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Golfing for Legal Aid
The Colorado Bar Association Leadership Training Program's Golf Tournament on September 21st raised over $8,000 for Legal Aid. Thank you to the 2012 COBALT class for its leadership in spearheading the event, and to all of the sponsors and participants.
Charity Hand-Up Contest

The Legal Aid Foundation won the Citywide Banks' September Facebook contest. Thank you to everyone who voted. The $5,000 prize will be used to buy new computers and a network printer for CLS volunteers.

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Justice at Work           
October 2012
The Legal Aid Foundation of Colorado is pleased to introduce Justice at Work, an occasional e-newsletter to provide you with news, updates and examples of how your support is making a difference.
Honoring Professionalism


Professionalism is like obscenity - you know it when you see it. It may bring to mind different things for different people, but for all lawyers, it is some combination of character, competency, civility and service. For many, service is the bedrock. It marks the difference between a business and a profession. As an ABA Professionalism Committee said, the practice of law is the pursuit of "a learned art in service to clients and in the spirit of public service."


October has been declared Professionalism Month in Colorado. To commemorate the occasion, consider making a contribution to the Legal Aid Foundation in honor of a Colorado lawyer who has consistently demonstrated his or her commitment to public service. The Legal Aid Foundation will in turn give special recognition to lawyers so honored. Make your gift here.     

Improving Access Through Technology

Innovation is proving to be particularly important as the need for civil legal assistance grows. The Legal Services Corporation recently awarded Colorado Legal Services a $43,920 technology grant. The grant will be used to develop a mobile app allowing attorneys to volunteer for pro bono work and giving them the necessary information.        

Changing Lives: Margaret


Anna contacted Colorado Legal Services on behalf of her mother, Margaret, who suffers from Parkinson's disease and dementia. Margaret had been denied Medicaid long-term care benefits, despite her severe condition, because of a property interest on the East coast. Margaret's 1975 divorce from her abusive husband had never been finalized and as a result, she retained a half interest in the home where her ex husband still lives. Neither Margaret nor Anna had any contact with him in over 30 years, and they did not have the means to resolve the issue. CLS established that Margaret met the "hardship" exception to the Medicaid eligibility rules, and she is now getting the care she needs.


Website: www.legalaidfoundation.org 

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