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PR Pulse:
Tips for Success

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Ideally, our clients' customers would always jump to participate in press releases, case studies and the like. However, large companies' policies often prevent the happiest of customers from lending a quote or publicly commenting. So, how can a company highlight its tight-lipped customers' success?
Even if there is a policy against press release or case study participation, there may be a loophole for individual media opportunities.

For example, we recently secured an interview with Mobile Enterprise Magazine and a Rivermine customer, Chubb Insurance, regarding managing mobility. While Chubb wasn't able to do a press release or case study, they agreed to participate in the article.

The result: a showcase of Chubb's wireless expense management success and a glowing review of their work with Rivermine.

Mobile Enterprise Magazine
May/June 2010
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Retail Customer Experience,
Why Mystery Shopping Isn't Enough for Retailers

ZDNET, Top Five Reasons to Take Your Mobile Environment Corporate-Liable

MediaPost, Why Local Listings are the No. 1 Priority for Location-Based Social Networks
The Spark
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Veteran Employees Complete Purchase of Agency, Bring on New and Renewed Clients

Whew...It's been an exciting few months for the agency. While we are not economists, we are seeing deals closing and pipelines filling both in our own industry and in those of our clients. In fact, this past month, we signed mobile coupon platform Shooger to support their break-out strategy and renewed Enterprise Feedback Management provider PeriscopeIQ for continued targeted media and analyst promotion.

And we continue to add to our virtual award gallery, winning the prestigious Hermes Creative Gold Award for our work with client AutoSearch in delivering a successful media launch of the AutoSearch iPhone mobile app.

Finally, as many of you know, Principals Meggan Manson and Jennifer MacLeid Qotb--two long-term employees--successfully completed the purchase of Young & Associates from founder Jean Young, who remains as chairman and lifelong friend. Bright skies ahead.

Marketing Minute
Five Signs that a Start-up is Ready to Engage with PR
Big Splash
After nearly 30 years of serving a wi
de variety of growth stage companies with targeted tech PR, we are continuously approached by start-ups looking to make a big splash. While some are ready for prime-time, we have turned away countless others as their core business model or product strategy were, well, half-baked. And since you can only make your first big splash once, why not get it right? Here are five key signs that a start-up is at the right stage to engage with a PR firm.

1) Solid Business Plan - Whether you're offering the next big mobile app or next-generation middleware, a business strategy including your value proposition and go-to-market attack plan is critical before moving forward with a PR partner. How will you monetize? Do you need start-up capital to grow? Is a direct or channel sales team necessary? What is the long-term vision for the company?

2) Sweet Spot Identified - Start-ups need to establish their target buyers. PR isn't the time to test which market or department will attract new leads, but rather an opportunity to raise visibility within decided target markets.

3) Product/Service is Nearly Error/Bug Free - Have you tested your product/service in beta capacity? Are the main kinks worked out? Is there a process to handle customer service issues?

4) Sales Team Established - Even if you have one sales team member and/or lead-gen coordinator, a sales rep is critical to handle the leads that come in from marketing and PR initiatives. 

5) Realistic Expectation of What PR Delivers - PR will never replace sales. If you are expecting a PR agency to pull-in and close 25 new deals/quarter, then you are wasting your money. PR complements sales by increasing a company's visibility and can help them close deals.

My Two Cents

Keynote Lessons from All Things D
by Meggan Manson, Principal, Young & Associates
Mark Zuckerberg Photo
With a major public interview flop from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg (most described it as melting) and some questionable comments from Steve Jobs at the Wall Street Journal's most recent D8: All Things Digital conference, the topic of executive message delivery is on the mind.

How do you advise a leader in their interview and presentation style? Certainly, the job isn't for the faint of heart - after all, these folks are business owners/CEOs/Presidents. However, no matter the executive's experience and comfort level, a refresher is almost always needed before a presentation or interview - especially a high profile one. The goal isn't to appear coached, but rather to be comfortable and composed. Here are a few takeaways from All Things D:

� Tell the truth - Lies or stretches of the truth can too easily be exposed.
� Save the ego battle - While it makes for viral media, blog and Twitter fodder, taking unnecessary jabs at the competition isn't the type of talk you want to spread as it invites scrutiny. Play nice on stage.
� Dress appropriately - A hoodie and a stage with bright lights do not mix.
� Don't let 'em see you sweat - If you know there is a sensitive issue on hand, practice the tough questions - get riled up and work through flustered reactions in the rehearsal.

A unique approach can ignite the brightest spark of all. As trusted advisors to high-growth technology companies for the past 28 years, Young & Associates is the premier strategic public relations agency for companies seeking clear market visibility, elevated industry reputation and bottom-line results.

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