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Yoga Bits
Morsels of yogic wisdom and information

 Oct. 24 - 30, 2011 

Kundalini Yoga

Thurs 7:30 p.m.
Sat 11 a.m. 
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(Not So) Great Expectations
You know what happens when you assume...

 You're in pretty good shape for the shape you are in.   

-- Dr. Seuss 



I've shared before about my experiences with lengthy and challenging meditations. At the moment, my challenge is that I'm not finding much to write home about in my meditation.


In other words, I'm not exactly thrilled.


Bored LionI'm awash in these pedestrian sensations having joined the global 40-day sadhana leading up to 11/11/11. The meditation is designed to bind the collective consciousness together as one powerful, positive force in order to cope with the exceptional changes underway as humanity transitions between the Piscean and Aquarian ages. Aww. That sounds so enlightened and I wanna be enlightened!


But I hardly feel like I'm igniting the cosmos with my contribution. I'm just feeling kinda blah. Not too blah. Just not great. Not awful or disinterested -- but not really glowing with inspiration. I feel unimpressed and unimpressive. 

This sadhana, organized by the worldwide Kundalini yoga community, involves 4,000 people (yes, four thousand) in 65 countries who have officially signed up to participate. The whole world is crackling with group energy and here I am, sitting on my mat, missing out on that sense of utter oneness and peace. I've had that connection happen before -- in fact, many times. But not lately.


Frankly, it's bugging me. I mean, I teach this stuff - shouldn't I be wrapped up in the bliss? Maybe I'm a fraud. Maybe I should skip the teaching gig, including the Bits, so as not to inflict my mediocrity on others...It's not supposed to be this way! I'm supposed to be feeling the love! In the groove! Blowing my mind! Right?


Not necessarily.


These assumptions are the by-product of avidya, the Sanskrit word used in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali to describe false perception. Avidya is made up of four branches: asmita, expressed in ego-driven thoughts of superiority or righteousness; raga, expressed in making demands out of entitlement or greed; dvesa, expressed in rejection of things painful or unfamiliar; and abhinivesa or fear, expressed in too many ways to mention.


My doubt and frustration indicate how avidya is influencing my understanding and also expose a persistent character defect that I know plagues many of us: perfectionism. As a recovering control-freak overachiever workaholic egomaniac, I typically want my every action, thought and breath to be superlative. So I bring expectations into everything I do -- including my yoga practice -- and if I can't be perfect (whatever the hell that means), then forget it. Sheesh. Can you say asmita?  


Even though I want to let go of my perfectionism, it's not easy for me. In fact, I suck at it, which must be why I keep bumping into thwarted expectations wherever I go. But consistently showing up to my mat is an exercise in self-awareness and commitment. The commitment keeps me coming back even when I am swimming in avidya-inspired boredom, defeat or distraction. Rather than running away from the discontent, I am able to recognize the false perception and, ideally, change my understanding.  


By releasing my expectations, I'm able to be present in my meditation. Then I am humbly reminded that the purpose of my experience is not to condemn or praise it. The purpose of my experience is to experience it.  

Sat Nam,

Mat Space Reservation
Click Here to Reserve Mat Space
armoryYoga at the Armory: November 20

Armory Center for the Arts in Pasadena

Community Class

10 to 11:30 a.m. 


$15 suggested fee



Armory Center for the Arts
Community Room
145 N. Raymond Ave.
Pasadena CA 91103
Parking & Directions

Where to Park for FREE in North Hollywood

Complimentary! Gratis! On the house! 

The NoHo Arts District is growing, which is wonderful news for this "revitalized" neighborhood. It also means that free parking options have diminished dramatically due to increased demand. So here are the new instructions for free parking when you come to yoga at my home studio:


Enter underground parking for The Lofts at NoHo Commons from Chandler Boulevard (cross street Fair, between Lankershim and Vineland). The signs will say "Resident Parking Only" but keep going. When you get to the bottom of the ramp, turn right into the Visitor Parking section. Park anywhere and dial 086 on the call box at the parking garage elevators. When I buzz you in, take the elevator to the 2nd Floor. Walk south across the courtyard (past the leasing office and the pool) toward the Weddington side of the building until you get to apartment 245.





Mat Space Reservation
Click Here to Reserve Mat Space
classesClasses for the Week of October 24


North Hollywood  

Thursday 7:30 p.m. 

Saturday 11 a.m.    


Mat Space Reservation
Click Here to Reserve Mat Space


"Yoga" is a word that derives from the Sanskrit "jugat," which means to join together. The purpose of all yoga is to awaken consciousness. Various styles of yoga emphasize differing methods to achieve that awakening. No style of yoga is "better" or "worse" than another, they simply employ different methods for practice.


Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini yoga uses breath, sound and movement to create a awareness of and connection to mind, body and spirit. A typical class lasts 90 minutes. The session includes tuning in, warm up, a set of poses called a "kriya" designed by Yogi Bhajan for a specific effect (such as glandular balance or spinal flexibility), meditation, relaxation and closing.  


Hatha Yoga 

Hatha yoga is the most widely practiced form of yoga in the world. Hatha Yoga uses asana (postures) and conscious breathing in combination with mental focus to develop awareness, strength and flexibility, and relaxation. Poses and sequences common to Hatha yoga (such as sun salutations) are often part of the warm up for my Kundalini yoga classes. 


Private Classes

Private classes at my studio are available by appointment for $75.00 per class. You will benefit from personalized yoga sets and meditation specific to your needs and/or requests, typically lasting 90 minutes. For an additional transportation fee (based on mileage), I am able to provide private instruction in your cat-free home. 




Mat Space Reservations

Space is limited to six mats per class in North Hollywood. For this reason, online reservations are required to attend. Online reservations are requested, but not required, at locations other than my home studio. Private classes are by appointment only. Please email me to ask questions or make an appointment. 



Students who cancel their mat space reservation with less than 24-hour notice will be asked to pay the full class fee. No charge for cancellations with more than 24-hours notice.  


Private Classes

Private classes at my studio are available by appointment for $75.00 per class. You will benefit from personalized yoga sets and meditation specific to your needs and/or requests, typically lasting 90 minutes. For an additional transportation fee (based on mileage), I am able to provide private instruction in your cat-free home.