The Queen's Chronicles

Inspiration for an Influential, Passionate and Powerful Maturity 

April 2011
In This Issue
Rainy Season Poem
Watery World
Are You Drinking Enough?
Shero Queen of Love Canal
Farewell to a Would-Be Vice President

Fitzgerald Art  


      Fitzgerald Sponsor Ad

Artwork supports the changes you are creating in your life. Join Karen and three friends for a special tax time art sale at her studio in Long Island City, Queens, NY. The sale will run for the entire month of April. Stop in April 8, 9, 10th, or make an appointment for a time convenient to you!  



Visit Socrates Sculpture Park or the Isamu Noguchi Museum. Both venues are just blocks from Karen's studio at 31-51 12th Street.  


More details at www.Fitzgeraldart.com   

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Queen Mama Donna's Daily Beliefnet Blog



Donna Henes is an internationally renowned urban shaman, award-winning author, popular speaker and workshop leader whose joyful celebrations of celestial events have introduced ancient traditional rituals and contemporary ceremonies to millions of people in more than 100 cities since 1972. She has published four books, a CD, an acclaimed quarterly journal and currently writes for the Huffington Post, Beliefnet and UPI (United Press International) Religion and Spirituality Forum. She has created and officiated public ceremonies for two mayors and a governor and serves as the ritual consultant on Hollywood films. Mama Donna, as she is affectionately called, maintains a ceremonial center, spirit shop, ritual practice and consultancy in Exotic Brooklyn, NY where she offers intuitive tarot readings and spiritual counseling and works with individuals, groups, institutions, municipalities and corporations to create meaningful ceremonies for every imaginable occasion.



The Queen of My Self is now available in all E-formats: Kindle, Nook Book, Apple and PDF from Art & Words Editions.  

"In The Queen of My Self, Mama Donna cooks up a nourishing stew of regal empowerment from a rich assortment of ingredients including rituals, blessings, and many stories from her life and practice. Flying in the face of our stereotypes, self-doubts, and cultural conditioning she offers an exuberant and elegant vision of midlife as a time of power, wisdom, beauty, and joy."
- J. Ruth Gendler, author of Notes On the Need for Beauty and The Book of Qualities



I am touched by your book . . . so nitty gritty . . . right-on . . . practical and truthful . . . to the point. It both confirms my journey and feeds my sense of substance, though I feel fragile as I come back together "again." Because my journey has always been "inner" and "deep," I find mirrors, only occasionally that reveal the truth of my experience. Thank you. Thank you again.
- NancyAnn, AZ 

The Queen's Chronicles

Offers upbeat, practical and ceremonial inspiration for all women who want to enjoy the fruits of an influential, passionate, and powerful maturity.

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Your help confirms the importance of our community of Queens and I am ever grateful.

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To The Queen's Chronicles
My dear sister Queens,

Writing The Queen's Chronicles is a joy and an honor - a labor of true love - but, the fact remains that it takes a great deal of time and effort and requires the services of a techno-cyber Queen to be able to offer it each month. Consequently, after two years of publishing, the royal coffers are sadly diminished and in desperate need of replenishing.
Your donations will allow me to continue to provide you with a monthly offering of information and inspiration for an influential, passionate and powerful maturity.
I thank you so much for your royal support. With your help, The Queen's Chronicles can maintain its mission to promote meaning, moxie, magic and majesty to women in midlife.
With regal blessings,
xxQueen Mama Donna



I am so grateful for your patience and down to earth practicality. What would I have done without you to consult with? As it is, you have helped me solve so many of my midlife dilemmas and for that I am so appreciative.
- Rhonda, MN  

Are you looking for meaning, moxie, magic and majesty in midlife?    
Consult the
Midlife Midwife™  
bio portrait

The transition from Maiden and Mother to Queen can be a difficult one, fraught with hard lessons and lots of loss. It takes great determination and courage to confront and embrace the changes brought about by the midlife passage.

It can be really helpful during this confusing time to have the inspiration, advice and encouragement of a counselor/coach/mentor - someone who has been there and done that and is ready to help you do the same.

Queen Mama Donna offers upbeat, practical and ceremonial guidance for individual women and groups who want to enjoy the fruits of an enriching, influential, purposeful, passionate, and powerful maturity. 


Further information: www.thequeenofmyself.com
Click on Individual Consultations.

Sessions are available in person and by phone. To make an appointment, call 718-857-1343 or email the Queen at TheQueenOfMySelf@aol.com

The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others.
- Sonya Friedman  

Crowned Queens
WomonGathering, Poyntelle, PA





APRIL 1-30


1/3 off reading for April Birthdays. In person or by phone.

Buy Now

For info: 718-857-1343





Sunday 9:00 AM
Mama Donna will Bless the waters and the walkers in a send off ceremony for a 90 mile pilgrimage through the Delaware River Valley (from the Neversink Reservoir in NY to Salt Springs State Park, PA) to carry clean water to the waters polluted by natural gas fracking in Pennsylvania.

