UCSB Engineering and Sciences
Corporate Program's Newsletter:
Our new Dean, Rod Alferness & the Dow Center
Issue 10 Fall 2011


It is with with great personal pleasure that I would like to introduce our new Dean for the College of Engineering, Dr. Rod Alferness (link to Bio ), the former Chief Scientist of Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent. Below you will hear about him and his views of moving forward in the College the Engineering. In addition, on October 10th, Dow announced that they will be establishing a long-term research initiative with UCSB's Chemical Engineering department and the Materials Research Lab where it will be housed.    

In This Issue
Meet the College of Engineering's new Dean
Dow establishes a $15 million initiative
Welcome to our new CAP members

Access to IP from the Solid State Lighting and Energy Center at UCSB  


TIA has launched a new website of available IP related to semiconductor based technologies for energy efficient lighting & displays, power electronics, and solar power.
The ICB's Upcoming Conference

The Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies will be hosting its annual ICB Army-Industry Collaboration Conference on February 28-29,2012. The conference will feature in-depth presentations by ICB faculty about a wide range of bio-inspired research topics, including nanofabrication, nanofluidics, novel materials for energy generation, storage and dispersion, network design, neuroscience, synthetic biology and biosensing. For more information, please contact Dr. David Gay, ICB Director of Technology, david.gay@icb.ucsb.edu
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For More Information:
Dr. Leslie Edwards
Chris Russo
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Meet the College of Engineering's new Dean, Rod Alferness 

Alferness is world-renowned for his work on integrated optics and optical switching technology and networks. His research has been central to the development and deployment of fiber optic communications networks.


Alferness began work at Bell Labs in 1976, after obtaining a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Michigan. As Chief Scientist, a position he has held since 2007, Alferness oversaw long-term strategy, government and university partnerships, and technical excellence programs. Earlier, as Senior Vice President of Research, he had overall responsibility for the company's global research laboratories. Alferness also spent several years as Chief Technical Officer for Bell Labs' parent company, Lucent Technologies, transferring the optical technology he worked on to the business units.


Read our interview with Rod regarding his thoughts on the College of Engineering and looking forward- 


What compelled you to leave industry and come to UC Santa Barbara?

After many years at Bell Labs and Lucent Technologies driving the innovation, adoption, implementation and deployment of optical networking technology, I felt I had accomplished what I had set out to do in industry and decided my next career step was to take my skills into a top tier university research environment. UC Santa Barbara College of Engineering has had a steady growth curve in technical achievement, stature and prominence over the past 15 to 20 years and is recognized as a place where faculty teamwork and comradary are the natural environment. Strategic, long term as well as translational research creates a place where start-up companies and top notch fundamental research thrives. This is an environment and community of which I wanted to be a part.


What are your visions/aspirations for UCSB College of Engineering for the future?

UCSB College of Engineering has been recognized as one of the top research institutions in the nation, I would like to continue this steady climb of prominence. Equally important is to enhance and strengthen our undergraduate program. In addition, I want to continue to create an environment where employers can expect the highest quality employees at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.


What would you like industry to know?

For the U.S. to continue to be a technology world leader we need to continue to drive innovation. The relationship between industry and universities is a fundamental element of this opportunity and challenge. 


Dow, Chemical Engineering and the Materials Research Lab (MRL) announce a new center
(October 10, 2011.) -- The Dow Chemical Company has awarded UC Santa Barbara up to $15 million to establish a collaborative research initiative that will help shape the future of technology in areas that will benefit society. The Dow Materials Institute at UCSB will educate future scientists and engineers and advance the discovery of revolutionary new materials with applications that range from novel polymers to next-generation microelectronics.

Craig Hawker, the Director of the MRL said, "This new partnership with the Dow Chemical Company is dedicated to inspiring a new age of scientific achievement in the United States through collaborative research and interactions with industry, thereby serving as a catalyst to transform people's lives. By actively engaging in productive partnerships with industry, the MRL with National Science Foundation MRSEC support has proven to be an economic engine here and around the world."
Welcome to our new CAP members

We want to thank our new members-





As you know, collaborating with the best engineers and scientists is a catalyst for new business opportunities. Whether you are interested in augmenting your internal research capabilities, investigating novel technologies, or seeking talented employees, UC Santa Barbara's

Corporate Affiliates Program can help you make the connection. The objective of the Corporate Affiliates Program is to provide a portal for companies to explore prospective research partnerships, utilize world-class facilities and equipment and to recruit top students.


To learn more about CAP please contact Leslie Edwards


We always appreciate any input you may have on how we can improve, so please don't hesitate to send us your feedback. Thank you for your continued interest in our program. For further information, please visit the Industry Center website at: www.industry.ucsb.edu

The Corporate Affiliates Program