Available Facilities at UCSB
Corporate Affiliates Program has recently updated its records of facilities and equipment available for use by industry here at UCSB. Of notable change are the installation and arrival of 2 new Transmission Electron Microscopes at the Microscopic and Microanalysis Facility, the addition of wet processing instruments at the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN), and the new two-photon microscopy instrument at the Microscopic Facility within the Neuroscience Research Institute (NRI). To see the full list of available facilities on campus, please click on the link below.
Facilities List
Allergan and UCSB: A Winning Collaboration for California State Grant Funding
Allergan Medical chose to become a member of the Corporate Affiliates Program three years ago. By working through the Corporate Affiliates Program they were introduced to Dennis Clegg, then the chair of the Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology department and the co-director of the campus' stem cell center. Professor Clegg was able to be a resource in many ways by conducting research, helping Allergan Medical to locate a temporary facility on campus to rent, and together, with Allergan Medical, obtaining matching funding through the UC Discovery Program for their research efforts.To see the full story of this successful collaboration, as well as other success stories, please click on the link below.
New CAP Members
CAP continues to grow and collaborate with more Industry Partners to increase the efficiency of the connection between industry and the university. Our Affiliate Members gain unique access to our faculty and to students, heightened corporate visibility on campus,
a role in shaping the future of higher education and more. Recently, 3 new companies became Corporate Affiliates: HRL Laboratories, Denali Software, Lockheed Martin SB Focal Plane. For a full list of Corporate Affiliate Members, please see the link below.