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Our Mission Statement
Jews for Judaism,  "Keeping Jews Jewish"

The mission of Jews for Judaism is to strengthen
and preserve Jewish identity through education and counseling that counteracts deceptive proselytizing targeting Jews for con- version. Founded in 1983 in Baltimore, MD, Jews for Judaism is a
non- denominational, international organization. It has become the Jewish community's leading response to the multi-million dollar efforts of cults and deceptive missionaries who target Jews for conversion.

  Know The Facts!

Visit our website:

Knowledge Is Power!

Jews For Judaism is pleased to offer these exciting educational programs for 2010-11. Book now for your organization, synagogue, or school!

The Encounter
The Encounter is a highly interactive simulated role-play between the missionary and the unsuspecting Jew.
This program includes: orientation with group leaders, debriefing and resource material

� The Target is You!
An in-depth analysis of why and how Chritstian missionaries feel compelled to target the Jewish community.

� Life Outside The Jewish Fishbowl:
  Top 10 Things To Know When at College

This program is geared towards high school seniors and college freshman. This is the best way to prepare OUR children for the future.

� Bible Roulette
The Missionary Text Game is an introductory explanation of Biblical text used by missionaries to convert Jews.

� What to Say When Your Faith Is Being     iiChallenged- One Day Crash Course
You will discover how to respond with Jewish responses to Missionaries that seem to have all the answers.

All programs can be customized for your specific group.
Here's what people are saying about our excellent Educational Programs:

"You did a fantastic job in educating our community about how to counter the missionary efforts of Jews for Jesus...In your wake, our community is highly motivated, well informed and ready to take the next steps..."
                            The United Jewish Federation of Pittsburgh

"AWESOME Program! Thanks for coming and teaching us about Judaism."
                            David T., Educational Chair,
                            Hillel of Virginia Commonwealth University

"Everyone needs a session from Jews for Judaism. The more steeped we are in knowledge and our Jewish tradition, the less likely we are to fall prey to missionaries. "
                             Sybil, Hagerstown, MD

J4J Logo with BaqltimoreFor more information contact: or call 410-602-0276