The Neversink Reservoir
Neversink, NY
For info about joining the blessing ceremony and/or the Walk
Contact: Chrys Countryman: chrysalis12481@yahoo.com   




Wednesday, 8:00 PM EDT
A Spirit Support Skills Workshop: SLOW FAST: The Art & Science of Internal Cleansing

Learn all about the benefits of fasting for detoxification, centering and balance. Fasting is not not eating. It is feeding yourself with spirit to nurture your soul on the deepest level. 



Buy Now

Register for all 3 teleclasses in the series**
Only $60

Buy Now

For more info, click here




Friday, 7:00 - 9:30 PM
Mama Donna offers 15-minute readings for only $25! Free wine and refreshments.

Kris Waldherr Art and Words
1501 Newkirk Avenue
(entrance on Marlborough Road, around the corner)
Brooklyn, NY  






MAY 1-31


1/3 off reading for May Birthdays. In person or by phone.

Buy Now

For info: 718-857-1343





MAY 14

Saturday, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM



Are you in your middle years or about to enter them? Are you living your true potential and following your fondest dreams? If not, why not? And if not now, when? Now is the time to become a Queen - that wonderful midlife stage of mature empowerment that is rightfully yours to enjoy.  


Sanctuary Spa

3200 West Genesee Street

Syracuse, NY 13219

For info and to register:





$150. At the door (includes lunch and the Queen book)
$125. If paid by April 15th



MAY 18
Wednesday, 8:00 PM EDT
A Spirit Support Skills Workshop: SPACE CLEARING: Balancing the Energy in Your Personal Environments
Learn how to purify your living and working space of accumulated negative energies and how to create environments that support your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.


Buy Now

Register for all 3 teleclasses in the series
Only $60   

Buy Now  


For more info, click here




JUNE 1-30


1/3 off reading for June Birthdays. In person or by phone.

Buy Now
For info: 718-857-1343

JUNE 9-12
Thursday - Sunday
Mama Donna will be hosting The Queen's Court, an entire weekend of rituals and workshops at this fabulous, fun and inspiring annual gathering.

Information and registration:


Wednesday, 8:00 PM EDT
A Spirit Support Skills Workshop: SELF BLESSING: Embracing the Embraceable You 
Learn how to invite the energies and qualities toward you that will help you to enhance your life, and how to confer appreciation, acceptance, esteem, honor and love upon your best Self.  


Buy Now 

Register for all 3 teleclasses in the series
Only $60 

Buy Now 


For more info, click here.




1:00 PM event starts
1:16 AM Solstice moment

A sizzling Celebration of Summer. A family friendly event. Bring kids, dogs, drums, percussions and plenty of rousing spirit.

Call for venue
For info: 718-857-1343

Tuesday, 8:00 PM
A sizzling Celebration of Summer. A family friendly event. Bring kids, dogs, drums, percussions and plenty of rousing spirit.

Socrates Sculpture Park
32-01 Vernon Blvd., Long Island City, Queens
For info: 718-956-1819


  Bring the Queen to You!

Book Queen Mama Donna
for a reading, presentation, ritual, workshop or keynote address at your next meeting, conference or retreat.

Call her at 718-857-1343
or e-mail her at TheQueenOfMySelf@aol.com

Speaker Best
Mama Donna is truly a wise woman who weaves her many life experiences, spirituality and intuition into a tapestry of hope. She is gentle, honest and provides a safe space for women to connect to all the wonders of each stage and age of their lives. She added such an infectious spark of energy to our recent WomenSpirit Conference. The world is truly a better place because of Mama Donna. She is definitely the "Queen of Herself" and you can be, too.

- Renae M. Rebechini, Co-Chair
Unitarian Universalist Central Midwest District, Chicago, IL


Anita Roddick


The newly renovated Queen's Emporium specializes in all manner of elegant, practical, and frivolous goods to fulfill all the royal needs and fantasies of The Queen of Your Self. Therein you will find a choice collection of goods to augment and accessorize your royal prerogative.

Anoint, Adorn, Enjoy!  

The Queen of My Self Bag is great - sturdy and roomy. Plus it gets all kinds of positive comments, which lead to interesting conversations!
- Darlene, NM

I love my Queen tote bag so much that I bought one for all my friends for the holidays.
We all carry around so much stuff. It turned out to be the prefect present for students, moms and working women. The response was great. Everyone loves them!
- Sallie, ME     

Pack your power and take it with you. Sturdy carryall for the Queen on the move. Ample room for books, groceries, beach and gym accoutrements or spare tiaras.
14" x 15" with 9" straps.
100% cotton canvas.
(S & H included in the U.S.)

  Queen Bag Framed
The Queen's Emporium    

Read and listen to Queen Mama Donna's words of information and inspiration.

*Red indicates the most recent additions.

