Dear Friends of ANIMAL ANGELS,
 Many of you may remember the story of Big Nick, a huge young boy, who suffered a near-fatal gunshot wound the day after Christmas '07.  His right front leg was removed completely, but he still had challenges to face. Nick was transferred to Operation Kindness, where he had access to more specialized surgical help. He was adopted to a young couple, who then divorced, and Nick was returned to ANIMAL ANGELS. Not only had he been allowed to roam the busy streets of his North Dallas neighborhood all night long, Nick was not kept on his heartworm preventative. Yes, Nick now had to go through heartworm treatment. Our Big Nick overcame all of these seemingly endless obstacles, and has found his forever home with a great young woman named Amy!  ANIMAL ANGELS is honored to have been a part of Nick's life, and to have witnessed his triumph over many adversities. He just never gave up, and, now named "Tres", reminds us to take a joyous romp in the grass, as we celebrate all of the small special moments of life!
Contact Us
PO BOX 336
JACKSBORO, Texas 76458
 facebook: Animal Angels Sanctuary
phone: 940-567-3252
 carole's cell: 817-271-1048
fax: 940-567-3258
credit/debit card donations through our PAYPAL account,
ANIMAL ANGELS is 501(c)3 charity
tres 3
Anna came to ANIMAL ANGELS as a very young Anatolian Shepherd puppy.  As she grew into her natural abilities, Carole contacted Sandra Moore, who trains and places "livestock guardian dogs" in suitable situations. With just one month of training, Anna (now Annie) has been paired with a mentor dog on a working goat ranch, to continue developing her LGD skills. We are so grateful to Sandra for giving Annie an opportunity to do what she was born to do.  
This sweet little girl was in big trouble. She was rescued after wandering up to a ranch house, where the folks were afraid to even touch her. Carole named her "Joy", and was probably the first human contact she ever had. Our vet documented Joy's medical problems, as the worst case of demodectic mange that he had ever seen, in his 50 years of practice. After much medication, lots of good quality food and people who care about her, our little Bundle of Joy is doing her best to get well.
Carole's 71st Birthday was celebrated this summer with a group of volunteers who surprised her with a "Memorial Garden" for ANIMAL ANGELS. To everyone's credit, this surprise was most difficult to pull off, as it's near the main entrance, which Carole travels daily. All of the materials and statuary were donated, as well. Thanks to everyone for a thoughtful addition to the Sanctuary, as well as a great place to take a break, hang out and listen to the windchimes in the trees.

Carole, on her birthday,  with angel statue and some of our volunteers in new ANIMAL ANGELS Memorial Garden, along with some of our "free-ranger" dogs who were obviously not interested in posing for the camera!

Some folks had seen a dog laying in tall grass Saturday morning on July 4th holiday weekend, beside busy Hwy 380 in Jack County, but thought the dog was dead.  When these same folks passed back by later that same day, they saw the dog lift its head.  They did not stop to help, but at least called a local friend, who called Carole. The location details were sketchy, but Carole and Beth managed to find him, just before a thunderstorm was going to move through the area. He was so weak, he had to be carried to our van.  The area where he was found is not close to any houses, so there was no reason for this dog to have been out in 100 degree days, not close to any water.  By the time they got "Lincoln" back to the Sanctuary, Carole was doubtful that he would live to see morning. He was given fluids, and ate well, but obviously had been out on his own for a while. Slowly, with each passing day, Lincoln got stronger. When he finally stood up, he held up one of his rear legs. Xrays showed no broken bones, but it's anyone's guess what had happened to him, before he was rescued.  Just one month later, he is a happy and healthy dog, standing on all fours, with bright eyes and a wagging tail for anyone who comes to visit. 
Lincoln arrived at the Sanctuary, starved and dehydrated
Almost a month later, Lincoln is a happy and healthy fellow!
hanna scout mollie in tank
While we see many beautiful rainbows from our Sanctuary, we have yet to find that "Pot 'O Gold".  We sincerely appreciate our many donors, and the sacrifices you all have made, to continue to fund the ANIMAL ANGELS Mission of Rescue, Rehab and Lifetime Sanctuary. As many rescue groups across the country are having to close their doors, we still function with an all-volunteer staff, 24/7/365, with no money allocated for admin or fundraising. 100% of every donation goes directly to animal care at our no-kill/no-cage facilities, and to our rescue mission. We receive no funding from the SPCA or the HSUS.
Our vet bills remain high, with our aging Sanctuary population, spay/neuter program and rescue medical necessities. All summer long on our 38-acre property, we have battled ticks with tree/ground spraying and monthly spot-on treatment for each of our 290+ residents. Our vehicles, facilities and equipment are aging, costing more in maintenance and upkeep. And with food donations dwindling all year, we are probably going to be buying food this fall, in amounts of 8000 lbs/month. We have responded daily to calls for help, with record numbers of "dumped" animals. This summer, we have rescued 69 dogs, added 33 to our Sanctuary population, and ten of our residents were adopted to their forever homes. Some of our rescued pure breeds and puppies were transported to breed-specific rescues and other no-kill facilities for adoption. 
Nevertheless, ANIMAL ANGELS remains steadfast and committed to continue helping homeless animals find the care they need and deserve. Our big blue Rescue and Transport van, which was donated, stays ready to roll at a moment's notice. Our phones are answered every day, at all times, days, nights, weekends and holidays.  It's a sure bet that some animal somewhere will need our help, especially in bad weather, or when most folks are enjoying time off. We are very fortunate that ANIMAL ANGELS is considered a "labor of love" by our staff of volunteers, who work tirelessly to see that each of our 290+ Sanctuary dogs has the best quality of life we can provide.
Please continue to keep ANIMAL ANGELS in your thoughts and prayers. And we greatly appreciate any financial help you can send our way, whenever you can. We couldn't do what we do, without you and your generous support. for the animals who find themselves in need of our help.
Carole Sanders
Founder and President
Khya had her bath, and is waiting patiently for her adoption day, trying to stay clean.
Khya's BIG DAY has finally arrived!
"If love can heal..."  Mattison, daughter of our resident volunteers, Beth and Matt, comforting "Rayne", a Sanctuary resident

ANIMAL ANGELS Mission Statement

Be it known that the intent and purpose of ANIMAL ANGELS is to enrich the lives of our animal friends who may be without shelter, food, care or love. We commit to assist these needy, regardless of age, natural beauty or condition, and find them temporary or permanent homes. All resources obtained by ANIMAL ANGELS will be used for the benefit of these creatures only, and no profit is sought. Our only concerns are for the care and comfort of these animals we assist.  ANIMAL ANGELS is a 501(c)3 Charity, since 1993.