A Taste of Missionary Love
From the series exploring Christian Zionist groups... 
"Modern Israel is without faith in Yeshua (Jesus) and has no relationship to God.  Israel is back in the land for judgment, in preparation for the Great Tribulation...Giving money to houses of prostitution does not bless the prostitute, and giving money to build Israel's anti-Christ Judaism or secular society is not blessing Israel, especially if God has purposed to withhold His dew and blessings from an Israel that continues to ignore His Son, the only way, truth and life!  One may be working against God by attempting to make Israel comfortable, secure and happy in their unbelief!   To bless Israel is to impart upon them the Gospel." ~ Reginald Lisemby, Exec. Dir. Messianic Ministry to Israel 


"Whereas our evangelistic efforts have largely neglected the Jewish people, both at home and abroad, and there is evidence of a growing responsiveness among the Jewish people in some areas of our nation and our world; now, therefore...be it finally resolved, that we direct our energies and resources toward the proclamation of the gospel to the Jewish people.~ Southern Baptist Convention, "Resolution on Jewish Evangelism" (June 1996)   gospel 





















































"We are committed to the God-given Mandate of communicating the essential Gospel of Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah to the Jewish people...We owe it to Jesus, the King of Israel, and to every living Jewish person to present the Gospel to him or her."~ Assemblies of God Jewish Ministries


"However difficult it may be for some Jews to understand, Christian love constrains the church to share the Gospel of salvation with them.  Martin Luther, in his last sermon, said concerning the attitude of Christians toward the Jewish people, 'We want to treat them with Christian love and to pray for them, so that they might become converted and would receive the Lord.'..Therefore, the church should continue to share the Gospel with them for it is the only means by which they may be saved."

~ Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, "Excursis Regarding the Jews"


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  • Educational Programs
  • Resource Materials (in multiple languages)
  • Individual and Family Support Services 




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JEWS FOR JUDAISM is a non-denominational organization that preserves and strengthens Jewish identity and pride through our interactive educational programs and community services.  At the same time, we work to counter the aggressive and deceptive proselytizing efforts of those individuals and groups that target Jews for conversion.





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Jews For Judaism has been awarded the Best In America from Independent Charities of America and the CFC gifCombined Federal Campaign CFC) of the US government. This designation is given to charities who meet strict guidelines; an organization must demonstrate that not more than 20� of every dollar can be used for administrative overhead.


 For your tax records, we are a tax-exempt 501(c) 3 organization and your donation is tax deductible. No goods were sold or services rendered for this donation.  Our Federal ID# is 52-324729.





3506 Gwynnbrook Ave

Owings Mills, MD  21117

410-602-0276  Fax 410-602-0578
