UCSB Engineering and Sciences
Corporate Affiliates Program Newsletter:
Happy Holidays!
Issue 7 Winter 2010


Happy Holidays! As our new year starts, the Corporate Affiliates Program is pleased to send you the winter edition of our newsletter. This newsletter presents why one of our affiliate members, Mentor Graphics, decided to partner with UCSB and how that collaboration has continued to produce results for their company.  In addition, we would like to invite you to two upcoming conferences- one hosted by the Institue for Collaborative Biotechnologies (ICB) and one by the Materials Research Laboratory- as well as provide information about a new facility on campus, the Center for Scientific Computing housed within the California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI). Finally, UCSB's College of Engineering hosts one of the most innovative business programs around, the Technology Management Program (TMP). Read on to learn more.

                                             glassesHave a happy holiday!
National Academies "Research Council" Rankings 2010
Materials Department    #1
Chemical Engineering    #2
Computer Science         #5
Electrical and Computer
    Engineering              #4
Mechanical Engineering  #8
In This Issue
Mentor Graphics
ICB Conference
High Performance Computing at CNSI
Upcoming Events  

Corporate Affiliates Board Meeting
February 1, 2011

Materials Research Outreach Symposium
February 2-3, 2011
Santa Barbara Summit on Energy Efficiency
April 26-27, 2011

Engineering Insights
April 28, 2011

For more information about any of these events, please contact Leslie Edwards
Contact CAP

For More Information:
Dr. Leslie Edwards
Chris Russo
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Mentor Graphics Selects UCSB as Their First Choice University Partner 
Recently, Mentor Graphics went through a detailed exercise to rank U.S. universities they interact with. The results were used to determine their priorities for driving university research collaborations and targeted student recruiting in a cost effective manner. After their exhaustive assessment, the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) was the clear leader.  The national ranking for UCSB's College of Engineering, combined with the alignment of Mentor's technical direction with UCSB's engineering curriculum, and an accessible engineering student population made UCSB a clear top choice for Mentor Graphics.

To read more please click here.

ICB Collaboration Conference

The Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies will be hosting its annual ICB Army-Industry Collaboration Conference on February 8-9,2011.  The conference will feature in-depth presentations by ICB faculty about a wide range of bio-inspired research topics, including nanofabrication, nanofluidics, energy-dispersion, network design, neuroscience, synthetic biology, bioelectronics, biosensing and human pluripotent stem cells.  For a detailed conference agenda and registration information, please contact Dr. David Gay, ICB Director of Technology, at david.gay@icb.ucsb.edu

High Performance Computing at CNSI

The demand for high performance computing research has been significantly increasing over the past few years.  Various centers have been created in an attempt to address an aspect of this increasing demand, with a select few truly making an impact.  The Center for Scientific Computing (CSC) at UCSB is one of these select few.  The CSC, located in the California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI), was formed to promote the effective use of High Performance Computing in the research environment. In addition to providing resources, the CSC has incorporated training into their mission as well by sponsoring classes, tutorials, and individual training.

You can read more here to find out further information about the CSC.

To learn more about the CNSI, please contact Leslie Edwards
Technology Management Program to host Annual New Venture Competition

As many of our readers members know, the process of capitalizing on new technical innovations requires a diverse set of skills beyond those that lead to discovery. For example, working effectively in teams and understanding of group behavior, appreciating the value and language of marketing and sales, project management, and basic finance and accounting are all vital to succes. The mission of TMP is to provide the educational curriculum and outreach activities to better prepare our students in these areas and successfully compete in a rapidly changing, technology-dominated world economy. At present our TMP program is unique among university entrepreneurship programs, in that it is open to all majors on campus.  The large number of students and diversity of backgrounds and interests provide vitality to the program. The New Venture Competition allows engineering students to team with non-technical students to create a complete business plan and compete for seed funding for their venture.  The student teams work closely with experienced mentors from the local business community to refine their plan, and over the past several years at least 15 new companies have been formed from the TMP competition. In January 2011, TMP will launch its 12th Annual New Venture Competition. 

To learn more about TMP and its Annual New Venture Competition, please click here.
We always appreciate any input you may have on how we can improve, so please don't hesitate to send us your feedback. Thank you for your continued interest in our program. For further information, please visit the Industry Center website at: www.industry.ucsb.edu

The Corporate Affiliates Program