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February, 2011
Quick Links
Save the date!
Everyone needs a friend!

Quote of the month!

"Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter."

-- Brad Henry

Question and Answer

Do you have a question you would like to be answered? A parenting tip you would love to share with other parents? The Wylie Center is excited to hear you share your questions, topic suggestions, or parenting tips on our face book page!  

Click here to join our facebook!

Click here to email us!

Share a tip, win a gift card!


Its easy, just log in to our face book page, "like" the page, and add your favorite parenting tip. The best parenting tip will win a $50 card you can use anywhere, and will be announced on the facebook page and the next newsletter.

Click here to go to our facebook page!!!

Save the date for Stroll 'N' Roll
kids with balloons
April 30th, 2011

Our 8th annual Stroll "N" Roll fundraiser is getting close, and we are excited to see you and your families there again. Make sure you save the date, and invite the whole family for a day full of fun!!!


For more information please contact: Jacqueline Blanco at (951) 683-5193 ext. 241.

Are you parenting a teen?


Teen Triple P can help you enrich the relationship with your teen! The methods used in this class will help increase cooperation and decrease negative attitude. Some of the topics that will be addressed are the following:  

  • Understanding teenage behavior and emotions
  • Dealing with non-compliance
  • Risky behavior
  • Maintaining trust

For more topics and dates please call (951) 683-5193. 

Everyone needs a friend!

Everyone wants to belong, to feel connected and be with others who share attitudes, interests, and circumstances similar to their own. Girls with special needs can benefit greatly from peer support and relationships with other girls on the spectrum. Enjoying a real friendship -- someone who cares, and thinks you are wonderful can make a world of difference. The Wylie Center has provided the perfect environment for Girls ages 13 - 17 to meet other girls in a safe environment and with a trained facilitator. Don't delay the fun, sign up today!

For dates and times please call (951) 683-5193
United Way Inland Valleys
The Carolyn E. Wylie Center | 4164 Brockton Avenue | Riverside, California 92501 | 951-683-5193