From The One Maine One Portland Coalition's Parent Involvement Subcommittee Members
Getting Involved: Tips and Portland-Area Resources for Parents & Families to Help Prevent Drug & Alcohol Abuse in Teens
The One Maine One Portland Coalition Mission:  
To foster nurturing and healthy, relationships, environments and programs that encourage positive youth development and enable all young people in Greater Portland to live substance free.
Looking for Healthy, Quick & Family-Friendly Meal Ideas?  Check out these sites!  Just click on any of the icons FMI!
Hannaford Logo
Family Fun Logo

Kaboose Logo

The OMOP Parent Involvement Subcommittee is supported by the agencies listed below.  FMI on these organizations, click their icon! 

DayOne Logo

City of Portland Seal 
21 Reasons Logo with Tag
Healthy Portland Logo 
OSA Logo
PortHouse Banner

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Want to learn more?  Want regularly updated info and access to local events and resources? 

2-1-1 Maine & The Parent Resource Link (PRL)
The OMOP Parent Involvement Subcommittee Members have teamed up with 2-1-1 Maine's Resource Manager to establish a Parent Resource Link (PRL) in order to provide local resource listings for parents and families who are searching for parenting support & educational resources in the Greater Portland area. 
Parents and families can either:
  • Dial 2-1-1 from any phone and ask a Call Center representative to direct them to the PRL
  • Based on the need of the family, the representative will direct parents to the appropriate agency and service


  • Log onto;
  • Click on the 2-1-1 Directory Icon;
  • Type in PRL in the Keyword box and over 40 Portland-based parenting resources pop up!
  • Families can then scroll through the options and choose which service best fits their needs

211 Maine Logo

FMI on the PRL or for how to get your agency listed with 2-1-1 Maine, contact Amanda Edgar at 756-8053 or at

CASA's Family Day: A Day to Eat Diner with Your Children
The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University launched Family Day in 2001 after CASA's research consistently found that the more often children eat dinner with their families, the less likely they are to smoke, drink or use drugs. Family Day is celebrated on the fourth Monday in September.  This year's date is September 24, 2007.
FMI about "Family Day" Click the Icon!

Can't Make Meal Time? 

"Got a Minute? Give it to Your Kid."

Got A Minute GirlGetting more involved with your teen or preteen today will help you stay connected tomorrow. Not only that, it will help your child make better decisions. We know it's not always easy and we know there's not always time.

Here are some quick & easy tips that can help:

  1. Schedule time for you and your child
  2. Tell your child when they do something right
  3. Prove you're listening by asking questions
  4. Post a family calendar
  5. Create rules, then enforce them
  6. Regularly share a meal with your teen or preteen
  7. Share your day
  8. Write your child a thank-you note
  9. Ask your child for advice
  10. Give your child family responsibilities

Click Here FMI about the CDC's "Got a Minute" Campaign

Be sure to look for our brochure at your Portland-area Hannaford stores, community centers and other locations!  If you would like copies of our brochure to distribute or if you would like any additional information seen here call Amanda at 756-8053 or,
Click Here to Email Amanda