UCSB Engineering and Sciences
Corporate Affiliates Program Newsletter:
Capstone Courses- Student Teams to Work on Your Project
Issue 5 Summer 2010


Summer is here and great things are continuing to happen at UCSB. The Corporate Affiliates Program recently hosted Access UCSB to great success. Presentations from this program are available. This newsletter is devoted to providing a brief overview of the Capstone program, a course dedicated to helping students develop solutions to real-world engineering challenges with the help of an industry sponsor, the highlights of Access UCSB, and a welcoming back of our affiliate member, Nevion.
For those of you interested in finding out more about ongoing research in engineering at UCSB, we plan to have a research review. Please let us know which areas of research you are most interested in by completing the following survey:
Survey Link
In This Issue
Access UCSB 2010
Welcome Back, Nevion
Upcoming Events  
Careers in Aerospace
 November 8, 2010
CAP Board Meeting
 November 12, 2010
Contact Leslie Edwards if interested in either event
Contact CAP

For More Information:
Dr. Leslie Edwards
Chris Russo
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Capstone Projects: Industry opportunity for research and recruiting
The recent end of the academic school year meant the conclusion, and the final presentations, of an extensive project for many engineering students called the Senior Capstone. Each year senior students in Mechanical, Computer Engineering, as well as Computer Science enroll in a capstone course to develop solutions to real-world engineering challenges involving independent student projects and industry-sponsored collaborations. Companies are able to work directly with some of the brightest and most capable students as they work to complete a team project. This provides industry with an excellent opportunity to foster a collaborative team, see natural leaders emerge from the team, and observe how students perform under "real-world" project timelines and deadlines. Companies that have successfully collaborated with these student teams include ATK, Northrop Grumman, Right Scale, Novacoast, Mentor Graphics, The Aerospace Corporation and many more. In many situations, the students who participated with industry in these projects have gone on to full-time positions with the sponsor company.

For additional information regarding these capstone projects, see the following links:

Mechanical Engineering: http://www.me.ucsb.edu/projects/ 
Computer Science and Electrical & Computer Engineering:
Highlights of ACCESS UCSB
On July 7, 2010 we hosted Access UCSB, an event designed to give industry the opportunity to see how industry can partner with us to reach their goals. The presentations from the program, which provided insight into the best approaches to accessing services, facilities and equipment have been uploaded to our site. The link to these presentations is: 
Welcome Back, Nevion!
Nevion LogoThe Corporate Affiliates Program is pleased to announce that Nevion, a former affiliate, has decided to rejoin the program.  Nevion, a video transport solution provider for broadcasters, telecommunications service providers and government entities worldwide, rejoined the program to take advantage of relevant faculty expertise.

To see a full list of our member companies, please see the link below.
Affiliate Members
We always appreciate any input you may have on how we can improve, so please don't hesitate to send us your feedback. Thank you for your continued interest in our program. For further information, please visit the Industry Center website at: www.industry.ucsb.edu

The Corporate Affiliates Program