Regular Columns:

Always in Season

The Huffington Post

Ask Your Mama

Pagan Pages

The Oracle

Catalyst Magazine
New Age Journal
UPI Religion and Spirituality   

The Queen of My Self:
Meaning, Moxie and Majesty
for Midlife Women


Recent Articles about QMD:

*The New York Times

The Huffington Post
The Examiner - Part 2
The Examiner - Part 1

Recent Articles by QMD: 
*Transform Journal
Transform Journal
Dreams of the Planet
USA Today
All Rivers Voices of Diversity
Spirit Now
Nurturing Family Relationships
InspireMeToday Inspirational Luminary

Recent Radio Interviews:

*Lights On Radio with Linda Strasburg

*Streetwise Spirituality Radio with Carol Marleigh Kline

Kirk & Mike Morning Show

Menopause Summit 

World Wide Wiccan Radio with Renata Roberts 

Wake up Call Radio with Melody Brooke
Feel Free in the O.C. Radio with Nancy Ferrari
3 Steps Forward Radio with Deidre Hughey 
Universal Hope Radio with Gail Bongalis

Amazon Author Page:

Mama Donna's YouTube Channel

*Mama Donna's Summer Soulstice Celebration

*Mama Donna Blesses the Hudson River Again

*Mama Donna's 35th Annual Spring Equinox Celebration

Wikipedia listings:
Donna Henes
The Queen of My Self

Social Networks:
Follow Queen Mama Donna on:
Facebook, Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
Facebook, The Queen of My Self


The Queen of My Self was named as a Best Ezine!

Mama Donna's website www.DonnaHenes.net received a Best Spiritual Site Award!

Queen Mama Donna and The Queen's Chronicles were named Baby Boom Woman Blogger To Watch Out For by Virtual Woman's Day!


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Sponsor Ads run for 1 month in The Queen's Chronicles, Special Messages from The Queen and are on permanent display on the sponsor page of The Queen of My Self website.

For more information, click HERE.

Our extended circle of Queens includes some mightily talented women. Please support them by availing yourself of their superior services and by buying their excellent products.

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Spirit of Woman ad  
Spruce Shore
To Me Peace Is Ad

 Classified Ads:

Eve's Garden

Celebrating the sacred power of women's sexual energy

Feldenkrais Associates  
  Discover the Feldenkrais Method with Amber Barbara Grumet, director of Feldenkrais Associates. Become aware of how you move in order to improve your overall functioning. Through group lessons or individual hands-on sessions you learn to expand your potential.
  For info: 212 242-2309 or amber@feldenkraisassociates.com

Greenfyre Farm B & B
For retreats. Not far but a world away. Stunning log house,
rustic cabin, vintage Airstream, hiking, canoeing in north Massachusetts.

Maguire Pubic Relations

Expertise in journalism and marketing qualifies us to position and deliver the news of our clients.  

Menopause Support Group

A community of patients, family members and friends dedicated to dealing with Menopause, together.

MLA Editorial Services
Whether you're looking to publish with a top trade house, a prestigious academic press, or are considering self-publishing your work, we can help you shape and polish your manuscript to the highest professional standards. We specialize in serious nonfiction. More than 20-years experience.
Sally Rappeport 
Licensed Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist.Focusing on women's health and other chronic issues. 

Talking to the Goddess  

An anthology of blessings, prayers, invocations, chants, oriki and other sacred writings by 72 women (including Queen Mama Donna) from 25 different spiritual
traditions. 10% of profits go towards funding the education of a female student at the University of Venda, South Africa.
Your Advertisement Here!  
Crow Flag 

Hail Queens!


So far, this spring has been quite a wet one. We have had lots of April showers, which promise a bounteous profusion of May flowers. Because water is such an essential element, it has come to stand for the origin of all life - cycles, seasons, species - and its sacred renewal. The Hindu Vedas refer to water as the Most Maternal, the original sea at the beginning of time from which the whole world emerged. In India, water is seen as the bearer and preserver of life, coursing through all of nature as river, as rain, as dew, as sap, as blood, as sweat, as tears, as milk.

The Egyptian Great Goddess of the Watery Heavens, Nut, whose worship was already ancient by the time of the first dynasty, was represented by a celestial cow. Bovine symbol of motherhood, she is the first ocean of creation and mistress of all waters. She leans over the earth in a protective attitude, her bent form framing the sky. She carries the sun on her back and wets the ground with the nourishing milk from her universal udders.

Goddess figures carved in the Neolithic period, which have been found throughout Europe and Anatolia, depict the divine Mother Goddess with Her breasts incised with chevrons. These V-shaped symbols associated with both birds and water, suggest the life-giving showers She sends us from the sky. Arctic hunting peoples still see, as they have since Paleolithic times, Her breasts in the shapes of the clouds above.
Inanna Rain

Rain goddess, possibly Inanna-Ishtar, holding streams of rain and standing on the storm god's lion-bird. Shell cylinder seal. Akkadian, ca. 2334-2154 BCE.

