Project Update
Steve Alves, Producer/Director Franklin Community Co-op member since 1993 Greenfield, Massachusetts We are immersed in editing and want to share with you our process and progress. The enclosed three clips will give an idea of the direction the film is heading. Clip #1, from the rough cut, is about the growth of food co-ops during the 1970s. Clip #2 features a co-op General Manager talking about issues facing food co-ops today. Clip # 3 is about the new wave of co-op growth. Clips 1 & 2 are not from the rough cut but are a step in the editing process of ferreting out the salient topics for last part of the film.
We continue to dedicate our waking hours to this project. To make the best film possible we will need to reach our budget. If your co-op is not one of the 22 co-ops that are contributing according to the funding plan, please consider joining those who are. Food co-ops, while small in numbers, have made important contributions to American culture, which this film will illustrate. Citizens across the political spectrum will benefit by having a better understanding of the cooperative model as portrayed in an engaging feature-length documentary. We need your help to bring this project home.
Clip #1 - Co-ops during 1970s
Get On The Map
If your co-op is not one of the 22 co-ops that are contributing according to the funding plan, please consider increasing your contribution.
Ann Hoyt of the University of Wisconsin and an adviser on the film, has graciously invited us to attend this years' Consumer Co-op Management Association Conference in Philadelphia, June 14 - 16, to show extended clips from Food For Change or possibly the entire rough-cut. This is a opportunity for us to brainstorm on how to use this documentary to promote yours and other co-ops. We are looking forward to meeting with many of you we've gotten to know over the past several years.
During the past four months we've acquired over 1,000 photos and 6 movies on co-op history. Because we will only be able to use a small selection of these wonderful photographs in the film, we will be archiving the rest on our new website. Check out the new photo gallery here. Please contact us if your co-op has photos or films from the 1970s and 1980s that would be available to use in the film: - We are looking for films/photos/slides/negatives of your co-op's exteriors and interiors.
- You can e-mail us your photos, or send them to us via ftp. Photos should be scanned at 800 or 1200 dpi for photos, 2400 to 6400 dpi for slides/negatives, saved as jpgs.
- You can mail us your photos. We will scan them and return them to you within two weeks.
Send all pictures to: Food For Change 23 Unity Street PO Box 229 Turners Falls, MA 01376 |
Food For Change Updates
We have changed our company name from Hometown Productions to Home Planet Pictures. You can also get updates on Food For Change from our Facebook page and Twitter account. If you have trouble viewing scenes from the film on our website, you can also watch them on YouTube.
Missed a newsletter? They are all archived on our website.
23 Unity Street, P.O. Box 229, Turners Falls, MA 01376
Work: (413) 863-9264 Mobile: (413) 834-3109
Steve Alves:
Robert Hagelstein: