Al's House
             Your Coffee Break
                       News You Can Use

                       for Personal and Business Development 

In this Issue
Your FREE Gift
Shayna's Success Stories
Your Money
Something to think about..
"Never mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps you make a living; the other helps you make a life."
        - Sandra Carey
 "If you can't feed a hundred people, then just feed one."
                          Mother Teresa




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"Thank you so much for your words regarding RSVP protocol.  Nice to get a reminder from someone who knows what is appropriate!"



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We have taken a good look at Facebook and what it can do for your business.  There is another site that is almost as powerful; maybe more so with particular audiences.  The site is Twitter.

There are close to 200 million tweeters at Twitter.  It is a great way to make your small business look like a much bigger one.  You can use it to build relationships, which are critical for business success; friends buy from friends, to share information, or to educate.

As Twitter grows it is becoming THE place to conduct all kinds of e-business, reinforce your brand, build customer bases, survey to find out what your clients really want, research, and find illusive resources.  It is also where mainstream media, like the New York Times, Network News, and even People Magazine can post urgent messages or news broadcasts in real time. It is amazing much information you can relay with just 140 characters, the limit on Tweets as the messages are called. Evidence the accelerated response time by private citizens to the Haiti earthquake.  With 200 million people networked and  spreading the word, relevant updates were easily facilitated. It has become the best way to communicate with a lot of people in a timely manner.

Let us help you define your customer base and give you some powerful tools for your growth. FREE consultation
  Be sure to forward  this to a friend so they can also take advantage of this opportunity.
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Shayna's Success  Stories   

Good Staff is Hard to Find
   Shayna's author Donna Upshaw is available for custom cartooning and also has a line of wonderful note cards to bring smiles to your clients..
Click here to follow Shayna's Success Stories  from the very beginning of her adventures
  Your Money
Do You Know the Score?
       Do you know where you stand in the credit World.  Until now you could get one free credit report per agency, once a year.  You also had the option of getting your report and paying  to find out your score. We have found a credit information site that will actually give you your credit score for free! 
       It is worth spending some time at  Of course, they are going to offer you special deals from their partners, but they are optional.  However, they do offer you some great information on how to improve your score and how to manage credit.  They also have a valuable Credit Advice section, News, and reviews;  and all this information is free.
We are looking forward to hearing  from you.  What is good about our newsletter.  What would you like to see more of--less of?  Would you like to submit an article, or an article idea.
               Just drop us a note or give me a call.