, please visit BBYO's website at www.mbaforfree.org and send your resume to pdi@bbyo.org.

Be'chol Lashon
Be'chol Lashon (In Every Tongue), a San Francisco based, innovative non-profit promoting Jewish diversity and inclusiveness,
is are interviewing for a full-time, experienced Program Coordinator position. The position includes coordination in all or some of the following areas depending on experience and skill sets: events, community development projects, curriculum, website, e-newsletter, media awards, speakers' bureau, international conference, database, budgets, proposals, and reports. Check out www.bechollashon.org for more information. Interested candidates are encouraged to send in a resume to Esther Gibian Fishman, Program
Manager, Be'chol Lashon (In Every Tongue).

Corporate Accountability International (Boston)

Corporate Accountability International (CAI) has been running winning campaigns to challenge corporate abuse for the past 30 years. CAI is in the middle of a major expansion, working to build the organization to be able to run more and better campaigns, and is hiring talented, experienced staff for several key positions: an Associate Campaigns Director, to work as a lead member of the Campaigns Team to develop and implement CAI's organizing strategy; a Senior Campaigns Organizer, responsible for developing and implementing campaign strategies and tactics and for mobilizing and expanding CAI's base of activists and allies in the US and internationally; and a National Field Organizer, responsible for implementing campaign strategies and tactics, and for mobilizing and expanding CAI's base of activists and allies in the US and internationally. For the complete job descriptions, please visit http://www.stopcorporateabuse.org/.

Mujeres Unidas y Activas (Bay Area)
Mujeres Unidas y Activas is a grassroots Latina immigrant women's community organizing and empowerment program composed of a membership of over 400 Latina immigrant women with offices in San Francisco and Oakland. MUA is seeking a Grassroots Fundraiser who will help build its organizational power and capacity by planning and managing MUA's grassroots fundraising efforts, training and mentoring members to take on fundraising work, and providing administrative support to the Co-Director for Development and Administration. For more information or to apply, please contact andrea@mujeresunidas.net.

Pardes (NYC)
Pardes and the American Pardes Foundation are excited to announce a new opportunity as they restructure the American Pardes Foundation. Pardes is looking to hire an Assistant Director who will serve a very important function as the number two position of the US office. The Assistant Director will report to the Executive Director and will play a key role in managing the annual fundraising campaign, as well as oversee the APF budget and finances. S/he will also cultivate and solicit donors in support of Pardes's annual campaign. For more information or to apply, please contact resume@pardesusa.org.

The Pluralism Fund (NYC)
The Pluralism Fund is a new nonprofit 501(c)(3) member organization committed to supporting the development of pluralistic civil society in majority Muslim countries in the Middle East and Central Asia. The Fund currently has two countries of focus: Iran and Pakistan. Its mission is to promote pluralism, tolerance and respect for the rights of all, particularly women. Its goals are also to build an engaged, informed community in the US in support of its mission and to encourage international philanthropy. The Fund pursues its mission by providing grants to established grassroots organizations in the countries of focus and conducting educational programs within the United States. Principal funding is provided by Pluralism Fund members and the foundation community. The Fund seeks an Executive Director to play a critical role in advancing the organization's mission. For more information or to apply, please contact PluralismFundED@aol.com.

Update Your Contact Information

Have you moved? Or changed your email address, mailing address, or phone number recently? Please let us know so we can update our records. Please email Ari Shapiro with your new information.

If you would like to be added to a regional listserve please email the following people:
Bay Area - Jocelyn Berger

DC - Jessie Posilkin
New York -
Audrey Sasson
Chicago, Boston, or Israel - Ari Shapiro

Rachel Chertok, National Director for Alumni and Leadership Development
AVODAH: The Jewish Service Corps
phone: 212-545-7759 ext 307