The New Era Times 





Saturday, March 5, 2011

from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm


Three world renowned experts on ancient archaeological

sites present -- individually and in a panel discussion --

in this one-day conference at

the Pyramid at Unity Church in Houston, Texas.


   Unity Pyramid -- 2929 Unity Drive -- Houston, TX 77057

(just south of Hillcroft & Westheimer)

See Notation about Live Stream (**see below in the coupon)

Online Registration and More Information at



Chris Dunn

Giza's Power Plant 


Chris Dunn's pyramid odyssey began in 1977 after he read Peter Tompkins' book Secrets of the Great Pyramid. His immediate reaction after learning of the Great Pyramid's precision and design characteristics was to consider that this edifice may have had an original purpose that differed from conventional opinion. After further research and study of source material on various theories, Chris concluded that it must have originally been built to provide a highly technical society with energy-in short, it was a very large machine.


Discovering the purpose of this machine and documenting his case has taken the better part of 20 years of research. Following the 1998 publication of Chris's book, The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt, which describes a holistic energy device that is harmonically coupled with the Earth and its "Advanced Machining in Ancient Egypt" in Analog, August 1984, he has had his research referenced in over a dozen books on Egypt. In the United States he has appeared on PAX Television, the Travel Channel, Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel, Lifetime Television and recently on the History Channel in two episodes of "Ancient Aliens".


Chris's second book, Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt: Advanced Engineering in the Temples of the Pharaohs, examines an important aspect of his research into the manufacturing capabilities of the ancient Egyptians and through his engineer's eye and camera, he reveals to his readers previously overlooked magisterial characteristics of Egyptian architectural and manufacturing wizardry.


Dr. Sam Osmanagich


Unearthing the

Bosnian Pyramids


In 2005, Dr. Sam Osmanagich discovered the first pyramids in Europe near the town of Visoko, Bosnia-Herzegovina. In 2008, Dr. Sam  hosted an archaeological conference in Sarajavo which fueled controversy about his discovery dividing the archaeological community.


Excavation on the vast complex has been ongoing since 2006 compiling more and more evidence to validate his claims.  To date the excavation has yielded 5 pyramids of various sizes as well as a vast labyrinth of underground tunnels and a pyramid that is 30% larger than   the largest structure on the Giza Pleateau.

Dr. Sam has authored 10 books about ancient civilizations and narrated a 12-episode documentary "Search for Lost Civilization" for the state Bosnian television FTVBiH (2007). This documentary was based on his book, Civilizations Before the Official History (2005), and filmed in Peru, Bolivia, Easter Island, Costa Rica, Mexico, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Malta, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon.


Dr. Sam was admitted as a Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences from Moscow, one of the most respected scientific institutions in the world. Dr,. Sam holds a PhD in Mayan studies and he is a member of the Archaeological Society of Alexandria.



Andrew Collins

Unearthing Giza's
Cave Underworld

Andrew Collinsis a science and history writer and the author of various books that challenge the way we perceive the past.  

Andrew's publicationss include
From the Ashes of Angels (1996), which shows that the"
Watchers of the book of Enoch" were shamans responsible for the Neolithic revolution, and that their homeland-the biblical Eden-was southeast Turkey, where archaeologists have recently found the oldest stone temple in the world. His book Gods of Eden(1998) reveals that Egyptian civilization is thousands of years older than is conventionally believed. Gateway to Atlantis(2000) demonstrates that Plato's Atlantis was located in Cuba and the Bahamas. And, The Cygnus Mystery(2006) argues that veneration of the Cygnus constellation was responsible for the world's earliest sky religions.


His most recent book, Beneath the Pyramids, explores Giza's cave underworld, rediscovered by the author in 2008. Andrew, born in 1957, lives with his wife Sue near Marlborough, Wiltshire.


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 is committed to bringing innovative & educational programming to the world. 


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**Can't get to Houston for this event?  We plan to Live Stream this conference

outside of the Houston area.  If you are intersted in joining us

live over the internet please send us an email to and we will get back with you in February with details.