About eight thousand years ago, the planet experienced a drying trend of several centuries duration. Rain was sparse, water scarce. Figures from this period, which were unearthed in the Balkan region of Europe, bear witness to the aridity of those times. They depict seated women holding big bowls on their large laps. There is something humble in their demeanor. Are they simply sitting, waiting patiently for rain to fall? Or is this a posture of petition? Invocation? Devotion? Divination?

Mother Sea, mother to millennia of mothers, is one of humanity's oldest images. She is the Goddess of the Waters of Life. Our Lady of the Holy Water, whose cosmic womb is an archetypal symbol of birth and re-birth in many creation myths worldwide. She arises from the primordial ocean. She is fully capable of issuing forth, all alone from her own body, life in all its forms. Which She then supports as well. A proficient provider, She produces and shares the stuff of survival, wet nurse to all Her offspring.

I am the woman of the great expanse of the waters

I am the woman of the great expanse of the divine sea

She is the Woman of the Flowing Water

She is the Woman of the Flowing Water

She is a woman whose palms are like spoons

She is a woman with hands of measure.


- Maria Sabina
Mazatec Shaman, Mexico

Mother Sea, Mother Earth, Mother Nature were ultimately overthrown by our Father Who Art in Heaven. The Great Mother Goddess, giving and generous, evolved into God the Father, withholding and judgmental. And rain, the bountiful milk from Her eternally full breast, become the salty semen of He who fertilizes. Although there are still today indigenous cultures in Africa, Australia, Oceana, Native and Latin America who regard rain to be in the realm of the Goddess of Waters, most of the world's peoples now view precipitation as a divine male attribute.

Rain remains the vital vivifying fluid, which flows down from the heaven. To recycle and replenish the water stores. To refresh and revitalize the earth. Celestial substance of necessity, rain is absolutely elemental. But quite quirky. You never know with rain. Too much, too little, too late, too soon, too hard. You can't really depend on it. And yet you have to.

Today we know how to make it rain. And snow, as well, for that matter. Cloud seeding is as simple as sitting in the cabin of small plane and tossing out handfuls of finely ground ice crystals into the clouds. Another macho trick from a culture that sees itself always in battle with Mother Nature. Hey, we even know how to make acid rain! What comes out of the clouds these days could kill you.


Just a little rain.

Just a little rain.

What have they done to the rain?


- The Searchers 1969


With blessings of fructifying moisture,



Rainy Season 



Joy Mazzola 


Sometimes it does

Take that long

Endless torrents - cleansing tears

Half the world

Washed away

The other half

Growing in


and Green

and New

Overwhelming that

Which lives

Vicious roaring flow

Viscous muddy motion

Threatening all it supports

Emptying heavens

and eyes

Washing out ducts

and gutters

And still it falls

and you wonder -

How could there be



Water? And

Whence does it come? And

How much more

Can the ground hold? And

How have I not






How can I be this soggy and still


And yet. I am.

And all

The better


 The rain.

dancing in the rain

Watery World

When people think of the earth and of the terrestrial environment, they invariably associate it with the color green. But, as that famous photo of Plant Earth taken from space shows, this is a blue planet. A watery blue pearl spinning through space.

earth in space

Earth is the only planet known to have water. It is, in fact, covered with water over 70% of its surface. Oceans and rivers, ponds and streams, lakes and falls, glaciers and seas run like veins through a living body, carrying refreshment and nutrients to all its parts.

And we, being children of this Earth, our mother, mimic its makeup in our own bodies, which are also comprised of close to 80% water. Before we are born, we are cradled in the belly of our creator, suspended safely in an ocean-sac of fluid. Tethered like embryonic astronauts, tied to the source of our sustenance, each in our own saline universe.

Once we are born, and for as long as we shall live, we need to consume quantities of fresh water daily in order to maintain smooth functioning of our systems. Deprived of adequate water, we quickly become dehydrated - a state which we can survive for only a very few days. Without water, we die.

We depend on it directly, drinking it for life. As do all other beings. Hence, our indirect dependence on the presence of water for the health, well being and abundance of the animals and plants, which we eat and wear - without which we could not live.

Despite the fact that our planet is awash in water, usable water is not necessarily readily available. A staggering 97% of Earth's water is in the seas and marshes - way too salty to be potable. Or it is frozen solid, locked in ice, perpetual permafrost. Fresh surface and ground woman w/ 2 water bottleswater, replaceable only by rain, represents a tiny fraction, 2.5% of the world's total water supply! It was not much of an exaggeration for Coleridge to write "Water, water, everywhere. Nor any drop to drink."

If all the world's water fit into a gallon jug, the fresh water available for us to use would equal only about one tablespoon. And that miniscule supply gets dirtier and more polluted every day. More than 2 billion people have no access to clean drinking water.

Are You Drinking Enough?

- 75% of all people are chronically dehydrated.

- In 37% of us, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger.

- Even mild dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as much as 3%.

- One glass of water shuts down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University study.

drinking water

- Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

- Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.

- A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen.

- Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45% plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79% and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.

Here's to your health!  

