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The Docket
800 E. Northwest Hwy., suite 612 
July 2011
Palatine, IL  60074  



At the recent Installation Dinner hosted by the Northwest Suburban Bar Association  (NWSBA). I was honored to accept my newly appointed position as Parliamentarian for this outstanding organization.


The NWSBA is dedicated to improving the quality of life in our community by inspiring excellence in the practice of law. Its membership included 750 members, honorary members and judges.NWSBA Installation Dinner 


The organization ensures our area attorneys meet and hopefully, exceed the required Continuing Legal Education credits. I'm also proud to participate in its NWSBA Attorney Referral Service


The Attorney Referral Service also helps the public determine whether the problem is truly of a legal nature or whether another service agency would be more appropriate and provides an unbiased referral to an attorney who has experience in the area of law appropriate to their needs.


With the excitement of summer in full force now, I hope you enjoy all of your favorites past times and make the time to enjoy this amazing weather-while it lasts.




Nick Richardson

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Consider What You Post

According to a 2010 study by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML), 81 percent of its 1,600 member attorneys have seen an increase in the number of cases using social networking evidence in the last five years. This yet another to reason to carefully weigh anything you post online. While the antidotes in this article may seem outlandish, it truly is amazing what people will post online. Read MORE

Reminder: Rules of the Road

Don't forget about the new traffic laws that went into effect on January 1. Updates to existing rules and regulars are posted on the Illinois Secretary of State's website and in the new Illinois Rules of the Road manual and include the following:

  • A driver may not type, send or read a text message while operating a motor vehicle, except if the vehicle is parked on the shoulder of a roadway and the gear shift is in the neutral or park position. GPS systems and navigational equipment are exempt.
  • Drivers are prohibited from using a wireless phone communication device while traveling through a marked construction or school zone.
  • A person may not operate a neighborhood or low-speed vehicle on a street, road or highway without obtaining liability insurance.

Worth a Look  

The Disaster Legal Services Manual is a resource for Illinoisans that outlines any number of possible questions that may arise as a result of a disaster. And given the wide spread number of natural disasters this spring, being prepared is always a good idea.

Serving families throughout the Chicago area
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FREE Initial Consultations are available on all new cases. Thank you for your referrals as I continue to grow my business.