
NETWORK NEWS, January, 2009  


January 22 & 23, 2009
Statewide Summit
Due to the difficult economic climate, we will continue to offer the Early Registration rate.
For more information, click here
A Call to Action
Grand Bohemian Hotel, 
Orlando, Florida
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New Report on the Value of Foundations

foundation study
The Philanthropy Collaborative recently released a study, prepared by economist Robert Shapiro, which demonstrates that for every dollar foundations spend, more than $8 is generated in local and national economic benefits. The study by Dr. Shapiro, former Under Secretary of Commerce and a leading economic advisor to President Clinton's 1992 campaign, is the first comprehensive effort to quantify the rate of return on charitable giving nationwide. Said Robert Egger, founder and president of DC Central Kitchen, "The conclusions reached in this analysis are no surprise to those of us in the nonprofit community who have long sought conclusive evidence of the economic impact our work generates in every community." Click here for report.
New - For the Bookshelf
ALL You Can Eat
How Hungry is America?


When it comes to the matter of hunger in America, writes Joel Berg, executive director of New York City Coalition Against Hunger, "only government has the size, scope, and resources - and yes, the legitimacy - to take the lead in actually solving the problem."

Mr. Berg says hunger is "America's dirty little secret," and gives statistics to show that the number of Americans without enough food is growing: There are now 35.5 million people who don't have enough to eat, an increase of more than 4 million from 1999.

Behind that increase, he says, is the shrinking of the middle class, inadequate news media coverage, and a reduction in welfare benefits. Click here for more information.  
Bridging the Information Gap in Philanthropy


The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation has partnered with McKinsey and Company to propose a path to a stronger nonprofit marketplace. The resulting paper seeks to answer two related questions: 
1.) How can we help donors make smart philanthropic decisions?
2.) How can we ensure that the strongest, most effective nonprofits get the resources they need?
 Click here  for report.    
Upcoming Events
Council on Foundations 2009 Family Philanthropy Conference
February 1 - 3, 2009
Indianapolis, IN 
Click here for more information. 
Foundations on the Hill
March 24 - 25, 2009
Washington DC
Join us for this opportunity to meet with federal lawmakers in Washington, D.C. If you are interested in participating in this event or would like more information, contact David Biemesderfer, 

Council on Foundations 60th Annual Conference
May 4 - 6, 2009
Atlanta, GA 
Click here for more information.

Join Our Mailing List

More Than Money:
Making a Difference with Assistance Beyond the Grant 

more than money 

This new report by the Center for Effective Philanthropy reveals that there are a variety of ways that funders can go beyond the grant in assisting their grantees.  Three exemplary foundations are profiled: Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, Winter Park Health Foundation, and Wallace Foundation. Click here for report.
Welcome Aboard! 


I am pleased to announce David Biemesderfer has joined FPN as Vice President of Communications and External Relations.  David's primary responsibilities include member relations, public policy, program design and communications.
David spent 10 years with the Minnesota Council on Foundations as the Director of Communications and External Relations and then as Vice President of Communications and Information Services. In addition to managing MCF's strategic communications, he managed its research, government relations and public policy program at the state and national levels as well as additional member programs and services. 
Since 2005, David has provided consulting services to a number of philanthropic organizations in the areas of strategic communications, public policy, and accountability and ethics. His past clients include Alabama Giving, Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy, Council on Foundations, Delaware Valley Grantmakers, Forum of Regional Association of Grantmakers, Minnesota Council on Foundations and Southeastern Council of Foundations.  
You can reach David at 407.478.6262 or [email protected].
Join Us!
Become a Partner
Click here for information
Diversity and Inclusion: Lessons From the Field
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
This new report shares insights from CEO's and trustees of leading foundations and corporate giving programs on their goals, approaches, and experiences with diversity and inclusive practices - in their grantmaking, advocacy work, and personnel. The report also considers how diversity affects grantmaker effectiveness. Click here for report.
Florida Philanthropic Network is a statewide coalition of grantmakers working to stengthen philanthropy through research, education and public policy.
Florida Philanthropic Network
199 East Welbourne Avenue, Suite 203
Winter Park, Florida 32789