The Scottsdale Cat Clinic

Exceptional Feline Care

The Visible Soul
Summer 2008

"I love cats because I love my home and after a while they become its visible soul."  ~Jean Cocteau
front sign Greetings!

Welcome to the latest issue of The Visible Soul.

In this issue we take a look at pet insurance and how you can prepare for the unexpected.  You will also meet our 1,000 patient, and learn about our fabulous Summer Weight Loss Challenge.  But don't take the laundry off the treadmill just yet.  The challenge is for your cats, not you.

The Scottsdale Cat Clinic has crossed the one-year threshold, growing steadily.  We have over 700 clients, and we have been proud to serve all of you. To meet your needs, we've brought in some new faces.  Valerie Handley is our new receptionist. You'll hear her voice when you call for an appointment or perhaps on your voicemail when she reminds you to come see us. 

Our two other new additions are clients who've crossed to the other side of the desk.  David Stevens will be helping us out during the week, and for you Saturday people, Connie Herron will be taking care of your weekend appointments.  We're sure all three will take good care of you.

Dr. Judy Karnia, Cathy, Valerie, Scott, Ciela,David, Connie and Margie.
Weight Loss Challenge

One of the most significant and least costly things you can do to improve the health of your cat is to get your pet to an optimum weight.  Overweight cats have far more health problems than those that are not. 

But we all know that losing weight can be tough.  Animals are designed to store fat for those lean times.  They get rid of it slowly.  That coupled with that sad little meow at the empty food bowl can make it hard to have your cat lose weight.

We want to make it easier and more fun (and a bit more competitive).  The Scottsdale Cat Clinic announces its first Weight Loss Challenge.  If you have a portly puss, a fat feline, a chubby calico or a big-boned Bengal, then enter your cat into our weight loss challenge.

* Largest percentage of weight loss through November wins.
* Last weigh-in will be December 6th, 2008.
* Each contestant must have an exam and weigh-in to enter the contest.  Monthly recheck exams are recommended to assess weight loss and patient health.  Ask about our weight loss package.
* Beginning and ending weights must be recorded at the Scottsdale Cat Clinic.  Starting weight can be recorded any time after May of 2008.  If your cat was already examined in June, you can use that exam as the start weight.

Grand Prize
* Artistic Portrait by Jamie Allen
* Bodacious Bucket Pet Bed from Decadent Digs
* Large bag or case of Purina OM
* One-year supply of Heartgard and Frontline
* Cat toys and treats

* Cat bed
* Six month of Advantage flea treatment
* Bag or case of favorite food
* Cat toys and treats

All cats that enter will receive a laser pointer pen and bag of diet treats.


Kickoff Party, Tuesday July 1st 2:00-5:00pm
Join us on July 1st  for the kick-off party.  Get refreshments and toys.  Meet your competitors.

If you can't make the July 1st party, call us and schedule at your convenience a weigh-in and exam.

Cat Care Seminar
Thursday, July 17th, 6:30pm
sleeping catWe all want to keep our cats healthy and happy.  Yet as a species, cats are naturally high-strung, and they can be easily stressed.  Boredom, poor nutrition and competition with other household cats can all contribute to this stress.  But there are ways to counter these influences and alleviate anxiety and tension.  Come to our next Cat Care Seminar and learn how you can keep your cat physically and mentally stimulated through games and activities.  You'll learn how to make your home a fun playground for your cat.  We'll also discuss proper nutrition and some basic actions you can do to maintain your cat's good health.

Join us Thursday, July 17th at 6:30pm.  Refreshments will be served.

Memorial Service   Tuesday, July 8th

The Scottsdale Cat Clinic will be having a Memorial Service to honor all of the cats that we have lost from our lives.  We wish to remember our patients who have passed on in the last year.  However, we also welcome all cat lovers who wish to remember any of their dear departed cat family.  During the service there will be an opportunity for each person to relate a short story or feature about their cat.  Please bring a picture of your cat or a treasured object if you wish to add to our collage of honored cats.

