UCSB Engineering and Sciences
Corporate Affiliates Program Newsletter:
Issue 4 Spring 2010

As the academic year begins to wind down, the Corporate Affiliates Program is pleased to send you our fourth newsletter.  This issue is devoted to our upcoming event Access UCSB 2010, with a description of the event and the speakers.  However, we are also pleased to announce the addition of two new members to our Affiliates Program, Corning and Novartis.  This issue concludes with a quick overview of one of our partner programs on campus, the Office of Technology & Industry Alliance.

In This Issue
Access UCSB 2010
Newest Affiliate Members
Scheduled Speakers and Agenda
Technology & Industry Alliances
Upcoming Events
Access UCSB 2010
Wednesday, July 7 3-5:20pm (with reception to follow)
Engineering Science Building, Room 1001

Santa Barbara Summit on Energy Efficiency
May 12-13, 2010
The Four Seasons Biltmore

Contact CAP

For More Information:
Dr. Leslie Edwards
Chris Russo

For Press Inquiries or Newsletter Feedback:
Tyler McHugh
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ACCESS UCSB: Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Access is the external world's opportunity to understand how to work with UC Santa Barbara for research, recruiting, product development and gain insight into funding opportunities to work with UCSB faculty.  It is hosted by  the Corporate Affiliates Program and Technology Industry Alliances and is designed to help companies find out how to make the most of UC Santa Barbara's world class research and students. For more information, please see the link below.

Access UCSB 2010
Newest Members: Corning and Novartis
The Corporate Affiliates Program is pleased to announce that two new companies have joined the Affiliates Program, Corning and Novartis. Our Affiliate Members gain unique access to our faculty and students, heightened corporate visibility on campus, a role in shaping the future of higher education and more. To see an overview of all our Affiliate Members, please see the link below.

Affiliate Members  Novartis Logo

Corning Logo
Speakers and Agenda
Access 2010 will include a range of speakers from crucial areas of industry-university relations, from the Acting Dean of Engineering to the Division Director of Corning.

Welcome and Introduction to UCSB: Larry Coldren, Acting Dean
See more

Corporate Affiliates Program: Leslie Edwards, Director of Corporate Business Development
See more

Research and Licensing Collaborations with UCSB: Sherylle Mills Englander, Director, TIA
See more

Resources for Start-Ups: Nancy Stagliano, CEO, CytomX
See more

Leveraging the Small Company/University Relationship: Jeff Sherman, CTO, GRT
See more

Grants for Industry-University Collaborations: Sat Pannu, Group Leader for Advanced Materials and Process Technologies, LLNL
See more

Strategic Recruitment and Internships: Eron Howard, VP of Development, Novacoast
See more

Industry/University Relationships: Will be Critical over the Next Decades: Waguih Ishak, Division Director, Corning
See more
Technology & Industry Alliance
The office of Technology & Industry Alliances (TIA) was established to manage the intellectual property developed during UCSB research (including out-licensing) and to manage the many agreements with industry partners that support research collaborations, including research agreements, material transfer agreements, non-disclosure agreements and memorandums of understanding. TIA's ability to negotiate both licensing and research agreements eliminates the need for corporate partners to progress through multiple university offices and gives TIA the opportunity to build an in-depth understanding of the needs of our industry partners. For more information on TIA, click on the link below.

Office of Technology & Industry Alliances
We always appreciate any input you may have on how we can improve, so please don't hesitate to send us your feedback. Thank you for your continued support of our program. For further information, please visit the Industry Center website at: www.industry.ucsb.edu

The Corporate Affiliates Program