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Our Mission Statement
Jews for Judaism,  "Keeping Jews Jewish"

The mission of Jews for Judaism is to strengthen
and preserve Jewish identity through education and counseling that counteracts deceptive proselytizing targeting Jews for con- version. Founded in 1983 in Baltimore, MD, Jews for Judaism is a
non- denominational, international organization. It has become the Jewish community's leading response to the multi-million dollar efforts of cults and deceptive missionaries who target Jews for conversion.

  Know The Facts!

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Community Alert: 
COMMUNITY ALERT!  What's in your mailbox?
Families across North Carolina are receiving a book entitled: "They Thought For Themselves: The Story of Ten Amazing Jews". At first you think it is a book on acheiving success. THIS IS A MISSIONARY BOOK sent by Sid Roth and "Messianic Visions" a group that aggressively targets Jews for conversion. DON'T BE FOOLED. Roth's goal to send out 2 million books to Jews across the country. Need answers?


Sid Roth Book

Project 77-What is It?
Their goal is to reach 2 million Jews across the   country! Click here for more info this project

� The Target is You!
They have acquired the names and addresses of 2 million Jewish homes in the United States.

� What can YOU do?
-Know your facts!
-Tell your friends, family and neighbors!
-Volunteer Your Time with Jews For Judaism! 
- Enable Jews For Judaism to raise awareness through Educational Programs and Resources.


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call 410-602-0276


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