The service will be 6:30pm, Tuesday, July 8th at the Scottsdale Cat Clinic.  Light refreshments will be offered after the service.

1000 Cats

This spring we saw our 1000th patient at the Scottsdale Cat Clinic.   Mambo is a stunning six-year-old Bengal.  He's a Platinum Grand Champion, winning as a Mink Spotted Bengal Leopard Cat in the Best in Category and Best of Best in Show at the United Feline Organization Cat Show.

Mambo is a sweet cat now, still exhibiting the flirty personality that made him a champion.  But recently his behavior wasn't so pleasant.  When the dominant cat in his house passed away, Mambo found himself caught in a power struggle.  He reacted by becoming more aggressive to the point that he needed a little help to adjust.  We ended up prescribing Fluoxetine (prozac) to help him ease into his new role.  He's been a great cat since then.

Mambo's been with his owner since he was a kitten.  Indeed, he was born into Dr. Norma Yanez's hands.  These days he helps Norma in her work as a bereavement and trauma counselor.  She reports that all her cats help in grief counseling, choosing patients they themselves want to help.  She believes that Mambo and her other cats are a tremendous comfort and truly aid in healing.

You can find out more about Mambo and his owner, Dr. Norma Yanez, at her website:

Pet Insurance

Pet insurance is the one thing you cannot get when you most need it
BW closeup
Pet insurance provides for those unexpected, undesirable, and expensive events.  We certainly don't like to think of bad things happening to our cats, but relying on good luck poses substantial risk.  Pet insurance allows you to plan for any eventuality.  Modern veterinary medicine can diagnose and treat many problems that historically might have resulted in poor outcomes.  Insurance is your main tool in preparing for the unexpected and possibly avoiding those outcomes.

Your doctor or your specialist has an amazing array of options for your cat, but they do carry a price. A medical workup for something as common as kidney failure can start at $400.  Major surgery to remove a tumor can cost $2000 plus oncology costs.  You should be aware of your options and be financially prepared to take advantage of them. 

Yet pet insurance often will not cover a condition if it has been previously diagnosed.  Pet insurance is the one thing you can't get when you need it the most.  You should therefore enroll proactively, before something happens.  Most plans have waiting periods between 10 and 30 days, so enrolling immediately gives you a head start on your pet's coverage.

At the Scottsdale Cat Clinic, we are happy to talk with you further about pet insurance, and provide you with further information.  There are a number of companies, each with strengths and weaknesses.  Deciding on a provider will have a lot to do with your particular financial goals.  We encourage you to speak with us as well as research plans on your own.

While there are quite a number of pet insurance companies, we recommend these:
We have brochures and information about these at our clinic.

What to Consider When Purchasing Pet Insurance
1. Whether you can use your own veterinarian or any veterinarian of your choice.
2. Whether you can use any treatment protocol recommended by your veterinarian for your pet.
3. Treatment for chronic conditions.
Some policies will pay for an illness for the duration of the policy period, but on renewal of the policy (typically after 12 months) will exclude the illness as a pre-existing condition.
4. How the policy reimburses for care.
Some companies reimburse based on a benefit schedule-a set price for a procedure-while others reimburse based on a percentage of the actual vet bill.
5. Whether you can enroll the pet at any age.
Some policies will not accept cats over a certain age.
6. The time it takes to be reimbursed.
7. The policy per incident and lifetime limits that meet your needs.
Pet owners should check the maximum benefit for veterinary fees and whether this is reinstated yearly, or whether there is a running total per condition.
8. Options to select coverage that fits your budget.
Policy options include varying levels of deductibles, percentage of costs covered, and wellness programs.  While a plan might fit for right now, be sure it offers flexibility if your financial situation changes.

Ciao Calico
Thanks for reading this newsletter.  We look forward to seeing you again soon.  Meanwhile, stay cool.  One overlooked way to keep the temperatures down and to stay hydrated is to give your cat a bath.  There's nothing quite so refreshing as a frantic cat spraying cold water all over the bathroom.

Contact Information
phone: 480-970-1175
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