SHF - We're closer than you think!
"Your fitness home away from home."
Shelburne Health & Fitness News

January 2011
In This Issue
Class Brainstorming Sessions Scheduled
New Cafe to Open January 17
Set a New Goal - Come Race with Us!
Make 2011 YOUR Year for Health!
Turn that Resolution into a Revolution
Certified Personal Trainer Prep Class Offered
Save the Date - LIVESTRONG Ride Coming in February
Spin for Hope March 6, 2011
SH&F on the Web
Childcare Available Saturdays
Sincere Thanks for Your Help
Save the Date - Chi Running

Happy New Year to you all!  This issue of the Shelburne Health & Fitness News is centered around making changes.  It's that time of year when many of use start to re-organize, determine priorities, and set new goals.


There are many opportunities to do just that in this issue.  First of all, please consider joining Rayne and me for a class brainstorming session on Wednesday, January 19 or Friday January 21.  Please see below for more details on who we're looking to get feedback from and when.  As always, your input is vital to the successful growth of our group fitness schedule.


As promised in the last issue, you'll also find very helpful information from Augusta Krahl, our nutrition counselor here at SH&F, and also a motivational piece from Personal Trainer Charlene Adams. 


If you're looking for even more motivation, consider signing up for one of the great charity Spinning events we have scheduled for February and March, or take it a step further and sign up for a class to become a personal trainer yourself! 


As it seems to be every month, there's lots to share with you.  So grab a copy of this newsletter at the desk and read it while you're on a treadmill, EFX or recumbent bike, or grab it with something yummy from the new cafe opening on the 17th, make yourself comfortable and read on!


If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact one of us here at the club. We can be reached via email at [email protected][email protected], or if you have general questions about the club, classes, or membership, you can also email [email protected].


Hope to see you soon!
Ute Talley
Owner & Operations Manager
Find us on Facebook
What Classes Would YOU Like to See?

If you are limited to working out in the early morning hours (before 7:30 am) or after work (after 5 pm) or you are a senior, please consider joining us on Wednesday, January 19 at 5:30 pm or Friday, January 21 at 10:00 am for one of two Brainstorming Sessions.  As we work on our class schedule for 2011, we want to know what is important to you.  What is missing from your workouts?  What are you tired of?  What would entice you into a class?  Are there particular instructors you prefer?  If so, why? 


Our goal is to have the best group fitness schedule out there, but we can't do that if we don't know what YOU are looking for - or even what you are avoiding.  Please help us.  At this point, these are the groups we're looking for:


          Wednesday, January 19, 5:30 - 6:30 pm:  In this group, we'd like to see those who are limited to early morning classes or evening classes.  These time frames had the biggest hit when we pared down our class schedule in December. 


          Friday, January 21, 10:00 am:  The topic of this group will be senior programming.  Whether you already take advantage of classes or not, please share with us your needs and desires as far as your workouts go.  Are you getting all areas of fitness (cardio, strength & flexibility) into your workouts?  If not, what's missing and why?

If you are unable to make these dates, please pick up a questionaire from the front desk or click here to download and print it from your computer.  Return it to the front desk no later than Monday, January 24.  Thank you so much.  Your input is vitally important. 

New Cafe to Open January 17!

Lisa Denton, owner of the Ferrisburgh Bake Shop & Deli, and Madison Russett have been hard at work getting Lisa's Field House Caf� ready to open!  If you've ever visited the Ferrisburgh Bake Shop & Deli, you probably know about the amazing soups, sandwiches and baked goods they have there.  We are so excited about the opening of this new Deli right here at The Field House!


Hours at the Field House Caf� will be Mon.-Fri. 7am - 6pm., Sat. & Sun. 8am - 1pm.  They will be serving fresh breakfast sandwiches, homemade soups and chili daily, along with fresh sandwiches and salads.  You'll be able to stop in and place your order before you head off to class so that it's ready when you're all done.  There will be no need to carry money in with you, because you can use your Shelburne Health & Fitness house account to pay for your Field House Caf� purchases.  What couldl be easier than that?  Now it will be easy to grab something nutritious on your way to work in the morning, for lunch with your friends, on your way in to your child's soccer game at Shelburne Field House, or on your way home after work.  Lisa and her team are going to be such a great addition to the Field House! 


