UCSB Engineering and Sciences
Corporate Program's Newsletter:
New Year's Resolution!  Gain More Access to UCSB's Engineers and Scientists
Issue 11 Winter 2012


As we start the new year we thought it would be helpful to our industry contacts to highlight our corporate success stories, provide a listing of our upcoming workshops and technical reviews, and our recruiting events that are designed to benefit you.  We've been great partners with may companies over the years.  Read on to hear how Raytheon Vision Systems has saved millions by partnering with UCSB.   


There are a number of programs that are designed to help industry find the resources that you need on campus. For networking with faculty and students, as as well as gaining insight in to research, we have our Materials Research Outreach Program's Symposium, the Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies (bio-inspired technologies for military and commercial applications) conference,  and the Center for Scientific Computing's Simulations Conference. In winter the College of Engineering's has its primary recruitment activity, hosted by the Society of Women Engineers,  the 28th annual "Evening with Industry."  We hope you find all of the information you need about access to key activities for industry on campus in our newsletter. 

In This Issue
Raytheon Vision Systems saves millions on technical development
Materials Research Lab hosts conference
The ICB Army-Industry Conference
Evening with Industry
The Southern California Simulations in Science Conference

Looking for ways to save money in product development, find new resources, or hire qualified engineering and science staff?   


Look in to joining the UCSB Corporate Affiliates Program 


Contact CAP

For More Information:
Dr. Leslie Edwards
Chris Russo
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UCSB's Technical Staff and Facilities allows Raytheon's Vision Systems to do Technology Development at a Fraction of the Cost
A true measure of success for university-industry collaborations is a seamless operation that stimulates new concepts for potential products. That is what Raytheon's Vision Systems (RVS), which develops sensors, electronics and meta-materials for infrared imaging, feels they get with their collaborations with UCSB. For the last 6 years plus, RVS has been conducting a significant portion of their technology development at a couple of labs on campus. In so doing, Raytheon saves millions of dollars on equipment purchases and maintenance, facilities and staff time. To find out more read
Materials Research Lab hosts symposium at UCSB  
On behalf of the Materials Research Laboratory (MRL) at UCSB, I am writing to cordially invite you to attend their annual Materials Research Outreach Program (MROP 2012) Symposium, to be held January 31- February 1, 2012 at the UCSB

The MROP 2012 Symposium will provide a perspective on materials problems under investigation at UCSB, and will focus on research efforts concerned both with the science and engineering of organic-based macromolecules and polymers as well as inorganic materials and devices.  The program is intended to foster discussions between scientists and engineers studying different classes of materials, and to stress the common goal of our materials research activities.   

Complete details can be found at our web page  

The ICB's Army-Industry Collaboration Conference
The Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies will be hosting its annual ICB Army-Industry Collaboration Conference on February 28-29, 2012. The conference will feature in-depth presentations by ICB faculty about a wide range of bio-inspired research topics, including nanofabrication, nanofluidics, novel materials for energy generation, storage and dispersion, network design, neuroscience, synthetic biology and biosensing. For more information, please contact Dr. David Gay, ICB Director of Technology -
Evening with Industry- hosted by SWE
Evening With Industry (EWI) is an evening of networking and fine dining, giving your company an excellent opportunity to become acquainted with UC Santa Barbara's brightest engineers and computer scientists.  It takes place on February 28th, 2012 at the UCSB Faculty Club. As a complement to our annual event, the Society of Women Engineers has compiled a book of all of the students in Engineering who have provided their resumes, which will be given to all "Evening With Industry 2012" participants. To register for EWI, fill out this "Response Form" and email it as an attachment to ewi2010@yahoo.com 
The Southern California Simulations in Science

The demand for High Performance Computing (HPC) continues to spread across the scientific disciplines. The Center for Scientific Computing at UC Santa Barbara was formed to assist researchers by providing both resources and expertise in using HPC in their research. One part of CSC's mission is to expand industry outreach and help train students in how to best use HPC in their future careers. In this light, we are hosting the SCSSC'12, on Monday, April 16th, 2012,  to bring together science and engineering students with researchers in industry that use HPC.


This one day conference will feature 5 speakers from a wide range of industries who will give talks on the basics of what they use HPC for, and how it applies to their industry. In the late afternoon there will be a reception and poster session for the students to show off their work and to mingle with other students and the industrial visitors. To learn more please contact the program coordinator, Paul Weakliem at weakliem@cnsi.ucsb.edu

We always appreciate any input you may have on how we can improve, so please don't hesitate to send us your feedback. Thank you for your continued interest in our program. For further information, please visit the Industry Center website at: www.industry.ucsb.edu

The Corporate Programs