Shero Queen of Love Canal

In my travels around the country, there is no place that I have ever been that did not have its local version of an environmental nightmare - be it chemical waste, nuclear waste, medical waste, deforestation or water pollution. And everywhere there is a home-grown environmental group to deal with it, all organized by some local woman who was moved to rise to the occasion.

Lois GibbsLois Gibbs is one such amazing woman. Being an environmental activist was the furthest thing from her mind when she and her husband moved to Love Canal, New York in the mid-1970s to raise their young family in what they thought was a picturesque, working class neighborhood near the Niagara river.

Prior to the move, Gibbs' children had a healthy family history, so she was baffled by the array of illnesses such as epilepsy, asthma and urinary track infections that hospitalized her children every week.

When she learned that her children's elementary school, and indeed the entire town, was located directly on top of 20,000 ton chemical waste dump began to realize why her children were sick. She begged the School Board to move her children to another school. The School Board denied her request, because it felt that every student would want to move if one was granted the privilege.

Gibbs, who had no prior knowledge of or interest in environmental issues, began to ask the government to clean up or relocate residents. When they refused to listen, she organized her neighbors into the Love Canal Homeowners Association.

They made me mad, and it wasn't a matter of I'm going to go out and do good. I was just furious and frightened.

The State of New York closed the local elementary school and purchased the 239 homes closest to the dump. Gibbs fought for two more years until Jimmy Carter delivered an emergency declaration moving 833 families out of the area in 1980. Congress also enacted Superfund legislation in December of 1980 (spearheaded by Geraldine Ferraro) to help clean up other toxic waste sites around the nation.

After her ordeal at Love Canal, Gibbs received thousands of calls from people around the nation also facing environmental hazards. In order to help other people, in 1980, Gibbs formed the Citizens' Clearinghouse for Hazardous Waste, later renamed the Center for Health, Environment and Justice (CHEJ), where she currently serves as Executive Director. "I can provide something to people in a way that comes from personal experience. I walked the walk and did it," she said.

Her organization teaches community groups and individuals the basics of advocacy such as writing letters, meeting with public officials and talking to corporations. She also helps people understand technical information in environmental studies. "People get inspired by their own actions and all we really do is give them the path and frame it in a way that they see each step as a major victory," she said.

Gibbs is also fighting to stop polluters from setting up facilities in minority or low-income neighborhoods. From her experience, she knows that polluters seek out such communities because they are not inclined to fight. "It's just devastating, because here is a community already suffering a number of social ills, then you pollute it," said Gibbs.

She has been shot at, insulted, threatened and harassed in her three decades as an environmental activist. But Queen Lois isn't easily intimidated.

Although people may shoot at me, if they wanted to hit me, they would have years ago. But I'm still fearful that they are bad at missing me. It's really hard [to get over your fears]. I was that way at Love Canal but you just have to get up and do it.

What a great role model! 
Farewell to a Would-Be Vice President

Geraldine FerraroGeraldine Ferraro, the barrier-busting Queen who led the way for women candidates for the highest level political offices, died late last month at the age of 75.

Geraldine Ann Ferraro was born in Newburgh, New York on August 26, 1935. Her father, an Italian immigrant, owned two restaurants and her mother was a seamstress. She had three older brothers, two of whom died by the age of three. A bright child, she attended parochial school where she skipped three grades. When she was eight her father died, leaving the family in poverty. Her mother moved her children to the South Bronx where she supported them by working in the garment industry.

At her parochial high school she was a member of the honor society, active in several clubs and sports and was voted most likely to succeed. After graduation, her mother insisted that she get a full education, despite her uncle's protest. "Why bother? She's pretty. She's a girl. She'll get married," he declared. Ferraro won a scholarship to Marymount Manhattan College and worked two and three jobs at the same time. She was the first woman in her family to earn a college degree.

After college, she taught second grade in the New York Public Schools in Astoria, Queens "because that's what women were supposed to do."

During that time, she also put herself through Fordham Law School at night. When she started, an admissions officer said to her, "I hope you're serious, Gerry. You're taking a man's place, you know." She was very serious and earned a Juris Doctor degree with honors from Fordham University School of Law in 1960 and was admitted to the bar in New York State in March 1961.

She married John Zaccaro, a realtor, but continued to use her birth name professionally in honor of her mother. The couple had three children, who she raised while working part time as a civil lawyer in her husband's real estate firm for 13 years. She also occasionally worked for other clients and did some pro bono work for women in family court.

While organizing community opposition to a proposed building, Ferraro met lawyer and Democratic figure Mario Cuomo, who became her political mentor. Her first full time full-time political job came in January 1974, when she was appointed Assistant District Attorney for Queens County, New York, where she started the Special Victims Bureau, supervising the prosecution of sex crimes, child abuse, domestic violence and violent crimes against senior citizens.

Ferraro was first elected to Congress from New York's Ninth Congressional District - the working class neighborhood of television's Archie Bunker - in Queens in 1978 and served three terms in the House of Representatives. During her six years in Congress, she compiled a liberal voting record in Congress, but stayed in touch with conservative voters in her district.