If you have any feedback or suggestions, don't hesitate to get in touch with Lisa at [email protected], and starting next week, please stop by and say hi.

Spring Fling 5K/10K - March 26

Sometimes the best way to stay motivated in your fitness quest is to commit to something.  We've got an opportunity to do just that!  Join us for our 2011 Spring Fling 5K/10K to celebrate the official beginning of Spring.

Shelburne Health & Fitness and offer this race as the first race of the 2011 race season.  For those of you who have never raced before, consider it a race against yourself.  With very few exceptions, our races draw quite a few experienced athletes, but I would venture to  guess that at least as many are new to the sport.  I would also venture to guess, that in every race we put on, there are always participants who are doing it for the first time. 


So take the leap.  Register for the Spring Fling 5K/10K (you choose the distance) and then put on your running shoes (or get some if you need to) and hit the treadmill, take classes that will build strength and endurance (like Spinning for example), take advantage of our walk/run memberships to the Field House and run on a soft surface without fear of ice and snow, and before you know it, you'll be ready to run your first 5K or 10K. 


If you want some extra help with this, take advantage of our personal training introductory offer of 3 sessions for $149.  Any one of our talented trainers will be able to get you going in the right direction. 

Make 2011 YOUR year for health! - by  Augusta Krahl


There is something about the start of the New Year that is just so exciting and full of promise!  For many of us, it is a time to reflect back on our lifestyle behaviors from the previous year, our successes and disappointments, and everything in-between and identify which of our eating and exercise behaviors were most helpful to us and which were not so helpful.  We make New Year's resolutions regarding healthy eating and exercise behaviors and start the year with these lists, motivated and confident!


 Diet and exercise are two things always at the top of many American's New Year's resolution lists.  Just walk into your local bookstore and see how many diet and exercise books are being prominently displayed this time of year - many of them promising instant results:  six pack abs in two weeks, 10 pounds in 10 days...yesterday I saw a book proudly describing how you could lose 12 pounds in less than two weeks - by eating 400 calories a day.... Yikes - my head almost exploded!  That is basically a banana, a piece of wheat toast and a glass of OJ!  Oh yes, you will lose weight, but there are serious, long-lasting consequences of such restrictive, starvation diets:  loss of lean muscle mass instead of fat, slowed metabolism, rapid regaining of weight when the restriction ends... the list is long, and not pleasant!  Diets do not work - successful weight loss and maintenance comes from making lifestyle changes including dietary and exercise modifications.

Whether your goal is to lose weight, maintain your current weight, or to add lean muscle mass, incorporating healthy lifestyle eating and exercise habits and behaviors is an achievable New Year's resolution for all.  Below are a few proven strategies I recommend to help you successfully stick to your resolutions.


  1. Recording/journaling daily food intake:  research has shown that those who keep a daily food log are more successful at losing weight and keeping it off.  Journaling is a powerful tool which helps build awareness and facilitate change. There are many good online food logging sites available for free or for mere pennies a month - contact me for recommendations and guidance!
  2. Daily/weekly planning:  planning your meals for the week can help with organized, focused grocery shopping and can alleviate spur of the moment purchases and meals that may fall short of your health goals.  Daily food planning is one of the most important strategies that will help you stick with your healthy food plan - knowing and planning ahead for daily meals, dining out, long days filled with meetings and short breaks.. being prepared for these times will help unwanted pounds from sneaking on!
  3. Scheduling in weekly exercise:  a key to being successful with your exercise goals is to plan out and schedule in your exercise.  Treating exercise like any other appointment will help ensure you stay on track for the week!  Utilize your appointment book and schedule it in weekly.  When teaching the Vtrim� Weight Management Program to undergrads at UVM, I encourage students to treat their weekly exercise routine as one of their academic classes. Keeping a weekly exercise log is also one strategy to stay accountable and focused on your exercise routine - many of the food log sites include areas for exercise logging.
  4. Keep up with vitamin/antioxidant intake.  The old belief was that we could obtain sufficient vitamin and mineral intake from our diets alone.  Today we know that as a result of such things as poor food quality and high stress, fast paced lifestyles, many of us need extra supplementation.  Extremely important during this winter season here in Vermont are making sure we get enough vitamins D and C, probiotics and omega 3's. Contact me and I'd be happy to go over your individual vitamin, mineral and antioxidant needs!
  5.  Make sure you support your efforts to stay healthy by getting enough sleep.   Researchers from the Harvard Women's Health Watch suggest that chronic sleep deprivation may lead to weight gain due to metabolic and appetite hormone changes.  Sleep deprivation also has been found to alter our body's natural defenses against disease and cancer. 
  6. Drink water!  Research shows that as many as 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated with many of them confusing thirst with hunger.  Being even slightly dehydrated can slow your metabolism, cause migraines and result in extra water retention.  Researchers at the University of Texas Medical School suggest that drinking water before meals and snacks can help with weight loss and management as it helps us feel fuller and replaces unnecessary calories.  General recommendations for water intake are that we drink at least 64 oz. of water a day.  This is a generalization only as actual fluid intakes are influenced by individual body composition, diet and activity level and climate.

