The Empowered Patient Coalition
Patient reporting site for medical errors is now online!
The Empowered Patient Coalition is pleased to announce that a new survey for reporting adverse medical events is now permanently online at http://www. report-a-medical-event. This survey is designed by patients, for patients, in order to give people who have experienced adverse medical events a place where their reports can be counted.
Created in collaboration with Consumers Union Safe Patient Project, the survey aims to provide a snapshot of medical harm as it is lived by those who undergo it, beginning with the patient's initial procedure or treatment and continuing all the way through the patient and family experience of the legal system. Responses will be presented in de-identified, aggregated form at
This is an international survey. Reports will be displayed by country, and reports from the US and Canada will also be tallied by state or province whenever the respondent provides such information. Survey participants will also have the option of sharing their stories with the Consumers Union Safe Patient Project. In order to protect the confidentiality of patient information, we do not collect IP addresses or contact information unless it is explicitly provided by the respondent. It is our hope that this may allow the recovery of some small part of the patient safety information that is now lost to confidentiality clauses in medical settlements.
We envision this survey as a community project, and we welcome your input and participation. We hope you will forward the survey to your members and contacts, and ask that you link to it directly from your website or Facebook page if at all possible. Broad dissemination is the only way we can collect enough information to determine the trends we are hoping to be able to see. Buttons for linking to the survey can be found at