Though she was a fiscal conservative, she said her experiences as assistant district attorney had changed some of her views: "... because no matter how concerned I am about spending, I have seen first hand what poverty can do to people's lives and I just can't, in good conscience, not do something about it."

While in Congress, Ferraro focused much of her legislative attention on equity for women in the areas of wages, pensions, and retirement plans. She spearheaded efforts to achieve passage of the Equal Rights Amendment. She also sponsored the Women's Economic Equity Act in 1984, which ended pension discrimination against women, provided job options for displaced homemakers, and enabled homemakers to open IRAs.

Ferraro also championed environmental issues. She tried to prevent the federal government from gaining the power to override local laws on hazardous materials transportation, an effort she continued in subsequent years. She led passage of a Superfund renewal bill and attacked the Reagan administration's handling of environmental site cleanups. In all, Ferraro served three two-year terms, being re-elected in 1980 and 1982. Extremely popular, her vote shares increased to 58 percent and then 73 percent.

In 1984 Walter Mondale selected Ferraro to be his Vice-Presidential running mate. As Ferraro was
Time Ferrarothe first woman to run on a major party national ticket in the U.S. and the first Italian American, nomination at the Democratic National Convention was one of the most emotional moments of that gathering, with female delegates appearing joyous and proud at the historic occasion. Convention attendees were in tears during her acceptance speech, not just for its significance for women but for all those who had immigrated to America.

The daughter of an immigrant from Italy has been chosen to run for vice president in the new land my father came to love.

Geraldine Ferraro faced an enormous amount of scrutiny during the campaign, both from the press and the general public. She had to constantly defend her competence in the same way that other high-level female political figures have had to do, especially those who might become commander-in-chief. The question "Are you tough enough?" was often directed to her. During a Meet the Press program she was asked, "Do you think that in any way the Soviets might be tempted to try to take advantage of you simply because you are a woman?"

As if that uphill battle wasn't enough, there was a scandal concerning her husband's financial holdings, even though she had little knowledge of his business, or even how much he was worth. And he refused to release his monetary information. Then a newspaper revealed that her father had been arrested for possession of numbers slips in Newburgh shortly before his death, and speculated that something mysterious might have been covered up about his death. This was news to her, as her mother had never told her about the incident. The rumors took hold and Mondale and Ferraro lost the general election in a landslide victory by Ronald Reagan and George Bush.

In her memory, let us finally fulfill her goal and put women in the house where they belong - the White House! 

The Queen's Court

Queen's Court 

The Queen's Court is a gathering of sovereign women of a certain age - our dear peers - who graciously offer information, guidance, inspiration and encouragement to each other.


We Queens know what we know. And we know a great deal. Our experience has made us wise. So, feel free to consult with our cyber council/counsel when you are need of sage advice or wish to explore a particular topic of interest.  


I posed this question to our cyber Queens' Court - The Queen of My Self Fan Page on Facebook:

Q. What does power mean to you? What does it mean to have power? To be empowered? To wield power? To be a powerful Queen? Are you powerful? What does that mean to you? I would appreciate your considered thoughts on this topic. Many thanks, xx Queen Mama Donna  

A. To me power means being able to say the hard stuff with GRACE and non-attachment!

- Judith, NY

A. To have power is to be able to help those who do not and be their voice and strength

- Vanessa, MA

A. My power is to create. I am a novelist, poet, and singer. I also created a plan to educate and raise my autistic/bipolar/epileptic son so that he could achieve the very best in life. Now he's in residential school, which was the most difficult and best decision I have ever made. My real power in this life comes from caring for others; my brother, a severely damaged PTSD soul, lives with us. The power of protection and love is not something I considered real power until you asked this question; this will have a very great impact on how I think of myself from now on. Thank you, Mama Donna.

- Jessie, NY

A. I focus on heart power, that which is of the Highest form. I hope that I have moved from ego power, which is so unhealthy. Wouldn't it be nice if the world moved from ego power? What a beautiful place it could be. Smile!

- Bobbee, CA

A. It's all about staying in the present moment, being as true to ourselves as much as possible and still loving ourselves when we move into the past, present or somewhere else.

- Miriam, CA

A. The best kind of power comes from within. It's spiritual. To have power is to be in tune with my highest self and express that, to speak my own truth, to express my thoughts without fear or wondering what other people will think. Knowledge is power, to wield power means to share knowledge. Sometimes I do feel powerful.

- Loran, UT

A. I am a powerful woman. I am becoming more powerful every day. I intend to use my power to further the causes I believe in and to make a positive contribution to the world.

- Lucy, IN

Q. And you, dear Queens? What does power mean to YOU? Please send me your thoughts about power. Also stories of your own empowerment. When shared, these ideas and examples are extremely inspiring to others. Thanks.

Please send your questions or responses to: thequeenofmyself@aol.com

Your letters will be printed in the next Queen's Chronicles.   