         If your resolutions include having healthier eating and exercise behaviors in 2011 and you are unsure of how to start or where to begin, I'd be glad to help you!  I offer nutritional guidance services, including behavioral weight management, comprehensive nutritional analysis and sports nutrition.  I wish you all a Happy New Year and the best in health!Augusta Krahl M.S.


Augusta Krahl, MS, received her graduate degree in Nutrition and Food Sciences from the University of Vermont in 2004.  She is a certified Vtrim� Weight Management Program Facilitator and specializes in behavioral weight management and sports nutrition.  Augusta has been providing nutritional consulting services at Shelburne Health & Fitness since 2010.  To contact her, please email [email protected].


Turn That Resolution into a Revolution

       - Some advice from Charlene Adams, Personal Trainer


New Year's resolutions can either provide a goal with the premise of a promise to yourself to achieve your innermost desire or it can set you up for yet another internal guilt trip.  Depending on how many times you set up a New Year's resolution you need to reflect for a moment and really think about how many of those resolutions you stuck to.  If your answer is less than 100% you may want to reconsider the type of resolution you are making.  A resolution according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary is (among other definitions):

the act or process of resolving: as

- the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones
- the act of answering : solving
- the act of determining. 

When we think about making that traditional "New Year's Resolution" let's think about the definition and realize that there is a bigger thought process to this act then just saying you don't like something about yourself and you are going to fix it.  You need to join a revolution on your area of concern because by definition,  revolution is "a sudden, radical, or complete change, a fundamental change in the way of thinking about or visualizing something".

I say STOP!!!!  Don't make a "Resolution" this year!  I say we should wage war on empty promises we make to ourselves that leave us emotionally broken when we fail to achieve.  Revolt! Revolution on Resolution!!!  Make a plan.  Make a map of tasks to follow that WILL lead you to success.

Let's  Resolve  to set forth on  a Revolution!  Set an attainable goal and then  make a plan.  You will need to put a strategy in place that will automatically set you in the direction of success.  You see, just wishing for a better and/or healthier body, more money, or dropping a bad habit is just that, a wish.  But to resolve to get the job done is a goal.  Usually a person will desire to change a fairly big part of their lifestyle like eating less, exercising more, increasing income, quitting smoking, or drinking less to name a few. As you can see, most "resolutions" are parts of a habitual lifestyle that took years of inattention that inevitably snowballed into an issue that now requires changing.   With this last statement the desired change is a very big deal that requires more than wishful thinking.

Recent research shows that while 52% of participants in a resolution study were confident of success with their goals, only 12% actually achieved their goals. Men achieved their goal 22% more often when they engaged in goal setting, (a system where small measurable goals are being set, such as, a pound a week, instead of saying "lose weight"), while women succeeded 10% more when they made their goals public and got support from their friends according to a study by Richard Wiseman of Quirkology.  In order to set forth on your path of change you need to figure out what you really want to resolve in your life and then understand why you need to make this change.  These reasons will provide you with greater energy when building your strategy and setting your goals. Your path is the strategy you map out for yourself.  Understand that you are not alone and that family, friends and professionals are all on standby waiting for you to call for assistance and advice.

