Mapping Analytics

Mapping Software, Data and Analytical Services
News & Tips for Your Business

Winter 2008

How to develop trade areas

Expanding a Franchise Concept

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ProAlign for Canada

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How to Develop Trade Areas
First understand the nature of your business and customers

Developing accurate trade areas around existing or proposed retail store or bank branch locations will help improve site selection and target marketing.

There are several approaches to developing trade areas, depending on your objectives and business situation:

trade areasDeterministic trade areas are based on a  perimeter containing the customer addresses associated with a specific store or branch. While these trade areas are very accurate, they can overlap, since customers near to each other may use different stores or branches.

Proximal trade areas assign all geography closest to a store to that store. There is no overlap of trade areas or double counting, since any geographic area can be assigned only to one store. However, some of a store's customers might be missed when using proximal trade areas.

Other types of trade areas include probabilistic trade areas and block group trade areas. Each of these has advantages as well. Which type of trade area definition is right for your situation? Find out more at our trade area analysis page or call to speak with one of our consultants (585) 271-6490.

Expanding a Franchise Concept
Tools to help franchises find new markets and increase profitability

Franchise Expansion ChecklistHow you define franchise territories and where you place store locations will largely determine the success or failure of a franchise operation.

Mapping Analytics recently produced a new executive brief, "Expanding Your Franchise Concept: A Five-Point Checklist" to help franchisors.

In addition, our new "Franchise Marketing Pack" helps new or existing franchise locations market to more customers and prospects and get a jump on the competition.

Need Tech Support?
Jennifer Mattice named to head new department

JenniferMapping Analytics has recently created a new department dedicated to providing our customers with excellence in software solutions and support - Customer and Product Services. Jennifer Mattice has been promoted to lead the new department and will be responsible for managing three areas: training, technical support, and software product management.

Department staff will provide installation help and custom on-site training for all software products.They will diagnose and develop technical solutions to ensure customer satisfaction and resolve support issues.

Customer and Product Services staff also will act as the primary bridge between customer feedback and the Mapping Analytics software development, conduct quality assurance testing, and provide recommendations for product enhancements. 

Please feel free to contact Jennifer with any software related questions or comments at (585) 271-6490 x 16.

ProAlign Available for Canada

ProAlign sales territory alignment and optimization software is now available for Canada. If your sales force is based in Canada or your company is expanding there, put ProAlign to work to create productive, high-performing territories. (check out the new ProAlign logo).ProAlign

Upcoming Events
Visit Mapping Analytics at these events
Extend 08 - SRC User Conference. April 15-17, Broomfield,  CO.

ESRI Business GIS Summit. April 27-30, Chicago, IL. Mapping Analytics customer Michael Bastedo, AVP of Branch Network Strategy at HSBC, will host a session on how a single, focused team managing a GIS initiative can provide exceptional business value to an entire organization.

2008 Branch Banking Symposium. May 7-9 San Diego, CA. Mapping Analytics will host a pre-conference workshop on using a network optimization approach to selecting new branch locations.

International Council of Shopping Centers RECON - the global retail real estate convention, May 18-21, Las Vegas, NV.
Downloadable White Papers


This executive brief provides franchisors five key strategies that play a large role in determining their ability to attract financing and franchisees.

Balancing sales territories based on revenue or potential revenue might not produce the most productive or efficient territories. Find out why a workload analysis that accounts for a salesperson's time and effort is a better approach. 
Sales Territory Alignment - Do it Yourself or Outsource? When sales organizations change, sales territories likely need to change as well. Should you use internal resources and software such as ProAlign to perform the realignment, outsource the project to experts, or use some combination of the two approaches? Read this white paper to gain a quantitative framework for deciding between using internal resources and outsourcing to experts.

Three Steps to More Productive Sales Territories outlines a valuable process for significantly improving the performance of your sales territories. It contains practical advice written in plain English. And it will help you make a more informed choice about your sales territory alignment options.

Download this new eBook from Mapping Analytics and:
  • Discover how you can increase deposits and loan revenue from your branch network
  • See how the location of a new branch impacts the performance of the branch network
  • View maps, tables and graphs showing output from the network optimization model
Many banks use sophisticated and expensive lifestyle clustering systems to predict consumer buying behavior. Yet key indicators of a consumer's banking needs often can be boiled down to three life stage factors: age, income, and family status.