The Queen's Correspondence

moon goddess
Thanks so much for taking
the time to respond to
The Queen's Chronicles.
Please keep your 
comments coming. And
do feel free to make
suggestions about  
content you would like to
see. Or anything else, for that matter. It is a joy to connect with you.  

Letters In Response To
The March 2011 Issue:

Loved your editorial this month about power. Not only are we afraid of our own power, we can be afraid of another woman's power as well. It is time we shed these old beliefs and dare to be who we really are meant to be, Queens.
A small group of us are starting a new society here in the Shenandoah Valley. The name of the group is WAWA: Women Advocating Wrathful Action. Our mission is to identify, witness, reveal and initiate wrathful action both in our selves and the community. We define wrath as the transformation of anger into the creative intelligence and dynamic energy. As part of our mission we are starting a new ezine. Please let me know whether I can quote your editorials?
- Mari, VA

I am enjoying reading your articles on women and power! For me, I think the issue is the word "power." Perhaps we associate it with "power over" someone or something. And I, for one, was brought up to be a "good girl" - in a Methodist household in 1950s and 60s England! And we certainly wouldn't have associated being good with exerting power over someone else!!! :) In any case, I think that women are more subtle than that and can stand in their own power without having to dominate in a loud way and make a big song and dance about it. We can be quietly and calmly in control and exerting our power.
I associate being power-full with feeling grounded, centred and with all my energy aligned and harmonized. Generally speaking, I think we can easily get to feeling as though we are being pulled and pushed in many different directions by the demands and whims of others. We lose touch with our own groundedness and centredness. Remembering to come back to and operate from that space is so valuable, I think. Keep up the great work Donna. I follow your writings in many locations, thanks to the technological wonders of our modern times! Best wishes,
- Margaret, UK

This was a very thought-provoking issue. Thank you for always making me think!
- Charlene, VT

The world is such a mess right now. We really have our job cut out for us. But I have so much more confidence in the leadership of women. In any case, we can't possibly do worse!
- Karen, OH

As they say...a woman's place is in the House...and the Senate...and the White House. I am dating myself by admitting I am still stunned when I think back to the Equal Rights Amendment NOT passing. So we WANT to discriminate based upon gender? But as Geraldine Ferraro's passing makes us think of all the women leaders who did not get to shine, I thank heaven that the first woman to achieve the Vice Presidency was NOT Sarah Palin.
- Susan, NY

Please send your responses to thequeenofmyself@aol.com.

Your letters will be printed in the next Queen's Chronicles.

Kudos to the Queens!

clapping hands rotated  

We extend hearty congratulations to our multi-talented circle of Sister Queens for their impressive accomplishments and successes.

I think the most important issue we have as a people is what we started, and that is to begin to trust our own thinking again and believe in ourselves enough to think that we can articulate our own vision of the future and then work to make sure that that vision becomes a reality.
- Wilma Mankiller 

Allessandra Belloni, NJ; Lynn Book, NC; Ione, NY; Suzanne Lacy, CA; Annie Lanzillotto, NY; Linda Montano, NY; Pauline Oliveros, NY; Anique Radiant Heart, Australia; Reno, NY; Caitlin Rueter, NY; Laura Simms, NY; Annie Sprinkle & Elizabeth Stephens, CA; Rowan Storm, CA; Suzanne Stroebe, NY;
on their performances and/or performances of their work.

Fran Castanon, NY,
What We Pass On: Collected Poems (Book); Maria Mazziotti Gillan, NY, Venice: The City That Paints Itself (Book); Daniela Gioseffi, NY, Wild Nights, Wild Nights: The Story of Emily Dickenson's Master (Book); on their new publications.

Judith Bernstein, NY; Janet Goldner, NY; Karen Guancione, NY; Joan Semmel, NY; Joyce Cutler Shaw, CA; Linda Stein, NY; Linda Vallejo, CA;
on the exhibitions of their artwork.

Maija Wilder, CA,
on her divorce.

Send your good news, achievements, accomplishments, successes and celebrations so that our international circle of sovereign sisters can send you blessings and accolades.
And we are glad to so. It is a joy and a privilege to share in the fortune of another woman. I recently heard Oprah say the saddest thing ever - "The hardest thing about being successful is having someone to be glad for you."

It takes a centered and confident Queen to break that pattern. There are 60 million thrones out there. One for each of us. There is plenty of purpose, passion and power for us all. May we use it well!

It is important that you recognize your progress and take pride in your accomplishments. Share your achievements with others. Brag a little. The recognition and support of those around you is nurturing.
- Rosemarie Rossetti  
Circle of Concern

Helping Hands Circle 

Please Offer Your Purest Thoughts, Your
Prayers, Your Great Good
Feelings, And Your Very Best Blessings For Healing and Peace of Mind To:

Amy, NY; Bebee, DE; Betty, AL; Carol, NY; Carol, PA; Chrissie, NY; Cristina, NY; Dana, CA; Dani, WI; Dominique, NM; Donna, NY; Edie, PA; Ellen, NY; Erica, New Zealand; Gail, OH; Geraldine, ID; Glenys, Australia; Jo, AZ; Judith, NY; Kimberly, CA; Kimi, NJ; Letitia, VA; Linda, NY; Lisa, PA; Lucia, TX; Margo, NY; Matild Cathy, NY; Maxine, NY; Naomi, DC; Pearl, NY; Sandy, CA; Sheri, NY; Shirley, IN; Sid, PA; Smriti, CA; Susan, MA;
and Yvette, NY who are in the process of healing themselves from illness, accident, injury or surgery.

