UCSB Engineering and Sciences
Corporate Program's Newsletter:
Get To Know The UC Santa Barbara Campus This Summer
Issue 12 Spring 2012


Throughout the summer the UC Santa Barbara campus has many activities and programs that benefit people working in industry.  We invite you to come to campus for educational events, celebrations, and last, but certainly not least, just to get to know us.    Read on to learn more


Want to hear about the new start-ups by UCSB Faculty?

The next two forums hosted by the MIT Enterprise Forum of the Central Coast (Forum is in Santa Barbara) are about energy efficiency and energy storage.   Click here for more information

June 7th Engineering Senior Capstone- Come see what student teams have been doing, meet students in Computer Science and Engineering and get some free pizza
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Look Whose Turning 50 & Whose Turning 25!
Departments in the College of Engineering & the College itself are Celebrating Major Anniversaries 
The Materials department will be celebrating its 25th with activities July 12-14, 2012!  For more information please contact Materials

In 2012/2013 the College of Engineering will be celebrating its 50th anniversary as will the Electrical and Computer Engineering department. For information about events throughout the year check in here
SAVE THE DATE- July 16th
For Access UCSB-An Open House for Industry  
On July 16 learn how to make the most of UCSB
Access UCSB is the external world's opportunity to understand how to work with UC Santa Barbara for research, recruiting, education & product development. It is hosted by the Corporate Affiliates Program and the Technology Management Program and it is designed to help companies find out how to make the most of UC Santa Barbara's world class research and students.

For more information about this program contact-
Leslie edwards edwards@engineering.ucsb.edu
Engineering & Science Commencement is June 16th
UC Santa Barbara celebrates Commencement from June 10th (College of Creative Studies) to June 17th (Graduate Division, Social Sciences and Humanities), with the majority of engineering and science students graduating on  June 16th at 1:00.  If you just couldn't get enough of your own graduation or you have a child graduating read on to learn what goodies are in store for you and your family
Have You Ever Thought About Coming Back To Obtain a Master's Degree?
We've heard from a number of companies that there is an interest in having UCSB provide a Master's degree program in engineering fields for people that are currently working in industry.  Would you be interested? Please provide your feed back by contacting Leslie Edwards- edwards@engineering.ucsb.edu

We always appreciate any input you may have on how we can improve, so please don't hesitate to send us your feedback. Thank you for your continued interest in our program. For further information, please visit the Industry Center website at: www.industry.ucsb.edu

The Corporate Programs