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October 2010
Adobe Software: New Prime Target?
Home Wireless Networks
Learn MS Office Programs to Improve Productivity
Meet the Tobin Staff..Scott Jelen
Windows Tip: Manage Automatic Start-up
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Tobin Solutions provides a full line of computer support and management services 
Managed Services
Software/Hardware Sales
Onsite & Remote Support
System Monitoring
Virus Protection
Spam Blocking 
Remote Servers
Web & FTP Hosting
Disaster Planning & Recovery 
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  Tobin Solutions Newsletter 
Our newsletters goal is to provide information about emerging
 technology, present money-saving and efficiency-improving ideas, and offer tips that will help you get more from your computers.
 For topic sugestions and feedback, please send an e-mail to:
Topic Suggestions
Adobe Software: New Prime Target?
Hackers, cyber criminals and other attackers trying to get the most from their efforts tend to focus on popular programs that are likely to be on many computers.  Attackers have shifted their focus to widely used Adobe products such as Acrobat
Reader, Adobe Flash, and Adobe Shockwave because of their world-wide use.
Businesses that rely on Portable Document Format (PDF) documents for distributing information need to be aware of the risks. 
Our advice, if you are using Adobe products, is to use the most up-to-date version of Adobe Reader (currently 9.4) and remove older versions from your computers. (The oldest being the most vulnerable.) Other PDF programs may be used instead of Acrobat Reader, but they also may be subject to the same threats. Be proactive by keeping your programs updated with the most recent versions.
Tobin's Managed Service clients are kept up-to-date on Adobe and other products as part of our standard managed service.
Home Wireless Networks: How to Make Them More Secure 
security_lockA friend of a Tobin Solutions engineer was sued for illegally downloading music, yet he had nothing to do with the theft.  The culprit was a stranger who had used the friend's wireless network without permission to access the music site.
Home wireless networks (Wi-Fi) connect to the Internet through a router or another access point. The wireless signals transmitted are easy to intercept. Someone sitting in a car outside of a home with a wireless computer can pick up router signals and connect to the Internet.
You can protect yourself by setting up your router correctly and securely.  It takes a little time but is well worth the effort:
1.  Change the out-of-the-box router administrator name and password as soon as possible since hackers know what many of the defaults are.
2.  Turn on wireless encryption which scrambles the signal.  
3.  Use strong passwords or pass keys.
4.  Regularly update the wireless router firmware. Firmware is the basic fixed programing software that makes the router function.
laptop & womanLearn Microsoft Office Programs to Improve Productivity

Tobin Solutions' SurePath Education Service provides training sessions ranging from 30 minutes to a half day that are designed to address the application-specific training needs of your employees.
Offerings include:
Pre-packaged training for Microsoft Office Suite programs such as Excel, Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, and Publisher.  Examples: Outlook Lite (getting started with Outlook), Excel Formulas, and Mail Merge with Word or Outlook.
Menu selection training allows you to choose training on features and functions employees use regularly.  For example, in Outlook Mail select from folder management, out-of-office assistant, signatures, etc.
One-on-one or small group training is provided on-site or over the phone using your programs and files as examples.  Both approaches reduce the time your staff is away from work.
Monthly education agreement plans allow you to provide ongoing training that is quick, convenient, and effective.
Additionally, free Web-based assessment tests are available to measure employee skill levels and pinpoint training needs and may also be used to help assess potential employees.
SurePath Education Service is a low-cost, high-value way of improving productivity and efficiency. Help your staff do more with less.
Meet the Tobin Staff... 
Scott Jelen
Scott Jelen, IT Engineer
Scott Jelen has provided help desk support since joining Tobin Solutions in 2009.  He graduated from UW-Whitewater in 2005 with a Bachelors of Business Administration/ Computer End-User Technology degree. His customer service skills were honed and his technical knowledge expanded at previous jobs for consumer and business IT support companies.
Outside of Tobin, he enjoys wakeboarding, hiking, biking, fishing, and watching football and other spectator sports. He also plays the guitar and travels when he can.
Among Scott's many abilities is a special talent for making goat sounds. We know this has a potential use, we just aren't sure what it is. 
WINDOWS TIP: Manage Automatic Start-Up Programs to Reduce Slowness
As a convenience to users, many programs start up automatically when a computer is turned on. Each program start-up, however, lengthens the time it takes for the computer to go through its initiation routine and display the desktop.
In addition, every program that is running uses part of the computer's memory and resources even when it's idle. This can make the computer operate slowly.
Some programs can be prevented from running during start-up by changing their settings in the system tray.  Find the system tray in the lower right corner of the screen next to the clock and do the following: 
  1.  Right click the program's icon on the taskbar; and      
  2.  Look for the option to turn the item off.
Types of programs that can be stopped from running automatically include:
�Management programs used to synchronize phones - usually these are available in the start menu;
�Photo management software; and
�Automatic updates for programs that can be run manually (Java, Adobe updaters, etc.).
Not all programs running in the background are shown in the system tray.  In addition, auto-start cannot be stopped for all programs.  Programs essential to the operation of the computer and security programs such as antivirus applications should not be disabled.
If your system is running slowly, Tobin Solutions engineers are available to identify and disable non-essential programs-or correct other problems-to speed things up.
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