You can do anything you set your mind to especially if you find guidance and put it in writing.  Grab yourself a New Year's Revolution Journal and on the very first page, in your nicest hand writing, in your boldest pen, write down your Resolution!  On the very next page you need to write down the very first step you are going to make towards that goal and then achieve it.  Write down how you achieved it and what your next step is going to be.  The next thing you know you will have filled up that book with your very own success story.  You will have completed your goal and you will have documented your travels throughout the year so you can share your story of the "DO's and Don'ts" you experienced along the way.

In this world of technology and infinite access to information the only thing you should need is patience or you need to get someone who can give you the tools to accomplish your goal.  The most common areas of concern are fitness, smoking, and income (or lack thereof for that matter).  You can find a gym that suites your needs for fitness, ask your physician for a quit-smoking plan, or get your resume polished.  I know, it's always easier said than done but if your problem is big enough to need a resolution then the amount of effort should not have a limit on it.  Gathering the information is the first step.

Here's an example:

"My New Year's Resolution this year is to lose 30 pounds!"

Your experience with a gym may be limited to how you exercised for a sport in high school and maybe some entertainment type activities like skiing or hiking.  Through the years you may have gained a general knowledge of nutrition but with all of the conflicting health alerts you find yourself on an endless cycle of semi-successful diet plans but always end up reverting back to the old ways of eating due to life's little complications (or big complications).  You may have the found the perfect fitness club with rates, dues, and location suitable for you but when you walk into the building all of the crazy contraptions called exercise equipment may as well be alien spaceships. Where do you start?!  What do you eat before and after you work out?!  How long is this going to take if you can't even figure out how to start the darn stationary bike?!!!

 Ask for help the second you sign up for your membership.  Start your trek by getting directed in the appropriate direction and stay the course.  Ask the membership representative if there is a personal trainer or fitness instructor available for a consultation.  Also ask which group fitness classes (if they offer classes) would be good for someone new to fitness.  And as I stated earlier, start a journal so you can see where you started and then you can plan your next step.  In your journal you should make an appointment or schedule a class before you leave the building.  Even if you have a membership and need to reignite your desire for fitness and want to lose those last, pesky 10 pounds you could still use a fresh perspective on the situation.  A fitness professional will set you up with realistic goals and timelines for you to follow as well as give you some basics on nutrition.  Sometimes the fitness facility will have a nutritionist on staff for a detailed plan, never hurts to ask.

I would never tell anyone not to try.  I will, however, be brave enough to quote an old English proverb, "Where there's a will, there's a way". If you really want to lose that weight and keep it off then do it, don't just wish for it to happen.   So go into this next year with a light heart and the comfort that if you can't find your way to achievement, someone out there can point you in the right direction you just need to put that first Charlene Adamsfoot forward and make good choices.


Charlene has been a personal trainer with the Field House Athletic Club and Shelburne Health & Fitness for many years. She has studied under many nationally recognized personal training and nutritional certification groups such as the National Academy of Sports Medicine, International Sports Science Association, 24Hour Fitness University, and American Fitness Professionals and Associates. She specializes in providing motivation, education, and supervision of the elderly population as well as our youthful population. In addition, Charlene has created and offers classes for youth fitness as well as group fitness.  She can be reached at [email protected].


Certified Personal Trainer Preparation Course Offered
If you've ever thought about becoming a personal trainer, now might just be the time!  Join us for our 8-week education course to prepare you for the NSCA CPT (National Strength & Conditioning Association Certified Personal Trainer) certification exam. This class, taught by Dr. DeDr. Declan Connollyclan Connolly, will comprise both lectures and practical sessions to provide you with the best experiences and preparation for this nationally, and internationally recognized certification.  Both Rayne Herzog and Jameson Halnon have taken this class and have become NSCA CPT certified.  Feel free to talk to them about this class if you are interested.


NSCA CPT Preparation Course

6:30 - 9:00 pm

January 26, Febuary 2, 9 & 16; March 2 & 16


Course fee includes study materials, but does not include certification exam.


Save the Date - Livestrong Ride in February 

Save the date!  We will be hosting a 6-hour Spinning Marathon to raise money for LIVE STRONG  on Saturday, February 12, 8 am - 2 pm.  Instructors have not yet been chosen.  More details will follow.