Deirdre, NY; Erica, CT; Kimberly, NY; Kimi, NJ; Linda, NY; Linda, NY; Meryl, NY; Patricia, Australia
and Regi, CA who would benefit greatly from some spiritual support.

Amy, NY; Chrys, NY; Erica, New Zealand; Gail, NY; Kayla, NY; Lee, NJ; Lois, NY; Nancy, NC; Roslyn, NJ;
and Sharon, FL, the caregivers who are in weary need of care themselves.

May Their Spirits Rest in Peace:

Margot Adair, CA & WA
Geraldine Ferraro, MA
Elizabeth Taylor, CA


Water is always a support or a healing thing apart from, you know, love or peace of mind.
- Nastassja Kinski  

Please send your requests for physical and spiritual healing and positive energy so that the powerful women of The Queen's Court might send their prayers and blessings to you in your time of need.

Where the Queens Are

                               moon goddess



A new process for extracting natural gas from the earth, called fracking, makes the beautiful area in which we live attractive to mining companies. Unfortunately there appears to be serious consequences to the environment both above and below ground with this technology.

We are fortunate and grateful to live in a region of abundant water. To allow this enduring and essential resource to be squandered in exchange for short-term benefits is madness. The quality of life we leave behind is our legacy to future generations. Without clean water there is no quality of life. Therefore we are moved to put one foot in front of another to illustrate our concerns.

In response to this outrage, I have organized a group ofwomen to walk approximately 90 miles from amphoraNeversink, NY to Salt Springs State Park in Susquehanna County PA, carrying a hand crafted "AMPHORA" of clean water taken from Buttermilk Falls in the Catskill Mountains to a place where water is endangered by fracking. 


We call our action "Walk About Water." WALK ABOUT WATER is a grassroots initiative to raise awareness of the sacredness of our water and our land. We will send this water around the world to other endangered lands, as a simple act of solidarity.

The participants come from all over New York and Pennsylvania. We are walking from Sunday, April 17 until Saturday, April 23. We are doing this in response to the threat to drinking water posed by mining for fossil fuels.

While the argument about mining rages on, we must do what we can to hold our communities together and to help make sound choices for the future as well as for today. We insist that the priorities of public health and quality of life have an appropriate place in decisions being made that will have an effect on everyone. We cannot be expected to sit still in the face of policies that demand we exchange our great-grandchildren's future access to clean water for something as temporary as gas or money.

miraclesOur walk is intended to bring attention to the importance water has in all of our lives. We also seek to accentuate the commonality all people have when it comes down to basics, and to foster an understanding that we can, indeed, work together to honor that which we all need, love and cherish.

We are fundraising by asking people to get together to paint their names on 5-foot lengths of 1-inch ribbon, which we can attach to bamboo stalks to make streamers that we will carry with us. We hope to gather $20 for each ribbon we carry. That way, everyone who makes a small donation gets to "walk along" with us. These can be mailed prior to April 15 to:

Walk about Water
PO Box 222
Boiceville, NY 12412

They can also be presented to us anywhere along our way. Any funds we raise in excess of expenses will go to Shaletest.org.

For the latest information about the walk and to view a program of events. please visit: www.walkaboutwater.blogspot.com

We are deeply grateful for the opportunity to do this and for the support that has been so generously offered to us at every turn. Our opening event to send us off on the walk will be beautiful with music, wisdom and blessings from our dear Queen Mama Donna. All are welcome to attend. We will begin April 17 at 9:00 am on Aden Road in Neversink, NY about 1 mile from Route 55 where the water comes near the road.

We ask people who may rally with us to please carry pitchers and teapots, buckets, tin cups and watering cans as a powerful demonstration of our universal need for water.

Water is eternal and a gift of nature to all life. Gas is so temporary it is gone the second it's useful. My generation has a responsibility to leave a livable planet to the ones that follow. I walk because I feel I must respond personally to this serious threat to our waters and the public health.


- Chrys Countryman, NY


Chrys Countryman portrait  


Please Submit Your Royal Reports


Tell us about your Self and/or your Queen Group: who, what, where, when, why? What Queenly topics do you explore? What projects do you engage in? Describe some golden moments. Send pictures!


It is my hope that as more and more women rise to reign in the fullest potential of our supremacy, we will harness our purpose, passion, and power and direct it toward creating a more balanced and peaceful world. This is the legacy of Her majesty.

Turn Your
Midlife Crisis
into Your Crowning Achievement!

               Indian woman drinking water