Spin for Hope (American Cancer Society) - March 6, 2011

Shelburne Health & Fitness is proud to, once again, be a host facility for the American Cancer Society's Spin for Hope on Sunday, March 6, 2011.  You can sign up to ride the entire 3-hour Spin on your own, or as part of a team.  If you can't ride, but would like to sponsor a rider

 or make a donation to the event, you can do that too!  More general information about the fund raising effort can be found on The American Cancer Society's website

 Instructors have not yet been chosen for this ride.  If there is someone you'd particularly like to ride with for an hour of this event, please let us know!  You can talk to Rayne or email him at

[email protected]

with your instructor request. 


2011 Spin for Hope  
SHF on the Web
Cat on the Couch Productions has done a fantastic job re-designing our website. Now when you go there, you'll be able to check on our Group fitness schedule.  We're even updating it to reflect when there will be a substitute teaching!  Of course, there could be a last minute cancellation, but if we've had enough notice, and a sub has been found, we'll post it online.

You'll also find other information on the website.  Thinking about working with a Personal Trainer?  It's a good time because you can get 3 introductory sessions for only $149 - great Christmas idea don't you think?  Learn more about them on the training page. Check on our

club hours, learn more about Pilates, read the latest news... there's so much to see!


Find us on Facebook

Also, you'll find that we're communicating almost daily on Facebook.  Click on the "like" link on our SHF home page, or find us through Facebook.  We'd love to have you with us on facebook to share your thoughts and ideas!

Childcare Now Available on Saturdays
You asked for it, and you got it!  Childcare is now available on Saturday mornings, 7:30 - 10:30, for children ages 6 months to 6 years.  The cost is $8 per child for children of members and $10 per child for guests' children.  There is a limit of an hour and a half per child and reservations are strongly recommended.  Our childcare providers' schedules are set 24 hours in advance based on reservations.  Without a reservation, you may not have access to the childcare because either the provider has already gone home, or the childcare is already full. Reservations can be made at the front desk or by calling 985-4410. 

We are fortunate to have incredibly talented providers with us.  Take advantage of a little "me time" while allowing your kids to have fun in our play room.

Sincere Thanks for Your Help

We wish to offer you our sincere thanks for your help in our food drive to support the Shelburne Food Shelf, the toy drive, and also the family that Jena was sponsoring this year.  Several families have inquired as to how they can get more involved with the adoption of a family for Christmas.  Jena will provide that information in a future newsletter.


You all have touched the lives of so many people in our community this season, and on their behalf, we thank you. 

ChiRunning� - Run Injury-Free for the Rest of Your Life - April 3, 2011
Shelburne Health & Fitness is pleased to have Vince Vaccaro return this spring to once again teach Chi Running.  Many of us had the pleasure of taking this workshop when Vince was here last May.  I can't speak for everyone, but I know that I (Ute) had many "aha"
moments during that workshop.  So much of it just makes sense so that you're telling yourself "of course!" throughout the class.  If you struggle with your running, you owe it to yourself to take this class!   


Vince - Chi Running

Your Certified Instructor

Vince Vaccaro is a certified Master ChiRunning� and ChiWalking� Coach and has been an avid runner for over 30 years. His running experiences began in high school and continued through college.  He is now completing a goal of running a marathon in each state. He has completed countless events from 5k to The Lake Tahoe Triple.


Before ChiRunning�, Vince experienced running with all its challenges, injuries, pain, and exhaustive physical effort. Since training with Danny Dreyer (founder of ChiRunning�) and Chris Griffin (ChiRunning� Master Instructor), Vince now runs with greater ease, less effort, no injuries, better results and NO need for recovery.

Vince has taught ChiRunning� to triathletes, as well as clients in private and group lessons.

What You'll Learn
� Introduction to the ChiRunning� Form
� Posture, Lean and Heel Lift
� Effective arm swing and upper body movement
� Gears and stride length
� The importance of cadence and how to measure
� Relax while running
� Techniques for hills
� Drills and Exercises to improve form
� Pre-Run Looseners

We won't be doing a lot of running during the workshop.The focus will be on building a solid base of knowledge that you will carry forward in your running program.

Please register with Vince Vaccaro 603.520.8268

[email protected]

Class Size: Limited to 12 participants




ChiRunning� Workshop
April 3, 2011; 9:00am- 4:00pm



166 Athletic Drive,Shelburne, VT


click here to see Vince's flyer with more details

Shelburne Health & Fitness